Childish, petulant Joe Biden refuses to speak to Governor Desantis ahead of Hurricane Ian

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Liar. We all know who the petulant child is.
Reality check:

Tracking President Donald Trump's campaign promises: The Trump-O-Meter is PolitiFact's meter for tracking 100 promises President Trump made during his 2016 campaign. (We tracked President Barack Obama’s promises when he was in office, too.) For each campaign promise, our reporters research the issue and then rate it based on whether the promise was achieved: Promise Kept, Promise Broken, Compromise, Stalled, In the Works or Not Yet Rated. We rate the promise not on the president's intentions or effort, but on verifiable outcomes.

Trump-O-Meter Scorecard​

Promise Kept​

24 Promises


23 Promises

Promise Broken​

55 Promises


0 Promises

In the Works​

0 Promises

Reality check:

Tracking President Donald Trump's campaign promises: The Trump-O-Meter is PolitiFact's meter for tracking 100 promises President Trump made during his 2016 campaign. (We tracked President Barack Obama’s promises when he was in office, too.) For each campaign promise, our reporters research the issue and then rate it based on whether the promise was achieved: Promise Kept, Promise Broken, Compromise, Stalled, In the Works or Not Yet Rated. We rate the promise not on the president's intentions or effort, but on verifiable outcomes.

Trump-O-Meter Scorecard​

Promise Kept​

24 Promises


23 Promises

Promise Broken​

55 Promises


0 Promises

In the Works​

0 Promises

None of those sites will give a good report on Trump.... you have to have been paying attention...
He stopped illegal immigration by having Mexico hold them... he created a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada... he got constitutional judges approved.... he undid the 8 year recession.... he brought jobs to the inner cities.... he got China to pay more in tariffs so trade would be more fair for our industries... he stopped the stupid Iran deal and moved the Embassy to Jerusalem.... he made a brokerage deal with Arab states and Israel... something even I thought was impossible... I could go on and on... don't read left wing links... do your own research....
Pedo Peter is withholding federal support for Florida while a Cat 4 hurricane bears down, because he's too scared to talk to Governor Desantis. Un-fucking-believable.

Go fuck yourself again, asshole.

Trump’s Disregard for Blue States Is at the Heart of His Shoddy COVID Response

As the pandemic swept through largely Democratic-voting states like New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey this spring, the early response from the Trump administration was defined by a catastrophic mix of ambivalence and incompetence. “Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,” President Trump said on a March 16 conference call with the nation’s governors, abdicating federal responsibility and sparking a bidding war among the states for limited hospital supplies. At least one auction was sent into further chaos when the federal government outbid states on the contracts.
Go fuck yourself again, asshole.

Trump’s Disregard for Blue States Is at the Heart of His Shoddy COVID Response

As the pandemic swept through largely Democratic-voting states like New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey this spring, the early response from the Trump administration was defined by a catastrophic mix of ambivalence and incompetence. “Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,” President Trump said on a March 16 conference call with the nation’s governors, abdicating federal responsibility and sparking a bidding war among the states for limited hospital supplies. At least one auction was sent into further chaos when the federal government outbid states on the contracts.

^^^Told ya! Biden and his fellow Nazis, like Synthaholic, WANT people to die in Florida, because Pedo Peter is too scared to face Desantis.
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