Central Appalachia: Biggest Cluster Ever Of Fatal Coal Miners 'BLACK LUNG Disease! MAGA the Positive

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017

Across Appalachia, coal miners are suffering from the most serious form of the deadly mining disease black lung in numbers more than 10 times what federal regulators report, an NPR investigation has found.

SWEET! :flirtysmile4: Coal LOSER Moron Digger Love Dust, being used well!

Let us see a cross-section of this..


The government, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reported 99 cases of "complicated" black lung, or progressive massive fibrosis, throughout the country the last five years.

But NPR obtained data from 11 black lung clinics in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which reported a total of 962 cases so far this decade. The true number is probably even higher, because some clinics had incomplete records and others declined to provide data.

That increased demand comes as the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund is stressed. The fund is nearly $6 billion in debt. It has taken on 1,000 claims that were covered by self-insured mining companies until they went bankrupt. And the coal excise tax that supports the fund is set for a 50 percent cut in two years.

"I think there are real reasons to be concerned about the viability of the trust fund," says Smith.

The Stone Mountain study follows a NIOSH review of cases at a small clinic in Coal Run Village, Ky., in 2016. NIOSH researchers confirmed 60 diagnoses of PMF there in 20 months. That alarmed them because NIOSH had earlier reported only 99 cases nationwide in five years.

There is also concern involving possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act, which contains a provision that makes it easier for miners to get black lung benefits.
Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia

:eek-52::dunno:Coal miner LOSERS are the BIGGEST LYING Gobmint Moochers!
Their Life is ALL about being on Gobmints times, for their Jobs and End Care.
Why does the Gobmint let Coal Barons get Tax breaks, and pass all Long-Term
Medical Care Costs, on to states and the federal to pay these bills?
As these .001% Take the profit to MAGA!. Well, Just for them.

So, I'm for the Great Douche to remove all Coal mining regulations And make sure these MORON LOSERS get NO ObamaCare. As they want to dig coal, let them. Just die of Black Lung Sooner. All Coal miners are Traitors in America.

FYI: The GreaT Douche made it easy for more to die!
He's allowing the Coal Companies to fully populate your river waterways. Enjoy, and Drink.... UP!

btw: Adding this sweet one as a Favorite To remind Ignorant American Whitey Losers, Are the
BIGGEST AMERICAN Moochers of Gobmint Dimes.


There has been in existent, all the Technology to filter air in mines, so you do not die by Black Lung.
From 50's at least But, YOU CHOOSE TO DO THE WORK WITHOUT IT! Letting Coal Barons steal your lives. So be a man, Stop trying to make others care about your stupidity.

So, As you Morons ignored all the help. I want to help here.
Remember always to breathe EXTRA-DEEP when you see black dust,
It's for your own GOOD! As the Great Douche wants to MAGA. It Digs Coal.
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oh well , work as a market fisherman and you might drown , work as an electrician and you might fry , some life guards drown , some roofers fall off roofs , some loggers get killed by falling trees , some sex workers get AIDS and other diseases , some Military soldiers get shot and killed and some coal miners get 'black lung' Baz !!
And don't forget cops being killed by thugs.
and we need Coal for energy and to slap 'mrobama' in the head with the mere fact that USA is mining and using coal again Baz , Bodecea and Penny . :afro:

Across Appalachia, coal miners are suffering from the most serious form of the deadly mining disease black lung in numbers more than 10 times what federal regulators report, an NPR investigation has found.

SWEET! :flirtysmile4: Coal LOSER Moron Digger Love Dust, being used well!

Let us see a cross-section of this..


The government, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reported 99 cases of "complicated" black lung, or progressive massive fibrosis, throughout the country the last five years.

But NPR obtained data from 11 black lung clinics in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which reported a total of 962 cases so far this decade. The true number is probably even higher, because some clinics had incomplete records and others declined to provide data.

That increased demand comes as the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund is stressed. The fund is nearly $6 billion in debt. It has taken on 1,000 claims that were covered by self-insured mining companies until they went bankrupt. And the coal excise tax that supports the fund is set for a 50 percent cut in two years.

"I think there are real reasons to be concerned about the viability of the trust fund," says Smith.

The Stone Mountain study follows a NIOSH review of cases at a small clinic in Coal Run Village, Ky., in 2016. NIOSH researchers confirmed 60 diagnoses of PMF there in 20 months. That alarmed them because NIOSH had earlier reported only 99 cases nationwide in five years.

