Cheering terrorism: Democrats must deal with their far-left antisemitism problem


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Just look on these boards. The moment you condemn Hamas for instance, you'll get the Dems on this board start shuffling their feet in reluctance to post anything that resembles a support of Israel, or a condemnation of Hamas terrorists.

If we’re ever going to obtain peace in the Middle East, we’re going to have to confront the reality of rabid antisemitism, not only in the Muslim world, but also in the the Democratic Party and in the news and cultural media whose political arm the Democrats comprise.

It’s easier to pretend it’s not there, but that won’t change anything. At some point soon, the party leadership will have to make a choice: either stand up to the strident hatred of Jews simmering under the surface of its progressive left wing or continue to let it simmer until it boils over

Deal with it? That is how they attract votes why change now? We warned you all, none of what we have seen across various policies and society has not been predictable.
Just look on these boards. The moment you condemn Hamas for instance, you'll get the Dems on this board start shuffling their feet in reluctance to post anything that resembles a support of Israel, or a condemnation of Hamas terrorists.

yet the nazis carry trump flags sand storm the capital. go figure.

the israelis and their american fundy allies (who only support israel until the jews are converted or killed iaw prophecy) will never give the palastinians a fair break., and why should they, the fake news is screaming about "beheaded babies."

'It's important to separate the facts from speculation': (re: beheaded babies in Israel)​

Source: SkyNews

'It's important to separate the facts from speculation': What we actually know about the viral report of beheaded babies in Israel — One journalist from the Tel Aviv-based news channel i24 said a soldier told her they had "witnessed… bodies of babies with their heads cut off" at the Kfar Aza kibbutz near the Gaza border - but no Israeli officials have confirmed the claim.

…Stuart Ramsay interviewed two IDF majors - one of whom was a spokesman.

Ramsay said: "At no point did either he, or the other major I spoke to, ever mention that Hamas had beheaded or killed 40 babies or children. I believe that if it were the case, they would have told me and others there.

…And another journalist, Oren Ziv, who works for independent news outlet 972 mag, was also present and given the opportunity to speak to "hundreds of soldiers on site".

In a post on X, he said of the baby claims: "During the tour we didn't see any evidence of this, and the army spokesperson or commanders also didn't mention any such incidents."

Read more: 'It's important to separate the facts from speculation': What we actually know about the viral report of beheaded babies in Israel

iow, we do not know what is really happening,
yet the nazis carry trump flags sand storm the capital. go figure.

the israelis and their american fundy allies (who only support israel until the jews are converted or killed iaw prophecy) will never give the palastinians a fair break., and why should they, the fake news is screaming about "beheaded babies."

'It's important to separate the facts from speculation': (re: beheaded babies in Israel)​

Source: SkyNews

'It's important to separate the facts from speculation': What we actually know about the viral report of beheaded babies in Israel — One journalist from the Tel Aviv-based news channel i24 said a soldier told her they had "witnessed… bodies of babies with their heads cut off" at the Kfar Aza kibbutz near the Gaza border - but no Israeli officials have confirmed the claim.

…Stuart Ramsay interviewed two IDF majors - one of whom was a spokesman.

Ramsay said: "At no point did either he, or the other major I spoke to, ever mention that Hamas had beheaded or killed 40 babies or children. I believe that if it were the case, they would have told me and others there.

…And another journalist, Oren Ziv, who works for independent news outlet 972 mag, was also present and given the opportunity to speak to "hundreds of soldiers on site".

In a post on X, he said of the baby claims: "During the tour we didn't see any evidence of this, and the army spokesperson or commanders also didn't mention any such incidents."

Read more: 'It's important to separate the facts from speculation': What we actually know about the viral report of beheaded babies in Israel

iow, we do not know what is really happening,
Nazis carry Trump flags?

Trump signed a peace deal with Israel and her Arab neighbors fool.

Why was that?
yet the nazis carry trump flags sand storm the capital. go figure.

the israelis and their american fundy allies (who only support israel until the jews are converted or killed iaw prophecy) will never give the palastinians a fair break., and why should they, the fake news is screaming about "beheaded babies."

'It's important to separate the facts from speculation': (re: beheaded babies in Israel)​

Source: SkyNews

'It's important to separate the facts from speculation': What we actually know about the viral report of beheaded babies in Israel — One journalist from the Tel Aviv-based news channel i24 said a soldier told her they had "witnessed… bodies of babies with their heads cut off" at the Kfar Aza kibbutz near the Gaza border - but no Israeli officials have confirmed the claim.

…Stuart Ramsay interviewed two IDF majors - one of whom was a spokesman.

Ramsay said: "At no point did either he, or the other major I spoke to, ever mention that Hamas had beheaded or killed 40 babies or children. I believe that if it were the case, they would have told me and others there.

…And another journalist, Oren Ziv, who works for independent news outlet 972 mag, was also present and given the opportunity to speak to "hundreds of soldiers on site".

In a post on X, he said of the baby claims: "During the tour we didn't see any evidence of this, and the army spokesperson or commanders also didn't mention any such incidents."

Read more: 'It's important to separate the facts from speculation': What we actually know about the viral report of beheaded babies in Israel

iow, we do not know what is really happening,
nazis are leftists rumpart, you goosestepping brownshirts already know that.
And you prove it with your disdain for Jews as brought forth in your post.
Sieg Heil!

Democrats must deal with their far-left antisemitism problem​



Joe is giving his Mr. Rogers I love Jewish people speech now. Never mind factions in his party and even when he was V.P. when Netanyahu came to the U.S. and the White House told him to go ph uk himself. He really means it this time.
The Right not only has a problem with being anti-Jews, they also have a problem with being anti-Muslims.

And blacks. And gays. And Mexicans. Et cetera.

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