Chicago's Minority Youngsters Dying


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Minority Youngsters Dying Weekly On Chicago's Streets
Fri May 8, 2009

CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- The Rev. Michael Pfleger has ordered the American flag at St. Sabina Church hung upside-down -- a historic sign of distress -- to symbolize the growing death toll among the city's youngsters.

1 of 3 So far this school year, 36 children and teens have been murdered -- more than one a week -- and Pfleger is among a chorus of weary Chicagoans who say the slayings aren't getting the attention they deserve.

Had 36 kids died of swine flu this year, "there would be this great influx of resources that say, 'Let's stop this, lets deal with this,' " Pfleger said.

Instead, because violence is driving the epidemic, "We're hiding it. We're ignoring it. We're denying the problems," he said.

Pfleger is not the first Chicagoan to express the sentiment. In 2007, after the city recorded 31 murdered children during the school year, Arne Duncan, then-CEO of public schools, expressed similar disappointment. Watch why the violence seems worse now »

Duncan, who now serves as President Obama's secretary of education, said "all hell would break loose" if these killings took place in one of the metro area's upscale enclaves.

"If that happened to one of Chicago's wealthiest suburbs -- and God forbid it ever did -- if it was a child being shot dead every two weeks in Hinsdale or Winnetka or Barrington, do you think the status quo would remain? There's no way it would," he said.

Asked who was failing the kids -- police? schools? city officials? -- she replied flatly, "We all are."

Officials say slayings ignored because victims are minorities.

Minority youngsters dying weekly on Chicago's streets -

Here is the video:
Minority youngsters dying weekly on Chicago's streets -

Looks like Obama is not having the influence that so many white Obama voters had hope for.

So why do "minoritys" blame America for there barbaric behaviour?

The fact is "minoritys" kill, rape, rob, and violently assault each other in there homelands at a far greated rate then they do in America.

How are "Americans" not supposed to feel superiour when they witness this "minority" behaviour?
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And you've just earned the first neg rep I've handed out in months, you fucking cockbag.
You cannot fix the ghetto till you fix the economy.

Even then it will take generations (if ever) to fix the zietgiest of the average Ghetto dweller.

Basically they all suffer from PTSD.
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And you've just earned the first neg rep I've handed out in months, you fucking cockbag.
Who cares about the first neg rep you handed out in months?

What about the fact that Chicago "minority" youngsters are killing, raping, and robbing each other at the highest rates ever?
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And you've just earned the first neg rep I've handed out in months, you fucking cockbag.
Who cares about the first neg rep you handed out in months?

What about the fact that Chicago "minority" youngsters are killing, raping, and robbing each other at the highest rates ever?

Why do they do it? I do not think we can help these people , no one can tell me they do not know right from wrong. To excuse them for Raping and killing because they are poor is no better than excusing spoiled rich kids for being self centered and uncaring.
How are "Americans" not supposed to feel superiour when they witness this "minority" behaviour?

You are an idiot. Not only did you misspell superior and behavior but the kids that have been killed are “Americans” and do not represent most minority behavior.
And you've just earned the first neg rep I've handed out in months, you fucking cockbag.

Great idea! I negged him too.

And pos rep for you for reminding me to do so.

Good thing Article15 didn't publicly announce when he neg repped me last month. I wouldn't want to be the victim of people just 'piling on' for the hell of it.

He neg repped you? When? Why?

Well...since you mention it, I think I'll neg rep you as well.
You cannot fix the ghetto till you fix the economy.

Even then it will take generations (if ever) to fix the zietgiest of the average Ghetto dweller.

Basically they all suffer from PTSD.

No, they "suffer" from being about 50,000 years behind whites in terms of evolution. No economy ever conceived of by man will change that. Blacks are quite literally a race of children, only with large, adult-sized bodies. Not an insult -- a reality. By IQ, the average black adult is about as intelligent as a white 11 to 15-year-old, and with the same (or less) capacity for self-control. So, if you ever wondered what it would look like if children had their own society, drive through a black ghetto.
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You cannot fix the ghetto till you fix the economy.

Even then it will take generations (if ever) to fix the zietgiest of the average Ghetto dweller.

Basically they all suffer from PTSD.

No, they "suffer" from being about 50,000 years behind whites in terms of evolution. No economy ever conceived of by man will change that. Blacks are quite literally a race of children, only with large, adult-sized bodies. Not an insult -- a reality. By IQ, the average black adult is about as intelligent as a white 11 to 15-year-old, and with the same (or less) capacity for self-control. So, if you ever wondered what it would look like if children had their own society, drive through a black ghetto.

There was a party at William Joyce's house last weekend. Here's a photo I took on my cell phone camera.


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