Chicago politician, an anti-gun extremist, has 23 guns in his office...but you shouldn't have any...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....guns are for the royalty and nobles...not for the working mom or the man protecting his family...from the very criminals that the democrat party keeps letting out of jail....

Anti-Gun Chicago Alderman Ed Burke Charged With Extortion, Had 23 Guns in His Office - The Truth About Guns

But in an almost Leland Yee-like twist, when the feds raided the allegedly corrupt alderman’s offices, they found the long-time gun control proponent was armed to the teeth.

…[F]ederal prosecutors revealed Thursday that nearly two dozen firearms were discovered in Ald. Ed Burke’s offices during their raids in November.

It’s still not known if the guns that were found in November were discovered at Burke’s ward office or at City Hall, but it’s hard to miss the irony of a staunch gun control advocate having to turn over 23 guns as a condition of his bond.

That’s right. Alderman Burke, the embodiment of the city’s corrupt political machine, a man who had campaigned for decades on gun control and Second Amendment restrictions, was found to have 23 firearms in his office.

From outlawing cell phone cases shaped like guns to bans on concealed weapons in places that serve alcohol and broadening the gun offender registry in Chicago, Ald. Ed Burke’s aldermanic record has defined him as an ardent supporter of gun control.

That’s why many people did a double take when federal prosecutors announced that investigators had found nearly two dozen guns not in his home but in his offices.

There’s no word how many he may have had in his home. If anti-gun politicians didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any at all.

This is yet another fine example of the authoritarian ruling class living the “laws are for thee, but not for me” life. Alderman Burke also appears to have violated one of Chicago’s many gun-free zones by keeping guns in his city hall offices.
Alderman Ed Burke charged with attempted extortion
Chicago and crime
Chicago and crime....go together like cheese and wine.
This I tell you brother, you can't have one without the other.

I get tired of the broken record effect of always pointing out the hypocrisy on the left, but it's always there.
And need I remind you of what city our most recent past president got his start in and what political machine
backed his career?

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