Cheap Green energy Apocalypse


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
“What we’re hearing is terrible. We’re seeing closures have already started, I fully expect there will be more closures and staff put off. When you’re running a small supermarket, where do you find an extra $70,000?”

The price hikes hitting businesses of up 120 per cent — dwarfing the 20 per cent increases faced by households — have been partly blamed on the closure of cheap coal-fired power stations, including Hazelwood in Victoria and Playford in South Australia. ‘This is the biggest business crisis I’ve seen in my lifetime’
What happens as this snowballs? Business closes shop which means more of cost has to fall on the public who certainly wont be able to afford these kind of increase especially those who have lost their jobs because their companies shuttered.
“What we’re hearing is terrible. We’re seeing closures have already started, I fully expect there will be more closures and staff put off. When you’re running a small supermarket, where do you find an extra $70,000?”

The price hikes hitting businesses of up 120 per cent — dwarfing the 20 per cent increases faced by households — have been partly blamed on the closure of cheap coal-fired power stations, including Hazelwood in Victoria and Playford in South Australia. ‘This is the biggest business crisis I’ve seen in my lifetime’
What happens as this snowballs? Business closes shop which means more of cost has to fall on the public who certainly wont be able to afford these kind of increase especially those who have lost their jobs because their companies shuttered.
We'll figure it out. Coal is far from clean. It's toxic both physiologically and socially. The TVA coal ash spill is a prime example. First of all, the ecosystem was poisoned and destroyed, homes and families ruined. Second, hundreds in the cleanup crew were straight up lied to about the toxicity of the stuff and are now dieing and racking up huge medical bills. It has to stop. We'll find a way, but for sure coal and the other fossil fuel industries need to come to a close as one single pillar of simply preserving our society, our species, our ecosystems. The writing is on the wall. There will be costs and that's just something that has to be shouldered. We should not care much about these company's insane long term investments. They need to start spooling down and diversifying into low impact alternatives.
Try addressing topic of the absolute destruction of people's lives caused by nothing more than propaganda.
The price of natural gas just sky rocketed. So that makes renewables all the more desirable. Coal is a loser. Were the energy companies to be charged for the externalities involved in the use of coal, their costs would be triple.
The price of natural gas just sky rocketed. So that makes renewables all the more desirable. Coal is a loser. Were the energy companies to be charged for the externalities involved in the use of coal, their costs would be triple.
spouting your lies over and over doesn't make them any less lies...…
The price of natural gas just sky rocketed. So that makes renewables all the more desirable. Coal is a loser. Were the energy companies to be charged for the externalities involved in the use of coal, their costs would be triple.
spouting your lies over and over doesn't make them any less lies...…

And makes them considerably less funny.
“What we’re hearing is terrible. We’re seeing closures have already started, I fully expect there will be more closures and staff put off. When you’re running a small supermarket, where do you find an extra $70,000?”

The price hikes hitting businesses of up 120 per cent — dwarfing the 20 per cent increases faced by households — have been partly blamed on the closure of cheap coal-fired power stations, including Hazelwood in Victoria and Playford in South Australia. ‘This is the biggest business crisis I’ve seen in my lifetime’
What happens as this snowballs? Business closes shop which means more of cost has to fall on the public who certainly wont be able to afford these kind of increase especially those who have lost their jobs because their companies shuttered.

If it affects every business, then you can just pass it down as price increase and not lose to competition. In the statistical terms of the OP.
If the news coming out of China is true, they’ve successfully run a fusion reactor at temperatures many times that of the core of the sun.This would change the whole ball game . Now all we need is a government willing to hack Chinese intellectual property (as the Chinese have been doing for decades) and duplicate their success. There is however the possibility the Chinese haven’t succeeded with fusion reaction and are simply lying about it as they’ve lied about so many things such as their supposedly 5th generation stealth fighters.
In the US though none of this matters with an executive branch gleefully denying climate change and encouraging dirty energy rolling the country backwards into the dark ages.
I've burnt coal before , a lot dirtier than wood.

fwiw, neither are considered renewable , even trough land management

but i digress, the article is months old austrailain sourced. I'm not up on what's going down under, but i do know all our GE mark5 nukes are being decomissioned ,mainly because they were all built in the same era, thus life spans.....

so now they've been building the northern pass on down through NE from Quebec
Project Overview

as well as buying up all the small poco's along the way

AND, lobbying the PSB's for rate hikes

Can U say foriegn oil? Add to that trade wars with Canada.....

seriously, now's the best time to sniff out any solar subsidization.....