There is also concern involving possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act, which contains a provision that makes it easier for miners to get black lung benefits.
Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia

:eek-52::dunno:Coal miner LOSERS are the BIGGEST LYING Gobmint Moochers!
Their Life is ALL about being on Gobmints times, for their Jobs and End Care.
Why does the Gobmint let Coal Barons get Tax breaks, and pass all Long-Term
Medical Care Costs, on to states and the federal to pay these bills?
As these .001% Take the profit to MAGA!. Well, Just for them.

So, I'm for the Great Douche to remove all Coal mining regulations And make sure these MORON LOSERS get NO ObamaCare. As they want to dig coal, let them. Just die of Black Lung Sooner. All Coal miners are Traitors in America.

FYI: The GreaT Douche made it easy for more to die!
He's allowing the Coal Companies to fully populate your river waterways. Enjoy, and Drink.... UP!

btw: Adding this sweet one as a Favorite To remind Ignorant American Whitey Losers, Are the
BIGGEST AMERICAN Moochers of Gobmint Dimes.


There has been in existent, all the Technology to filter air in mines, so you do not die by Black Lung.
From 50's at least But, YOU CHOOSE TO DO THE WORK WITHOUT IT! Letting Coal Barons steal your lives. So be a man, Stop trying to make others care about your stupidity.

So, As you Morons ignored all the help. I want to help here.
Remember always to breathe EXTRA-DEEP when you see black dust,
It's for your own GOOD! As the Great Douche wants to MAGA. It Digs Coal.
What a shame.......

Across Appalachia, coal miners are suffering from the most serious form of the deadly mining disease black lung in numbers more than 10 times what federal regulators report, an NPR investigation has found.

SWEET! :flirtysmile4: Coal LOSER Moron Digger Love Dust, being used well!

Let us see a cross-section of this..


The government, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reported 99 cases of "complicated" black lung, or progressive massive fibrosis, throughout the country the last five years.

But NPR obtained data from 11 black lung clinics in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which reported a total of 962 cases so far this decade. The true number is probably even higher, because some clinics had incomplete records and others declined to provide data.

That increased demand comes as the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund is stressed. The fund is nearly $6 billion in debt. It has taken on 1,000 claims that were covered by self-insured mining companies until they went bankrupt. And the coal excise tax that supports the fund is set for a 50 percent cut in two years.

"I think there are real reasons to be concerned about the viability of the trust fund," says Smith.

The Stone Mountain study follows a NIOSH review of cases at a small clinic in Coal Run Village, Ky., in 2016. NIOSH researchers confirmed 60 diagnoses of PMF there in 20 months. That alarmed them because NIOSH had earlier reported only 99 cases nationwide in five years.

There is also concern involving possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act, which contains a provision that makes it easier for miners to get black lung benefits.
Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia

:eek-52::dunno:Coal miner LOSERS are the BIGGEST LYING Gobmint Moochers!
Their Life is ALL about being on Gobmints times, for their Jobs and End Care.
Why does the Gobmint let Coal Barons get Tax breaks, and pass all Long-Term
Medical Care Costs, on to states and the federal to pay these bills?
As these .001% Take the profit to MAGA!. Well, Just for them.

So, I'm for the Great Douche to remove all Coal mining regulations And make sure these MORON LOSERS get NO ObamaCare. As they want to dig coal, let them. Just die of Black Lung Sooner. All Coal miners are Traitors in America.

FYI: The GreaT Douche made it easy for more to die!
He's allowing the Coal Companies to fully populate your river waterways. Enjoy, and Drink.... UP!

btw: Adding this sweet one as a Favorite To remind Ignorant American Whitey Losers, Are the
BIGGEST AMERICAN Moochers of Gobmint Dimes.


There has been in existent, all the Technology to filter air in mines, so you do not die by Black Lung.
From 50's at least But, YOU CHOOSE TO DO THE WORK WITHOUT IT! Letting Coal Barons steal your lives. So be a man, Stop trying to make others care about your stupidity.

So, As you Morons ignored all the help. I want to help here.
Remember always to breathe EXTRA-DEEP when you see black dust,
It's for your own GOOD! As the Great Douche wants to MAGA. It Digs Coal.

Wow!! .... clusters of black lung disease from miners who work in coal mines.

