Ceo of the biggest corporation in american


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The CEO of the United States Government took a failing business and turned it around in four years by creating 5 million jobs, saved a failing auto industry and a failing banking industry, created a healthcare plan that gave affordable healthcare to 45 million uninsured Americans, and other benefits to other Americans creating a healthier more productive workforce benefiting businesses, and healthier children, saving lives that preventive healthcare does, ended the war in Iraq saving millions and saving lives of young men and women. That CEO is President Barrack Hussein Obama. And I am proud to nominate him for CEO of the past four year term and nominate him for another four years.
wasn't this posted this morning?

Fire Obama next week people...bring in a real businessman:eusa_clap:

The CEO of the United States Government took a failing business and turned it around in four years by creating 5 million jobs, saved a failing auto industry and a failing banking industry, created a healthcare plan that gave affordable healthcare to 45 million uninsured Americans, and other benefits to other Americans creating a healthier more productive workforce benefiting businesses, and healthier children, saving lives that preventive healthcare does, ended the war in Iraq saving millions and saving lives of young men and women. That CEO is President Barrack Hussein Obama. And I am proud to nominate him for CEO of the past four year term and nominate him for another four years.

If Obama was the CEO and The American Economy and Budget were looked at as a Business. The Share Holders and Board would have long ago Fired Obama.

You have not one clue what you are talking about.
Don't you see the difference between government and the private sector? Corporate CEO's create jobs by making a product or creating a service we want to purchase. They expand and create more jobs. The government confiscates money and filters it through a gigantic bureaucracy full of jerks who couldn't function in the private sector and wastes it on products like the electric car that nobody wants to buy.

The CEO of the United States Government took a failing business and turned it around in four years by creating 5 million jobs, saved a failing auto industry and a failing banking industry, created a healthcare plan that gave affordable healthcare to 45 million uninsured Americans, and other benefits to other Americans creating a healthier more productive workforce benefiting businesses, and healthier children, saving lives that preventive healthcare does, ended the war in Iraq saving millions and saving lives of young men and women. That CEO is President Barrack Hussein Obama. And I am proud to nominate him for CEO of the past four year term and nominate him for another four years.

Your are so pathetically dilustional, explain how you create 5 million jobs and have fewer people working than when you started? Come on, be honest, I'll wait.

The CEO of the United States Government took a failing business and turned it around in four years by creating 5 million jobs, saved a failing auto industry and a failing banking industry, created a healthcare plan that gave affordable healthcare to 45 million uninsured Americans, and other benefits to other Americans creating a healthier more productive workforce benefiting businesses, and healthier children, saving lives that preventive healthcare does, ended the war in Iraq saving millions and saving lives of young men and women. That CEO is President Barrack Hussein Obama. And I am proud to nominate him for CEO of the past four year term and nominate him for another four years.

That's a pretty neat trick, considering there were never 45 million uninsured Americans, and the cost of healthcare is accelerating.

Created 5 million jobs? That's why there are as many unemployed today as there was three years ago, eh? That's why there are still 12 million unemployed, and 23 million underemployed.

There are also double the number of people on food stamps. 46 million.

As CEO of the public sector, there has been a net loss of public employee jobs to the tune of about half a million. That's something a Republican would brag about, but not a Democrat. Let's keep that little secret under our hats.


Five million jobs were created. Stimulus did what stimulus supposed to do save and created jobs and continue to do so and economist project the stimulated economy will create 12 million more jobs over the next 4 years. Obama's spending? On fixing the economy Bush screwed up, two wars unpaid for, tax cuts for the rich unpaid for, a failing economy and financial crisis caused by Bush. We are damn lucky we had Obama for the past four year. That is President Barrack Hussein Obama. If the next four year is anything like the last we will be out of Afghanistan, saving more taxpayers money and saving lives, tax cuts for the rich a thing of the past and saving millions more and affordable healthcare for all Americans creating a healthier and happier America. Romney's claim that he will create 12 million jobs is based on outright lies and economic manipulation.
Ezra Klein pointed out that the economy is projected to add 12 million jobs over the next four years without any change of policy:

The Washington Post's Fact Checker blog called Romney's claim a "bait-and-switch," pointing out that the 12 million jobs number is a combination of long-term projections and estimates of job growth based on policies that have already been implemented:

Fox's Hemmer Parrots Romney's "12 Million Jobs" Lie | Blog | Media Matters for America

Five million jobs were created. Stimulus did what stimulus supposed to do save and created jobs and continue to do so and economist project the stimulated economy will create 12 million more jobs over the next 4 years. Obama's spending? On fixing the economy Bush screwed up, two wars unpaid for, tax cuts for the rich unpaid for, a failing economy and financial crisis caused by Bush. We are damn lucky we had Obama for the past four year. That is President Barrack Hussein Obama. If the next four year is anything like the last we will be out of Afghanistan, saving more taxpayers money and saving lives, tax cuts for the rich a thing of the past and saving millions more and affordable healthcare for all Americans creating a healthier and happier America. Romney's claim that he will create 12 million jobs is based on outright lies and economic manipulation.
Ezra Klein pointed out that the economy is projected to add 12 million jobs over the next four years without any change of policy:

The Washington Post's Fact Checker blog called Romney's claim a "bait-and-switch," pointing out that the 12 million jobs number is a combination of long-term projections and estimates of job growth based on policies that have already been implemented:

Fox's Hemmer Parrots Romney's "12 Million Jobs" Lie | Blog | Media Matters for America

Talk about lies and deception, what does one call the past 4 years? Oh, forgot, Bush's fault, sorry.

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