Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to “STAND DOWN” to Ignite Race War

Ruh-roh, looks like I triggered another OP.


Triggered assholes like you are really precious



I've got you so triggered, you're about to pop an aneurysm.

You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?



Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?

Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.
They also let a car and driver into an area designated for protesters. See imbecile no car should have been there. This is like a car in the middle of a concert running down the fans, but the police never said no you can't go in there, in fact they were not allowed to do or say anything.

Your lack of care for the people is what makes you a baby killer.

Trump is already elected in 2020 after this democratic killing spree

Next moron
What a flaming imbecile you are. :cuckoo: Why wouldn't he be allowed to drive on the street? That was a through street and was open to traffic.

Because the entire area was or should have been closed down for the protest. This is what the police should have done, but since the were ordered to do nothing and watch the riot, that is what they did.
Why? I don't believe that particular street was designated for protesters and other traffic was flowing through there. Traffic wasn't the problem. The police weren't the problem. The protesters weren't the problem.

The problem was the lunatic rightwinger who decided to become a murderer.

You are mentally ill if you believe that traffic was flowing thru a street clogged with people.

You studied at Harvard Law school right?

PS. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard.

Have you thought about adopting a baby seal?

You know, to make the World a better place

Adopt a Harp Seal - Symbolic Adoption - Adoption Center |
Imbecile... by "flowing," I mean it was open to traffic. There were no problems with any other drivers. Just the one lunatic rightwingnut who decided to murder people that day.

There were no other drivers asswipe.....................Just one schizzo that the dems brought in to run over the Nazis. The thing is that schizzos do not know a Nazi from a goldfish.
Ruh-roh, looks like I triggered another OP.


Triggered assholes like you are really precious



I've got you so triggered, you're about to pop an aneurysm.

You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?



Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

Ya know I like you, but then I enjoy hemorrhoids with whipped cream too.............

This is your trusted news source, watch the mongoloid explain how Trump can't win. On MSNBC, the nations most trusted comedy network


Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:
Triggered assholes like you are really precious



I've got you so triggered, you're about to pop an aneurysm.

You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?



Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?

Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

The mayor complemented the cops on the job they did. He seems to think they did fine.

Seems odd that a mayor who had a deadly riot in his streets would be happy with the job the cops did.
What a flaming imbecile you are. :cuckoo: Why wouldn't he be allowed to drive on the street? That was a through street and was open to traffic.

Because the entire area was or should have been closed down for the protest. This is what the police should have done, but since the were ordered to do nothing and watch the riot, that is what they did.
Why? I don't believe that particular street was designated for protesters and other traffic was flowing through there. Traffic wasn't the problem. The police weren't the problem. The protesters weren't the problem.

The problem was the lunatic rightwinger who decided to become a murderer.

You are mentally ill if you believe that traffic was flowing thru a street clogged with people.

You studied at Harvard Law school right?

PS. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard.

Have you thought about adopting a baby seal?

You know, to make the World a better place

Adopt a Harp Seal - Symbolic Adoption - Adoption Center |
Imbecile... by "flowing," I mean it was open to traffic. There were no problems with any other drivers. Just the one lunatic rightwingnut who decided to murder people that day.

There were no other drivers asswipe.....................Just one schizzo that the dems brought in to run over the Nazis. The thing is that schizzos do not know a Nazi from a goldfish.

No other drivers?

And you're questioning my IQ??



What caused Fields' car to stop advancing further into that crowd?

Triggered assholes like you are really precious



I've got you so triggered, you're about to pop an aneurysm.

You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?



Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?

Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

Yes there is...................

A photo speaks a thousand words, and is most certainly admissible as evidence.

They stood and watched


Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

Ya know you might even be dumb enough to have studied law at Cornell..................

I've got you so triggered, you're about to pop an aneurysm.

You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?
Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

The mayor complemented the cops on the job they did. He seems to think they did fine.

Seems odd that a mayor who had a deadly riot in his streets would be happy with the job the cops did.
Sorry, you're gonna have to supply links to verifiable sites. Your word means nothing more than newspunch's.