And no black lung disease found in other areas of the country where there aren't any coal mines?

Who would have thunk it?? .... :dunno:

Across Appalachia, coal miners are suffering from the most serious form of the deadly mining disease black lung in numbers more than 10 times what federal regulators report, an NPR investigation has found.

SWEET! :flirtysmile4: Coal LOSER Moron Digger Love Dust, being used well!

Let us see a cross-section of this..


The government, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reported 99 cases of "complicated" black lung, or progressive massive fibrosis, throughout the country the last five years.

But NPR obtained data from 11 black lung clinics in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which reported a total of 962 cases so far this decade. The true number is probably even higher, because some clinics had incomplete records and others declined to provide data.

That increased demand comes as the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund is stressed. The fund is nearly $6 billion in debt. It has taken on 1,000 claims that were covered by self-insured mining companies until they went bankrupt. And the coal excise tax that supports the fund is set for a 50 percent cut in two years.

"I think there are real reasons to be concerned about the viability of the trust fund," says Smith.

The Stone Mountain study follows a NIOSH review of cases at a small clinic in Coal Run Village, Ky., in 2016. NIOSH researchers confirmed 60 diagnoses of PMF there in 20 months. That alarmed them because NIOSH had earlier reported only 99 cases nationwide in five years.

There is also concern involving possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act, which contains a provision that makes it easier for miners to get black lung benefits.
Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia

:eek-52::dunno:Coal miner LOSERS are the BIGGEST LYING Gobmint Moochers!
Their Life is ALL about being on Gobmints times, for their Jobs and End Care.
Why does the Gobmint let Coal Barons get Tax breaks, and pass all Long-Term
Medical Care Costs, on to states and the federal to pay these bills?
As these .001% Take the profit to MAGA!. Well, Just for them.

So, I'm for the Great Douche to remove all Coal mining regulations And make sure these MORON LOSERS get NO ObamaCare. As they want to dig coal, let them. Just die of Black Lung Sooner. All Coal miners are Traitors in America.

FYI: The GreaT Douche made it easy for more to die!
He's allowing the Coal Companies to fully populate your river waterways. Enjoy, and Drink.... UP!

btw: Adding this sweet one as a Favorite To remind Ignorant American Whitey Losers, Are the
BIGGEST AMERICAN Moochers of Gobmint Dimes.


There has been in existent, all the Technology to filter air in mines, so you do not die by Black Lung.
From 50's at least But, YOU CHOOSE TO DO THE WORK WITHOUT IT! Letting Coal Barons steal your lives. So be a man, Stop trying to make others care about your stupidity.

So, As you Morons ignored all the help. I want to help here.
Remember always to breathe EXTRA-DEEP when you see black dust,
It's for your own GOOD! As the Great Douche wants to MAGA. It Digs Coal.
It is always the way of liberals to take away the choice of what happy people want to do.
Smokers, you cant smoke because it can cause cancer so we ban areas so you wont smoke.
Soda's. Sugary drinks are bad for you so we wont allow 32 ounce cups to be sold because it can make you fat, but we wont fat shame you.
Salt. Too much salt is bad for you so we wont allow food joints from putting salt shakers on the table, because you may add more salt.
Coal - coal miners make tons of money while respiratory devices are provided for(but as typical of a liberal, omitted) the employees so they can work and not get lung disease.
Misinformation is the propagandist way to sway people away from the liberal agenda of pushing clean energy, which liberal elites own the business of, while using old outdated photos to seek the sympathy vote.
The reason why the bitch candidate didn't swing the coal country was because while she had hundreds of millions of dollars , they were unemployed(intentionally by Obama) and she didn't want to bring back their livelihood.
Oh, yeah, pot, THC is the gateway drug for worse abuse, but hey, since it makes you happy, lets legalize it...
Little Lying Donald wants to make black lung great again. Bring back those great mining jobs.

Let's see Ivanka do coal mining for a month. Or any job for a month. She has Paris Hilton disease, physical labor kills them outright.
and we need Coal for energy and to slap 'mrobama' in the head with the mere fact that USA is mining and using coal again Baz , Bodecea and Penny . :afro:

Pres. Obama had nothang to do with coal JOBS being lost.

But, thanks for telling us, Coal Barons can supply needed coal to power generators with fewer Coal digging morons. Soon to be fewer as LNG is cleaner and way cheaper overall.
Bye..Bye Miners, Get your Black Lung Death Tickets soonest before they won't pay you to get it.

