Changes after Arab upheaval in favor of Palestinians

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- Deputy chairman of the Change and Reform bloc in the Palestinian Legislative Council Ismail Al-Ashkar said revolutions sweeping Arab nations will cause major positive changes to the Palestinian cause.

With the collapse of the alleged peace process and disband of the Arab quartet, there will be major changes to the Oslo peace accords, he said.

He called on Oslo accords under signers to admit to peace process failures and make reforms to the shot-calling PLO that would disallow concessions on Palestinian rights.

The power shift in the region will be in the Palestinians' interest whether directly or indirectly, said Change and Reform bloc representative Mushir al-Masri.

He added that the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah was going through a political crisis amid repercussions following the revolutionary wave in the region and leaked documents revealing unprecedented concessions on land and the refugees' right to return.

MP Ashkar: Changes after Arab upheaval in favor of Palestinians
GAZA, (PIC)-- Deputy chairman of the Change and Reform bloc in the Palestinian Legislative Council Ismail Al-Ashkar said revolutions sweeping Arab nations will cause major positive changes to the Palestinian cause.

With the collapse of the alleged peace process and disband of the Arab quartet, there will be major changes to the Oslo peace accords, he said.

He called on Oslo accords under signers to admit to peace process failures and make reforms to the shot-calling PLO that would disallow concessions on Palestinian rights.

The power shift in the region will be in the Palestinians' interest whether directly or indirectly, said Change and Reform bloc representative Mushir al-Masri.

He added that the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah was going through a political crisis amid repercussions following the revolutionary wave in the region and leaked documents revealing unprecedented concessions on land and the refugees' right to return.

MP Ashkar: Changes after Arab upheaval in favor of Palestinians
Yeah the six day war, went well last time didn't it (even if Egypt, and the Arab world epic failed in every area of the battlefield). Not to mention if you succeed, there will be no Middle East, no Palestine, no Israel, no EU...just nuclear wasteland. :eusa_eh:
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But anyone surveying the catastrophe in Gaza -- the mass destruction, the death toll of more than 100 Palestinians for every Israeli, the thousands of sadistic injuries -- would surely conclude that Palestinians could never overcome Israel and resistance is a delusion at best.

True, in terms of ability to murder and destroy, Israel is unmatched. But Israel's problem is not, as its propaganda insists, "terrorism" to be defeated by sufficient application of high explosives. Its problem is legitimacy, or rather a profound and irreversible lack of it. Israel simply cannot bomb its way to legitimacy.

Israel was founded as a "Jewish state" through the ethnic cleansing of Palestine's non-Jewish majority Arab population. It has been maintained in existence only through Western support and constant use of violence to prevent the surviving indigenous population from exercising political rights within the country, or returning from forced exile.

Despite this, today, 50 percent of the people living under Israeli rule in historic Palestine (Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip) are Palestinians, not Jews. And their numbers are growing rapidly. Like Nationalists in Northern Ireland or non-whites in South Africa, Palestinians will never recognize the "right" of a settler-colonial society to maintain an ethnocractic state at their expense through violence, repression and racism.

For years, the goal of the so-called peace process was to normalize Israel as a "Jewish state" and gain Palestinians' blessing for their own dispossession and subjugation. When this failed, Israel tried "disengagement" in Gaza -- essentially a ruse to convince the rest of the world that the 1.5 million Palestinians caged in there should no longer be counted as part of the population. They were in Israel's definition a "hostile entity."

ei: Why Israel won't survive
But anyone surveying the catastrophe in Gaza -- the mass destruction, the death toll of more than 100 Palestinians for every Israeli, the thousands of sadistic injuries -- would surely conclude that Palestinians could never overcome Israel and resistance is a delusion at best.
“On a day when (because EU Foreign Policy Chief Baroness Ashton is in Gaza) the BBC and other media have featured extensive reports all day long on what they term the dire economic situation in Gaza, why are they not mentioning the new shopping mall that opened there yesterday?" Tom Gross
Israel was founded as a "Jewish state" through the ethnic cleansing of Palestine's non-Jewish majority Arab population. It has been maintained in existence only through Western support and constant use of violence to prevent the surviving indigenous population from exercising political rights within the country, or returning from forced exile.
Reviewing the UNSCOP remark: "The only solution of tile problem put forward by the Arab Higher Committee was the immediate establishment of all independent Arab Government, which would deal with the 400.000 Jews now in Palestine as it thought fit."
For the sake of political correctness, Bunkin Moon-style, we may say it was evil of joose to show arabs how backward the latter had been. It is no wonder then, that, all the neighboring arab bums would have wanted to get in and, with their appetites growing, to grab it all for themselves through killing joze and plundering of the joze infidel property.
It has nothing to do with Jews per se, it is about a foreign takeover of their country. If they were Buddhists or Hindus the response would be the same.
It has nothing to do with Jews per se, it is about a foreign takeover of their country. If they were Buddhists or Hindus the response would be the same.
"So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Churchill.
It has nothing to do with Jews per se, it is about a foreign takeover of their country. If they were Buddhists or Hindus the response would be the same.
"So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Churchill.

The Arab population decreased from about 93% to about 65% between the turn of the century to 1947.

Where is this "Arabs have crowded into the country" that the lying sack of crap, Churchill, was blabbering about?
It has nothing to do with Jews per se, it is about a foreign takeover of their country. If they were Buddhists or Hindus the response would be the same.
"So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Churchill.
The Arab population decreased from about 93% to about 65% between the turn of the century to 1947. Where is this "Arabs have crowded into the country" that the lying sack of crap, Churchill, was blabbering about?
In the arab settlements, of course, claiming some "thousand-year" history.
"So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Churchill.
The Arab population decreased from about 93% to about 65% between the turn of the century to 1947. Where is this "Arabs have crowded into the country" that the lying sack of crap, Churchill, was blabbering about?
In the arab settlements, of course, claiming some "thousand-year" history.

Palestine is an ancient country as much as the history of mankind can tell. Its East Mediterranean situation engendered this land’s first touch with the old great civilizations of Egypt and the Mesopotamia.

Palestine lies at the routes linking three continents. This unique position as a geographical bridge between Asia, Africa and Europe rendered it to be opened land to the cultural and religious winds of Egypt, Syria and Mesopotamia. It is worthwhile to mention in this regard that Palestine location at a vintage point between these three Arab countries has determined its Arab identity from ancient times. If history itself is a coincidence, then one can make the right conclusion for the past and the future of Palestine as an Arab land. As a matter of fact the heart of the Arab world since Egypt, Iraq and Syria are the cornerstone of the Arab world.

This happy historic coincidence, a self-speaking fact by itself, is of paramount significance to all interested people in bringing genuine peace to the land of peace. Furthermore, one can dare to say that this coincidence should be capable to large extent of telling the rest of the story of Palestine from time immemorial up to the present. It sheds enough light at history and how it had been shaped. With hindsight, it does not need a lot of effort to realize that Palestine’s present predicament is a case of struggle between the land’s owners and foreign invaders.

Jerusalemites,,** The History of Palestine
The Arab population decreased from about 93% to about 65% between the turn of the century to 1947. Where is this "Arabs have crowded into the country" that the lying sack of crap, Churchill, was blabbering about?
In the arab settlements, of course, claiming some "thousand-year" history.
Palestine is an ancient country as much as the history of mankind can tell.
And to which our occupational palistanians do not relate in any way outside of their occupational delusional goebbelsian drivel, of course.

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