I've got you so triggered, you're about to pop an aneurysm.

You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?
Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

Yes there is...................

A photo speaks a thousand words, and is most certainly admissible as evidence.

They stood and watched


Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

Ya know you might even be dumb enough to have studied law at Cornell..................
Putz, there's no rioting evident in that photo to warrant police interference.

And Cornell? Please.
You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?
Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

The mayor complemented the cops on the job they did. He seems to think they did fine.

Seems odd that a mayor who had a deadly riot in his streets would be happy with the job the cops did.
Sorry, you're gonna have to supply links to verifiable sites. Your word means nothing more than newspunch's.

Charlottesville mayor defends police response to deadly protests

"Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer defended the police and their response to protests by white nationalists and subsequently by counter-protesters that turned deadly and violent on Saturday.

John Dickerson, host of CBS' Face the Nation, pointed out to Signer a Washington Post story said the police efforts, "at first seemed an anemic response from authorities."

"You know, I think that's — that's totally mistaken," Signer said.

"We had the single largest assembly of law enforcement officers since 9/11, almost a thousand law enforcement personnel."

Both the white nationalist protesters and those from the counter-protesters have made accusations the police should have done more to stay between the two groups."

Wow. BOTH sides (and you) think the cops didn't do enough, while the Mayor is fine with the job they did.
You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.
You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?
Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

The mayor complemented the cops on the job they did. He seems to think they did fine.

Seems odd that a mayor who had a deadly riot in his streets would be happy with the job the cops did.
Sorry, you're gonna have to supply links to verifiable sites. Your word means nothing more than newspunch's.

Is this you?


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?
Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

The mayor complemented the cops on the job they did. He seems to think they did fine.

Seems odd that a mayor who had a deadly riot in his streets would be happy with the job the cops did.
Sorry, you're gonna have to supply links to verifiable sites. Your word means nothing more than newspunch's.

I do not have to do anything, and nothing is going to be won here. See only 20 people in the World are ever going to read this, you with your grandiose delusions think that you are saving the World. Listen to your President tonight for guidance and please take your Zoloft already.

LOL, delusions of grandeur explained

A delusion of grandeur is the fixed, false belief that one possesses superior qualities such as genius, fame, omnipotence, or wealth. It is most often a symptom of schizophrenia, but can also be a symptom found in psychotic or bipolar disorders, as well as dementia (such as Alzheimer’s).

People with a delusion of grandeur often have the conviction of having some great but unrecognized talent or insight. They may also believe they have made some important discovery that others don’t understand or appreciate.

Less commonly, the individual may have the delusion of having a special relationship with a prominent person (such as being an adviser to the President). Or the person may believe that actually are a very prominent and important person, in which case the actual person may be regarded as an imposter.

Grandiose delusions may have religious content, such as the person believes he or she has received a special message from God or another deity.

Sometimes, in popular language, this disorder may be known as “megalomania,” but is more accurately referred to as narcissistic personality disorder if it is a core component of a person’s personality and identity. In such disorders, the person has a greatly out-of-proportion sense of their own worth and value in the world. People with this issue can also sometimes have a taste for the finer, more extravagant things in life.

Sometimes drug use or abuse can intensify or bring on episodes of delusion of grandeur. People who take phencyclidine (PCP) or amphetamines are especially at risk. People who are high and experience a delusion of grandeur may be at increased risk for physically harmful behavior. For instance, if you believe you are capable of flying after taking PCP, and try to jump off a 10-story building based upon that false belief, you may be at serious risk of death.
Triggered assholes like you are really precious



I've got you so triggered, you're about to pop an aneurysm.

You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?



Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

Ya know I like you, but then I enjoy hemorrhoids with whipped cream too.............

This is your trusted news source, watch the mongoloid explain how Trump can't win. On MSNBC, the nations most trusted comedy network


Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:

As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I've got you so triggered, you're about to pop an aneurysm.

You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

Ya know I like you, but then I enjoy hemorrhoids with whipped cream too.............

This is your trusted news source, watch the mongoloid explain how Trump can't win. On MSNBC, the nations most trusted comedy network


Great, you're triggered again.