Across Appalachia, coal miners are suffering from the most serious form of the deadly mining disease black lung in numbers more than 10 times what federal regulators report, an NPR investigation has found.

SWEET! :flirtysmile4: Coal LOSER Moron Digger Love Dust, being used well!

Let us see a cross-section of this..


The government, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reported 99 cases of "complicated" black lung, or progressive massive fibrosis, throughout the country the last five years.

But NPR obtained data from 11 black lung clinics in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which reported a total of 962 cases so far this decade. The true number is probably even higher, because some clinics had incomplete records and others declined to provide data.

That increased demand comes as the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund is stressed. The fund is nearly $6 billion in debt. It has taken on 1,000 claims that were covered by self-insured mining companies until they went bankrupt. And the coal excise tax that supports the fund is set for a 50 percent cut in two years.

"I think there are real reasons to be concerned about the viability of the trust fund," says Smith.

The Stone Mountain study follows a NIOSH review of cases at a small clinic in Coal Run Village, Ky., in 2016. NIOSH researchers confirmed 60 diagnoses of PMF there in 20 months. That alarmed them because NIOSH had earlier reported only 99 cases nationwide in five years.

There is also concern involving possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act, which contains a provision that makes it easier for miners to get black lung benefits.
Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia

:eek-52::dunno:Coal miner LOSERS are the BIGGEST LYING Gobmint Moochers!
Their Life is ALL about being on Gobmints times, for their Jobs and End Care.
Why does the Gobmint let Coal Barons get Tax breaks, and pass all Long-Term
Medical Care Costs, on to states and the federal to pay these bills?
As these .001% Take the profit to MAGA!. Well, Just for them.

So, I'm for the Great Douche to remove all Coal mining regulations And make sure these MORON LOSERS get NO ObamaCare. As they want to dig coal, let them. Just die of Black Lung Sooner. All Coal miners are Traitors in America.

FYI: The GreaT Douche made it easy for more to die!
He's allowing the Coal Companies to fully populate your river waterways. Enjoy, and Drink.... UP!

btw: Adding this sweet one as a Favorite To remind Ignorant American Whitey Losers, Are the
BIGGEST AMERICAN Moochers of Gobmint Dimes.


There has been in existent, all the Technology to filter air in mines, so you do not die by Black Lung.
From 50's at least But, YOU CHOOSE TO DO THE WORK WITHOUT IT! Letting Coal Barons steal your lives. So be a man, Stop trying to make others care about your stupidity.

So, As you Morons ignored all the help. I want to help here.
Remember always to breathe EXTRA-DEEP when you see black dust,
It's for your own GOOD! As the Great Douche wants to MAGA. It Digs Coal.
It is always the way of liberals to take away the choice of what happy people want to do.
Smokers, you cant smoke because it can cause cancer so we ban areas so you wont smoke.
Soda's. Sugary drinks are bad for you so we wont allow 32 ounce cups to be sold because it can make you fat, but we wont fat shame you.
Salt. Too much salt is bad for you so we wont allow food joints from putting salt shakers on the table, because you may add more salt.
Coal - coal miners make tons of money while respiratory devices are provided for(but as typical of a liberal, omitted) the employees so they can work and not get lung disease.
Misinformation is the propagandist way to sway people away from the liberal agenda of pushing clean energy, which liberal elites own the business of, while using old outdated photos to seek the sympathy vote.
The reason why the bitch candidate didn't swing the coal country was because while she had hundreds of millions of dollars , they were unemployed(intentionally by Obama) and she didn't want to bring back their livelihood.
Oh, yeah, pot, THC is the gateway drug for worse abuse, but hey, since it makes you happy, lets legalize it...

Read OP Again. I'm for them digging coal. As flipping burgers take skills.

Dang. The Great Douche is closing down the CDC.

I wonder why?
CDC - NIOSH Study Summaries

This page provides summaries of NIOSH worker health studies that have been done over the years. These summaries, or worker notifications, were sent to those workers who were included in each study.

If you have any questions about these study summaries, contact us by calling 800-CDC-INFO.


