Childish Dain Bramaged Snowflakes Melting down: In The News


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Dems Demand Investigation Over Mnuchinā€™s ā€˜Lego Batmanā€™ Joke

"While they may be failing to whip 60 votes for a filibuster on SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch, struggling to craft a message, and left hanging on the Russia investigation, Democrats in Congress are at least going to nail down one Trump administration official for his comments about the LEGO Batman Movie.

Last week, Hollywood-executive-turned-Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin gave a short interview to Axios, where he refused to provide suggestions on which movies Americans should see because his advice could be construed as improper. He then went on to joke that families should consider an outing to see LEGO Batman, a movie he produced.

ā€œIā€™m not allowed to promote anything that Iā€™m involved in. So I just want to have the legal disclosure, youā€™ve asked me the question, and I am not promoting any product,ā€ Mnuchin said
on Friday. ā€œBut you should send all your kids to Lego Batman.ā€

Everyone was left laughing. Everyone, that is, execept Democratic Senator Ron Wyden.

Furious that Mnuchin would even dare to joke about his Hollywood connections in this terrifying, Trumpian climate of corruption, Wyden went immediately to the Office of Government Ethics, begging the director to launch a full investigation into whether Mnuchin was engaging in a conflict of interest with his off-the-cuff reference."
Trump and the Republicans must be in real trouble.

That's why his snowflake brigades have been ordered to deflect with butthurt threads like this.
Democrats are offended by reference to the 'Leggo Bat man Movie' and any encroachment on their control of Hollywood...and declaring Trump's win over Hillary will lead to the extinction of mankind...?!


Dude, let's be honest - this is proof that Shell-shocked, sore-loser, sour-grapes, butt-hurt, dain bramaged Snowflakes have lost their damn minds!
...not to mention that the new head of the DNC has called for the resignation of every staff member of the DNC after the

- embarrassing release of e-mails exposing they are filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites AND how they rigged their Primary, engaged in election fraud during the Primaries, and cheated in the debates by feeding Hillary the debate questions in advance...

- Hired 3 Pakistani IT specialists SPIES - who had criminal records, were tied to terrorists, engaged in domestic violence, kidnapped and held hostage their mother after supposedly killing their father and spending his / her cash - and gave them unauthorized access to secret House files and e-mails before they were placed under investigation for espionage and banned from the House

- Debbie Wasserman-Schults ignoring the investigation and House ban to hire one of them to be her aide then giving him access to an I-pad that contained Democrats' usernames, passwords, and e-mail access - the same e-mail hacked by the Russian spy agency Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary's campaign manager whose company board members consisted of 1/3rd prominent Russians connected to the Kremlin, who worked for the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails

- And finally the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back - the 2nd straight, back-to-back, historic, record-setting election defeat

causing the DNC to implode and completely change staff in an attempt to stave off their self-inflicted 'blood-letting / potential extinction'...

Michael Moore Says Trump Will Cause Human Extinction

"Liberal propagandist Michael Moore said Monday afternoon on Twitter that President Donald Trump will cause the "extinction of human life on earth."

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Haha...Funny fat slob he is.
Faggots are far more likely to cause "human extinction" by defying human instinct...has his fat disgusting ass ever said that? Of course not...he wouldn't dare risk alienating his puppets / followers and biting the hand that feeds him.
Democrats are offended by reference to the 'Leggo Bat man Movie' and any encroachment on their control of Hollywood...and declaring Trump's win over Hillary will lead to the extinction of mankind...?!

View attachment 119185

Dude, let's be honest - this is proof that Shell-shocked, sore-loser, sour-grapes, butt-hurt, dain bramaged Snowflakes have lost their damn minds!

How doth one lose that which one hath never been allowed to have?

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