MSNBC isn't a news source I trust.

Do you ever tire of making a complete ass of yourself? :lol:

As if anyone was predicting a Trump victory. Oh, Michael Moore.

I was on this very site saying it could happen if he could run up the white vote in the Rust Belt.

Which is exactly what happened.
You must take a lot of drugs yourself kid as you appear to be severely delusional. Now if I am wrong and you do not take lots of drugs, then it's time to start. You are the only halfwit arguing, everyone else is agreeing with and thanking me.

Is this you?


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?
Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

Yes there is...................

A photo speaks a thousand words, and is most certainly admissible as evidence.

They stood and watched


Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

Ya know you might even be dumb enough to have studied law at Cornell..................
Putz, there's no rioting evident in that photo to warrant police interference.

And Cornell? Please.

Take your Zyprexa already, the camera is fixed on cops watching the violence, AND NOT LETTING THE KILLERS ESCAPE UNTIL SOMEONE DIES.

Her name is Heather Heyer


Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?
Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

The mayor complemented the cops on the job they did. He seems to think they did fine.

Seems odd that a mayor who had a deadly riot in his streets would be happy with the job the cops did.
Sorry, you're gonna have to supply links to verifiable sites. Your word means nothing more than newspunch's.

Charlottesville mayor defends police response to deadly protests

"Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer defended the police and their response to protests by white nationalists and subsequently by counter-protesters that turned deadly and violent on Saturday.

John Dickerson, host of CBS' Face the Nation, pointed out to Signer a Washington Post story said the police efforts, "at first seemed an anemic response from authorities."

"You know, I think that's — that's totally mistaken," Signer said.

"We had the single largest assembly of law enforcement officers since 9/11, almost a thousand law enforcement personnel."

Both the white nationalist protesters and those from the counter-protesters have made accusations the police should have done more to stay between the two groups."

Wow. BOTH sides (and you) think the cops didn't do enough, while the Mayor is fine with the job they did.
While the mayor doesn't actually say that as implicitly as you imply, so what? So what if the mayor was defending his police force?
So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?
Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

The mayor complemented the cops on the job they did. He seems to think they did fine.

Seems odd that a mayor who had a deadly riot in his streets would be happy with the job the cops did.
Sorry, you're gonna have to supply links to verifiable sites. Your word means nothing more than newspunch's.

Charlottesville mayor defends police response to deadly protests

"Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer defended the police and their response to protests by white nationalists and subsequently by counter-protesters that turned deadly and violent on Saturday.

John Dickerson, host of CBS' Face the Nation, pointed out to Signer a Washington Post story said the police efforts, "at first seemed an anemic response from authorities."

"You know, I think that's — that's totally mistaken," Signer said.

"We had the single largest assembly of law enforcement officers since 9/11, almost a thousand law enforcement personnel."

Both the white nationalist protesters and those from the counter-protesters have made accusations the police should have done more to stay between the two groups."

Wow. BOTH sides (and you) think the cops didn't do enough, while the Mayor is fine with the job they did.
While the mayor doesn't actually say that as implicitly as you imply, so what? So what if the mayor was defending his police force?

Because his police force did a crappy job and allowed a deadly riot to take place.

Any good mayor would be unhappy with that and demand either heads rolling or at least an investigation.

The last thing he would want if he gave the order to stand down.
So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?
Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

The mayor complemented the cops on the job they did. He seems to think they did fine.

Seems odd that a mayor who had a deadly riot in his streets would be happy with the job the cops did.
Sorry, you're gonna have to supply links to verifiable sites. Your word means nothing more than newspunch's.

Charlottesville mayor defends police response to deadly protests

"Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer defended the police and their response to protests by white nationalists and subsequently by counter-protesters that turned deadly and violent on Saturday.

John Dickerson, host of CBS' Face the Nation, pointed out to Signer a Washington Post story said the police efforts, "at first seemed an anemic response from authorities."

"You know, I think that's — that's totally mistaken," Signer said.

"We had the single largest assembly of law enforcement officers since 9/11, almost a thousand law enforcement personnel."