The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
NIOSH accomplishes our mission in partnership with industry, workers, governments, academe, and scientific and professional communities, both nationally and internationally.CDC - NIOSH Numbered Publications: All Publications - Sorted By Date, Descending Order Without Publication Numbers

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - Wikipedia
is the United States federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related injury and illness. NIOSH is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Last edited:
Little Lying Donald wants to make black lung great again. Bring back those great mining jobs.

Let's see Ivanka do coal mining for a month. Or any job for a month. She has Paris Hilton disease, physical labor kills them outright.
You do know that working in a coal mine is voluntary, right? The pay is good also? The benefits are great also? Why do you want to keep the US citizens poor and on welfare? Oh yeah, future democrat voters....

Across Appalachia, coal miners are suffering from the most serious form of the deadly mining disease black lung in numbers more than 10 times what federal regulators report, an NPR investigation has found.

SWEET! :flirtysmile4: Coal LOSER Moron Digger Love Dust, being used well!

Let us see a cross-section of this..


The government, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reported 99 cases of "complicated" black lung, or progressive massive fibrosis, throughout the country the last five years.

But NPR obtained data from 11 black lung clinics in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which reported a total of 962 cases so far this decade. The true number is probably even higher, because some clinics had incomplete records and others declined to provide data.

That increased demand comes as the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund is stressed. The fund is nearly $6 billion in debt. It has taken on 1,000 claims that were covered by self-insured mining companies until they went bankrupt. And the coal excise tax that supports the fund is set for a 50 percent cut in two years.

"I think there are real reasons to be concerned about the viability of the trust fund," says Smith.

The Stone Mountain study follows a NIOSH review of cases at a small clinic in Coal Run Village, Ky., in 2016. NIOSH researchers confirmed 60 diagnoses of PMF there in 20 months. That alarmed them because NIOSH had earlier reported only 99 cases nationwide in five years.

There is also concern involving possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act, which contains a provision that makes it easier for miners to get black lung benefits.
Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia

:eek-52::dunno:Coal miner LOSERS are the BIGGEST LYING Gobmint Moochers!
Their Life is ALL about being on Gobmints times, for their Jobs and End Care.
Why does the Gobmint let Coal Barons get Tax breaks, and pass all Long-Term
Medical Care Costs, on to states and the federal to pay these bills?
As these .001% Take the profit to MAGA!. Well, Just for them.

So, I'm for the Great Douche to remove all Coal mining regulations And make sure these MORON LOSERS get NO ObamaCare. As they want to dig coal, let them. Just die of Black Lung Sooner. All Coal miners are Traitors in America.

FYI: The GreaT Douche made it easy for more to die!
He's allowing the Coal Companies to fully populate your river waterways. Enjoy, and Drink.... UP!

btw: Adding this sweet one as a Favorite To remind Ignorant American Whitey Losers, Are the
BIGGEST AMERICAN Moochers of Gobmint Dimes.


There has been in existent, all the Technology to filter air in mines, so you do not die by Black Lung.
From 50's at least But, YOU CHOOSE TO DO THE WORK WITHOUT IT! Letting Coal Barons steal your lives. So be a man, Stop trying to make others care about your stupidity.

So, As you Morons ignored all the help. I want to help here.
Remember always to breathe EXTRA-DEEP when you see black dust,
It's for your own GOOD! As the Great Douche wants to MAGA. It Digs Coal.
It is always the way of liberals to take away the choice of what happy people want to do.
Smokers, you cant smoke because it can cause cancer so we ban areas so you wont smoke.
Soda's. Sugary drinks are bad for you so we wont allow 32 ounce cups to be sold because it can make you fat, but we wont fat shame you.
Salt. Too much salt is bad for you so we wont allow food joints from putting salt shakers on the table, because you may add more salt.
Coal - coal miners make tons of money while respiratory devices are provided for(but as typical of a liberal, omitted) the employees so they can work and not get lung disease.
Misinformation is the propagandist way to sway people away from the liberal agenda of pushing clean energy, which liberal elites own the business of, while using old outdated photos to seek the sympathy vote.
The reason why the bitch candidate didn't swing the coal country was because while she had hundreds of millions of dollars , they were unemployed(intentionally by Obama) and she didn't want to bring back their livelihood.
Oh, yeah, pot, THC is the gateway drug for worse abuse, but hey, since it makes you happy, lets legalize it...

Read OP Again. I'm for them digging coal. As flipping burgers take skills.
you are the communist type where you want coal miners paid the same as a burger flipper. You want that to happen, MOVE TO FUCKING CUBA and live your socialist dream there.. Capitalist US don't like your fucked up kind here.

