Center for Medical Progress to defy court order?


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
So they are defying the court order? I thought only the Obungles administration could do that.

Federal judge extends TRO on Planned Parenthood videos to end of August; Update:New video dropping today?

A fifth video from an anti-abortion group that has published recordings of Planned Parenthood officials discussing the transfer and price of fetal tissue is being released Tuesday, according to the group.

The Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden said Tuesday morning that the latest video to be released would be similar to the first four, which have led to a defunding fight over Planned Parenthood.

“Perhaps it’s going to be even more shocking,” Daleiden said on CNN’s “New Day,” adding, “You’re going to see evidence in it of how Planned Parenthood is willing to sell fully in-tact fetuses to buyers of aborted fetal tissue.”

Federal judge extends TRO on Planned Parenthood videos to end of August Update New video dropping today Hot Air
I hope they do, it's a bullshit fascist order.

Besides if the moonbat messiah can ignore congress and the courts, everyone should be able to.

The Court order only covers videos related to that Abortion Conference, not the Planned Parenthood videos.
The Court order only covers videos related to that Abortion Conference, not the Planned Parenthood videos.

Then by all means, release all the videos

The group releasing these wants this to last a good long time, they want saturation, not a single big release.

Even the lawsuit can be a win for them, it makes the Abortion Conference look secretive and dodgy.
So they are defying the court order? I thought only the Obungles administration could do that.

Federal judge extends TRO on Planned Parenthood videos to end of August; Update:New video dropping today?

A fifth video from an anti-abortion group that has published recordings of Planned Parenthood officials discussing the transfer and price of fetal tissue is being released Tuesday, according to the group.

The Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden said Tuesday morning that the latest video to be released would be similar to the first four, which have led to a defunding fight over Planned Parenthood.

“Perhaps it’s going to be even more shocking,” Daleiden said on CNN’s “New Day,” adding, “You’re going to see evidence in it of how Planned Parenthood is willing to sell fully in-tact fetuses to buyers of aborted fetal tissue.”

Federal judge extends TRO on Planned Parenthood videos to end of August Update New video dropping today Hot Air

If they do then PP is in an excellent position to subpoena the original, unedited videos. Which the CMP clearly doesn't want released.
They will sell intact fetuses for the right price? WTF?

So they are defying the court order? I thought only the Obungles administration could do that.

Federal judge extends TRO on Planned Parenthood videos to end of August; Update:New video dropping today?

A fifth video from an anti-abortion group that has published recordings of Planned Parenthood officials discussing the transfer and price of fetal tissue is being released Tuesday, according to the group.

The Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden said Tuesday morning that the latest video to be released would be similar to the first four, which have led to a defunding fight over Planned Parenthood.

“Perhaps it’s going to be even more shocking,” Daleiden said on CNN’s “New Day,” adding, “You’re going to see evidence in it of how Planned Parenthood is willing to sell fully in-tact fetuses to buyers of aborted fetal tissue.”

Federal judge extends TRO on Planned Parenthood videos to end of August Update New video dropping today Hot Air

If they do then PP is in an excellent position to subpoena the original, unedited videos. Which the CMP clearly doesn't want released.

Here's one:

So they are defying the court order? I thought only the Obungles administration could do that.

Federal judge extends TRO on Planned Parenthood videos to end of August; Update:New video dropping today?

A fifth video from an anti-abortion group that has published recordings of Planned Parenthood officials discussing the transfer and price of fetal tissue is being released Tuesday, according to the group.

The Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden said Tuesday morning that the latest video to be released would be similar to the first four, which have led to a defunding fight over Planned Parenthood.

“Perhaps it’s going to be even more shocking,” Daleiden said on CNN’s “New Day,” adding, “You’re going to see evidence in it of how Planned Parenthood is willing to sell fully in-tact fetuses to buyers of aborted fetal tissue.”

Federal judge extends TRO on Planned Parenthood videos to end of August Update New video dropping today Hot Air

If they do then PP is in an excellent position to subpoena the original, unedited videos. Which the CMP clearly doesn't want released.

Here's one:

I'll talk to you in a few hours.
I thought the order was specifically related to the one video that they aired last week, or the week before, and it was just a stay until they have a hearing on the 16th I think. For some bogus suit PP has brought against them. I'm sure they have the best attorneys money can buy with their blood money and money being funneled to them by progressive power houses....Anyway...."
Here is PP proposing that they alter the treatment they provide women in order to facilitate the sale of dead babies.

The bold is the illegal part:
"If we alter our process and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers..... that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. I mean, it's all just a matter of line items," she adds later.
The Center for Medical Progress's David Daleiden said earlier Tuesday on CNN's “New Day" that the video showed evidence "how Planned Parenthood is willing to sell fully intact fetuses to buyers of aborted fetal tissue.”

Fifth Planned Parenthood video turns to intact fetuses TheHill
The group releasing these wants this to last a good long time, they want saturation, not a single big release.

Even the lawsuit can be a win for them, it makes the Abortion Conference look secretive and dodgy.

You would think cutting babies up and selling them like hor's devours would make them look bad enough.

Of course it wouldn't surprise me if elitist liberal sociopaths did consume baby parts as some or of sick delicacy.

The group releasing these wants this to last a good long time, they want saturation, not a single big release.

Even the lawsuit can be a win for them, it makes the Abortion Conference look secretive and dodgy.

You would think cutting babies up and selling them like hor's devours would make them look bad enough.

Of course it wouldn't surprise me if elitist liberal sociopaths did consume baby parts as some or of sick delicacy.

The real impact of the videos is bringing to light what actually happens in some of these later abortions. PP want's the image to be of a sterile quick procedure, equivalent to soldiers "dying" in movies like "The Longest Day". What they are now getting is the Saving Private Ryan version of Omaha Beach, and it isn't pretty.

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