Chavez to Recall Overseas Gold Reserves

Several years ago I offered my services as an armorer to Venezuela should the US decide to send in it's band of brainwashed meatheads.
Watch out for my snipers ! Vz aint a desert. Remember Nam ? The terrain in Vz makes Nam look like a public park.

An assault on Vz brings you the Chinese. Will Barry bleat "Bring it on" ?
If he did, I recommend moving in with Terrel.


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Several years ago I offered my services as an armorer to Venezuela should the US decide to send in it's band of brainwashed meatheads.
Watch out for my snipers ! Vz aint a desert. Remember Nam ? The terrain in Vz makes Nam look like a public park.

An assault on Vz brings you the Chinese. Will Barry bleat "Bring it on" ?
If he did, I recommend moving in with Terrel.

I hear you loud and clear. What follows is a piece written by a friend of mine, reprinted with his permission.

Chavez rolls the dice

By Edmund Ruffian

Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez has taken the opportunity presented to him by the over-extension of US power in three simultaneous wars to attempt to bring all the gold owned by his country home. His order to Britain to send him the 100 tons of Veneuelan gold stored in London was followed immediately by a downgrade of Venezuela by Standard and Poor’s.

The very idea of Britain sending 100 tons of gold to Venezuela is laughable. The gold is not there. The banksters have long since stolen it. On paper, Venezuela owns more gold than does the UK, since the genius, Gordon Brown, sold over half of England’s stash at an average price of $275/ounce a decade ago. Unfortunately for Chavez, most of his gold is stored in various bankster controlled banks in Europe. The banksters have long since divvied it up among themselves. Chavez may receive a load of Tungsten bars painted yellow, but 100 tons of gold, NO!

Such a move by Chavez shows either great courage or lunacy, given what is happening to Gaddafi in Libya. Gaddafi started talking about selling his oil for gold back in 2002. Late last year, having accumulated 150 tons of gold, he actually started doing so, on a small scale. Within weeks, he was under attack by the full force of the NATO powers, whose only interest, they said, was protecting Gaddafi’s people from their government. Here is a good video, if you can stand the dubbing: [ame=""][/ame]

Most people believed Obama when he said the war on Libya would only last a couple of weeks, because, after all, how long could a nation of 6 million hold out against the power of ZOG? The mistake came as a result of underestimating the loyalty of a population which enjoyed a standard of living far beyond that of the great majority of people in the leading nations of the West. A cash per capita income of $15K, plus free education through university, free medical care, no personal taxes, $64,000 to each newlywed couple for a house, 50% subsidy for purchase of an auto, $7,000 cash for every newborn baby, no interest paid by the people to the banksters on anything, and food at a nominal price for all families are enough to buy the loyalty of any population.

After absorbing more bombs per square mile than any country since Vietnam, Libya is on the verge of capitulating to the banksters as I type. Gaddafi has tried on several occasions to work our a surrender, but ZOG is controlled by people who always kill their enemies and their offspring. The Gaddafi family will be destroyed in the same way the Hussein family in iraq was destroyed: No male members will be left alive. That's the way our masters work.

This puts ZOG, and Obama in particular, in a serious bind. Obama must attack Iran, or the banksters will replace him next year with someone who will. To divert enough resources to occupy Venezuela, which will have to be done almost totally by American forces, would make an attack on Iran impossible.

Chavez is not really that smart, but he might just have got lucky. We shall see.​
Why should we invade?

Chavez owns Citgo. Now that Republicans have made corporations people, he can throw unlimited money into American elections. I hear the Chamber of Commerce has the market for Republican politicians cornered.

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