Across Appalachia, coal miners are suffering from the most serious form of the deadly mining disease black lung in numbers more than 10 times what federal regulators report, an NPR investigation has found.

SWEET! :flirtysmile4: Coal LOSER Moron Digger Love Dust, being used well!

Let us see a cross-section of this..


The government, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reported 99 cases of "complicated" black lung, or progressive massive fibrosis, throughout the country the last five years.

But NPR obtained data from 11 black lung clinics in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which reported a total of 962 cases so far this decade. The true number is probably even higher, because some clinics had incomplete records and others declined to provide data.

That increased demand comes as the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund is stressed. The fund is nearly $6 billion in debt. It has taken on 1,000 claims that were covered by self-insured mining companies until they went bankrupt. And the coal excise tax that supports the fund is set for a 50 percent cut in two years.

"I think there are real reasons to be concerned about the viability of the trust fund," says Smith.

The Stone Mountain study follows a NIOSH review of cases at a small clinic in Coal Run Village, Ky., in 2016. NIOSH researchers confirmed 60 diagnoses of PMF there in 20 months. That alarmed them because NIOSH had earlier reported only 99 cases nationwide in five years.

There is also concern involving possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act, which contains a provision that makes it easier for miners to get black lung benefits.
Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia

:eek-52::dunno:Coal miner LOSERS are the BIGGEST LYING Gobmint Moochers!
Their Life is ALL about being on Gobmints times, for their Jobs and End Care.
Why does the Gobmint let Coal Barons get Tax breaks, and pass all Long-Term
Medical Care Costs, on to states and the federal to pay these bills?
As these .001% Take the profit to MAGA!. Well, Just for them.

So, I'm for the Great Douche to remove all Coal mining regulations And make sure these MORON LOSERS get NO ObamaCare. As they want to dig coal, let them. Just die of Black Lung Sooner. All Coal miners are Traitors in America.

FYI: The GreaT Douche made it easy for more to die!
He's allowing the Coal Companies to fully populate your river waterways. Enjoy, and Drink.... UP!

btw: Adding this sweet one as a Favorite To remind Ignorant American Whitey Losers, Are the
BIGGEST AMERICAN Moochers of Gobmint Dimes.


There has been in existent, all the Technology to filter air in mines, so you do not die by Black Lung.
From 50's at least But, YOU CHOOSE TO DO THE WORK WITHOUT IT! Letting Coal Barons steal your lives. So be a man, Stop trying to make others care about your stupidity.

So, As you Morons ignored all the help. I want to help here.
Remember always to breathe EXTRA-DEEP when you see black dust,
It's for your own GOOD! As the Great Douche wants to MAGA. It Digs Coal.
What a shame.......
Maybe this is more of a shame:

Awful New Details About The Two Sisters Who Beat A Toddler To Death With A Baseball Bat Because He Ate A Cupcake
Just a typical day in a liberal shithole hood.

Dang. The Great Douche is closing down the CDC.

I wonder why?
CDC - NIOSH Study Summaries

This page provides summaries of NIOSH worker health studies that have been done over the years. These summaries, or worker notifications, were sent to those workers who were included in each study.

If you have any questions about these study summaries, contact us by calling 800-CDC-INFO.


The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
NIOSH accomplishes our mission in partnership with industry, workers, governments, academe, and scientific and professional communities, both nationally and internationally.CDC - NIOSH Numbered Publications: All Publications - Sorted By Date, Descending Order Without Publication Numbers

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - Wikipedia
is the United States federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related injury and illness. NIOSH is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
And the CDC was the only place you could consult to realize homo males are 300 to 400 times more likely to transmit HIV than hetero males. Health crisis.
NPR and the MSM won’t report that.
and we need Coal for energy and to slap 'mrobama' in the head with the mere fact that USA is mining and using coal again Baz , Bodecea and Penny . :afro:

Pres. Obama had nothang to do with coal JOBS being lost.

But, thanks for telling us, Coal Barons can supply needed coal to power generators with fewer Coal digging morons. Soon to be fewer as LNG is cleaner and way cheaper overall.
Bye..Bye Miners, Get your Black Lung Death Tickets soonest before they won't pay you to get it.
----------------------------------------- from what i remember 'mrobama' wanted coal mining to be gone Baz .

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