Both the white nationalist protesters and those from the counter-protesters have made accusations the police should have done more to stay between the two groups."

Wow. BOTH sides (and you) think the cops didn't do enough, while the Mayor is fine with the job they did.
While the mayor doesn't actually say that as implicitly as you imply, so what? So what if the mayor was defending his police force?

The mayor has an attorney to represent him now as a civil rights investigation has been launched because of his evil racist heart

Some other idiots agree with you and you think that makes you right??


Imbecile.... your source is, who repeated the story from Not exactly the paragon of veracity.

So, why to you think the cops stood by and let the riot happen?
Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

The mayor complemented the cops on the job they did. He seems to think they did fine.

Seems odd that a mayor who had a deadly riot in his streets would be happy with the job the cops did.
Sorry, you're gonna have to supply links to verifiable sites. Your word means nothing more than newspunch's.

I do not have to do anything, and nothing is going to be won here. See only 20 people in the World are ever going to read this, you with your grandiose delusions think that you are saving the World. Listen to your President tonight for guidance and please take your Zoloft already.

LOL, delusions of grandeur explained

A delusion of grandeur is the fixed, false belief that one possesses superior qualities such as genius, fame, omnipotence, or wealth. It is most often a symptom of schizophrenia, but can also be a symptom found in psychotic or bipolar disorders, as well as dementia (such as Alzheimer’s).

People with a delusion of grandeur often have the conviction of having some great but unrecognized talent or insight. They may also believe they have made some important discovery that others don’t understand or appreciate.

Less commonly, the individual may have the delusion of having a special relationship with a prominent person (such as being an adviser to the President). Or the person may believe that actually are a very prominent and important person, in which case the actual person may be regarded as an imposter.

Grandiose delusions may have religious content, such as the person believes he or she has received a special message from God or another deity.

Sometimes, in popular language, this disorder may be known as “megalomania,” but is more accurately referred to as narcissistic personality disorder if it is a core component of a person’s personality and identity. In such disorders, the person has a greatly out-of-proportion sense of their own worth and value in the world. People with this issue can also sometimes have a taste for the finer, more extravagant things in life.

Sometimes drug use or abuse can intensify or bring on episodes of delusion of grandeur. People who take phencyclidine (PCP) or amphetamines are especially at risk. People who are high and experience a delusion of grandeur may be at increased risk for physically harmful behavior. For instance, if you believe you are capable of flying after taking PCP, and try to jump off a 10-story building based upon that false belief, you may be at serious risk of death.
^^^ triggered again.


Putz, that post wasn't even directed at you. :eusa_doh:
The mayor and governor permitted hostilities that were causal to her death
Strawman. Did they do enough? No. Did they stand down to let the two sides fight? There's no evidence to support that.

The mayor complemented the cops on the job they did. He seems to think they did fine.

Seems odd that a mayor who had a deadly riot in his streets would be happy with the job the cops did.
Sorry, you're gonna have to supply links to verifiable sites. Your word means nothing more than newspunch's.

Charlottesville mayor defends police response to deadly protests

"Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer defended the police and their response to protests by white nationalists and subsequently by counter-protesters that turned deadly and violent on Saturday.

John Dickerson, host of CBS' Face the Nation, pointed out to Signer a Washington Post story said the police efforts, "at first seemed an anemic response from authorities."

"You know, I think that's — that's totally mistaken," Signer said.

"We had the single largest assembly of law enforcement officers since 9/11, almost a thousand law enforcement personnel."

Both the white nationalist protesters and those from the counter-protesters have made accusations the police should have done more to stay between the two groups."

Wow. BOTH sides (and you) think the cops didn't do enough, while the Mayor is fine with the job they did.
While the mayor doesn't actually say that as implicitly as you imply, so what? So what if the mayor was defending his police force?

The mayor has an attorney to represent him now as a civil rights investigation has been launched because of his evil racist heart
So what if the mayor lawyered up? What do you think that means?

And I'm glad there's a federal investigation into this. That opens the possibility that Fields can be charged for murder by both the state and the federal government. If he's convicted, hopefully they can double that rightwingnut's sentence.

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