“What we’re hearing is terrible. We’re seeing closures have already started, I fully expect there will be more closures and staff put off. When you’re running a small supermarket, where do you find an extra $70,000?”

The price hikes hitting businesses of up 120 per cent — dwarfing the 20 per cent increases faced by households — have been partly blamed on the closure of cheap coal-fired power stations, including Hazelwood in Victoria and Playford in South Australia. ‘This is the biggest business crisis I’ve seen in my lifetime’
What happens as this snowballs? Business closes shop which means more of cost has to fall on the public who certainly wont be able to afford these kind of increase especially those who have lost their jobs because their companies shuttered.

If it affects every business, then you can just pass it down as price increase and not lose to competition. In the statistical terms of the OP.
Well damn how stupid are they...…..what an idiot.....
“What we’re hearing is terrible. We’re seeing closures have already started, I fully expect there will be more closures and staff put off. When you’re running a small supermarket, where do you find an extra $70,000?”

The price hikes hitting businesses of up 120 per cent — dwarfing the 20 per cent increases faced by households — have been partly blamed on the closure of cheap coal-fired power stations, including Hazelwood in Victoria and Playford in South Australia. ‘This is the biggest business crisis I’ve seen in my lifetime’
What happens as this snowballs? Business closes shop which means more of cost has to fall on the public who certainly wont be able to afford these kind of increase especially those who have lost their jobs because their companies shuttered.

If it affects every business, then you can just pass it down as price increase and not lose to competition. In the statistical terms of the OP.
Well damn how stupid are they...…..what an idiot.....

No, the problem is real. I was only sarcastic. Thank the mess to the socialists. It goes deeper than just coal plants.

Levelized Cost of Energy 2017

Wind and solar are both continuing to decline in price, while coal and gas are increasing in price.
“What we’re hearing is terrible. We’re seeing closures have already started, I fully expect there will be more closures and staff put off. When you’re running a small supermarket, where do you find an extra $70,000?”

The price hikes hitting businesses of up 120 per cent — dwarfing the 20 per cent increases faced by households — have been partly blamed on the closure of cheap coal-fired power stations, including Hazelwood in Victoria and Playford in South Australia. ‘This is the biggest business crisis I’ve seen in my lifetime’
What happens as this snowballs? Business closes shop which means more of cost has to fall on the public who certainly wont be able to afford these kind of increase especially those who have lost their jobs because their companies shuttered.
We'll figure it out. Coal is far from clean. It's toxic both physiologically and socially. The TVA coal ash spill is a prime example. First of all, the ecosystem was poisoned and destroyed, homes and families ruined. Second, hundreds in the cleanup crew were straight up lied to about the toxicity of the stuff and are now dieing and racking up huge medical bills. It has to stop. We'll find a way, but for sure coal and the other fossil fuel industries need to come to a close as one single pillar of simply preserving our society, our species, our ecosystems. The writing is on the wall. There will be costs and that's just something that has to be shouldered. We should not care much about these company's insane long term investments. They need to start spooling down and diversifying into low impact alternatives.

Govt shouldn't run the biggest polluting coal plants in this country.. And the worst example you gave is the TVA ash pond disaster here in Tenn.. Reason they aren't being cleaned up is brain dead regulation. You cant get a certificate to just upgrade a PART of the plant. You need to practically REBUILD it to get a maintenance cert.

I'd be fine with closing more coal plants on TWO CONDITIONS...

1) I don't ever have to hear again about Green and Clean "biomass conversion" on the list of fantasy "alternatives". If you can burn GARBAGE cleanly, then we can burn coal cleanly IF we wanted to... And I believe that is TOTALLY POSSIBLE -- if you discount CO2 emissions and just consider ACTUAL pollutants..

2) We commit to an expedited certification and build-out of about 80 new nuclear plants BEFORE we start to dismantle the coal plants. Seems greenies are MORE afraid of that -- then they are about about pollution or global warning. And don't tell me we can't store or recycle the fuel --- when it takes only 0.7 oz/household to run an average American house.
Most effective way of reducing Carbon Dioxide emissions would be to ban beer - a substance just full of CO2 oozing out right off the top.

Some Democrat will run for Congress in a working-class district with that as top agenda item.

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