Censorship in America


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Even though I have twice recently experienced censorship online, I was still surprised TED would censor their talks. Amazing the power of wealth propaganda in America today and more amazing is its control of media. Its source and evolution will be a topic of a future post.

I have said this many times on USMB and other places, 'Rich People Don’t Create Jobs,' the fact it is not self evident still astounds me. To avoid unnecessary space usage I placed a break in the second youtube.

Source: TEDs Controversy ? 3 Threatening Talks They Tried to Censor | High Existence

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBx2Y5HhplI]Nick Hanauer - YouTube[/ame]

ht tp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOsZSIcU9OM

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"Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness." George Bernard Shaw

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Even though I have twice recently experienced censorship online, I was still surprised TED would censor their talks. Amazing the power of wealth propaganda in America today and more amazing is its control of media. Its source and evolution will be a topic of a future post.

I have said this many times on USMB and other places, 'Rich People Don’t Create Jobs,' the fact it is not self evident still astounds me. To avoid unnecessary space usage I placed a break in the second youtube.

Source: TEDs Controversy ? 3 Threatening Talks They Tried to Censor | High Existence

Nick Hanauer - YouTube

ht tp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOsZSIcU9OM

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"Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness." George Bernard Shaw


'Rich People Don’t Create Jobs,

You're right.... poor people create more jobs....:tongue:
You're right.... poor people create more jobs....

Glad you agree. It really is quite simple, the rich buy one loaf of bread, the poor, because there are many more, buy a thousand loaves of bread. The farmer succeeds, the bread company succeeds, the store succeeds, and the workers succeed. Soon with lots succeeding we have a middle class full of success. This weekend I am among the rich and while they are usually nice people, the idea they create jobs always sticks in the back of my mind. Funny how myths, while myths, gain believers and remain in place in spite of being contrary to common sense.

But back on topic, even TED has sponsors and I'm sure among the sponsors are those who wish to control the message and maintain the order of things. So I guess it is not unusually that organizations that rely on sponsors for funding toe the line. Media has a role to play and most of the time they do just fine. Step outside and you are quickly labeled and shunned. Life is often the same.
Even though I have twice recently experienced censorship online, I was still surprised TED would censor their talks. Amazing the power of wealth propaganda in America today and more amazing is its control of media. Its source and evolution will be a topic of a future post.

I have said this many times on USMB and other places, 'Rich People Don’t Create Jobs,' the fact it is not self evident still astounds me. To avoid unnecessary space usage I placed a break in the second youtube.

Source: TEDs Controversy ? 3 Threatening Talks They Tried to Censor | High Existence

Nick Hanauer - YouTube

ht tp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOsZSIcU9OM

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"Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness." George Bernard Shaw


its not censorship unless the government is doing it. When a private organization decides what or what not to publish/provide its called thier own damn buisiness.
Homeless people in America contribute to lots of jobs. A 60 Minutes show recently outlined the efforts of communities and religious organizations to help them. These are jobs in my world. Many jobs are supported by the homeless (and everyone else in a nation) including yours and mine. They too need to live and eat and look for work, a place to sleep, and communication. Their children require education and they often need training too. These are the things that create work.

Censorship is censorship, in a ideal sense no democratic government censors unless it is security related. That's what democracy and a free press are about. Censorship happens when people control the message either because it is offensive or is not in line with their ideas and values. In America today there is an incredible amount of censorship in spite of a free press. There are so many examples. Some is necessary for few want to listen to vulgar music or dialogue, other forms are more sophisticated. Here is a list of book as just one example. A History of Fighting Censorship | American Civil Liberties Union

I think there is another kind of censorship which is even more pernicious, that involves ignoring the truth, changing the message, or repeating a lie regardless of its factual content. This is modern politics in America. Huxley touches on it in this quotation.

"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley wrote in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny "failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions." In 1984 Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us...This book is about the possibility that Huxley, not Orwell, was right." Neil Postman 'Amusing Ourselves to Death'
Even though I have twice recently experienced censorship online, I was still surprised TED would censor their talks. Amazing the power of wealth propaganda in America today and more amazing is its control of media. Its source and evolution will be a topic of a future post.

I have said this many times on USMB and other places, 'Rich People Don’t Create Jobs,' the fact it is not self evident still astounds me. To avoid unnecessary space usage I placed a break in the second youtube.

Source: TEDs Controversy ? 3 Threatening Talks They Tried to Censor | High Existence

Nick Hanauer - YouTube

ht tp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOsZSIcU9OM

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"Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness." George Bernard Shaw


Although I often greatly enjoy TED talks, I find the smarmy smug self satified zeitgeist of the organization itself thorughly disgusting.

LIMO liberals, folks.
How many homeless poor people have ever given you a job?

That questions like that sometimes are accepted and are frequently unchallenged is a mystery, given that in the context of job creation the question is among the most incredibly incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial questions ever asked.

To be sure it is irritating to have someone, especially a politician, but anyone really, respond to one's question with "The REAL question is..." and then go off, so that won't happen here.

Still, the question quoted above has no foundation in any context of the world of work. Period.

The facts prove that DEMAND creates OPPORTUNITIES which create jobs. Pretending supply creates jobs is like believing in Santa Claus - more embarrassing with age.
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How many homeless poor people have ever given you a job?

That questions like that sometimes are accepted and are frequently unchallenged is a mystery, given that in the context of job creation the question is among the most incredibly incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial questions ever asked.

To be sure it is irritating to have someone, especially a politician, but anyone really, respond to one's question with "The REAL question is..." and then go off, so that won't happen here.

Still, the question quoted above has no foundation in any context of the world of work. Period.

The facts prove that DEMAND creates OPPORTUNITIES which create jobs. Pretending supply creates jobs is like believing in Santa Claus - more embarrassing with age.

I actually agree with your idea (to a point), DEMAND creates the need for SUPPLY, which requires LABOR to produce the SUPPLY to fill the DEMAND, and that is what creates jobs in my opinion.......
Even though I have twice recently experienced censorship online, I was still surprised TED would censor their talks. Amazing the power of wealth propaganda in America today and more amazing is its control of media. Its source and evolution will be a topic of a future post.

I have said this many times on USMB and other places, 'Rich People Don’t Create Jobs,' the fact it is not self evident still astounds me. To avoid unnecessary space usage I placed a break in the second youtube.

Source: TEDs Controversy ? 3 Threatening Talks They Tried to Censor | High Existence

Nick Hanauer - YouTube

ht tp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOsZSIcU9OM

Addtional posts:


"Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness." George Bernard Shaw


'Rich People Don’t Create Jobs,

You're right.... poor people create more jobs....:tongue:

Ridiculous. Job creation is a complex process that requires level of marginal innefficiency in multiple resources so that both supply and demand can increase incrementally.

There is no over simplistic process by which one can say that a particular level personal business or individual income is responsible for creating a substantial proportion of new jobs.

Often enough, people at all level of incomes do create jobs, including poor people. The majority of businesses are single employee, sole proprieterships. It is therefor reasonable to say that the majority of job creation is not accomplished by "rich" people.
How many homeless poor people have ever given you a job?

That questions like that sometimes are accepted and are frequently unchallenged is a mystery, given that in ...


Still, the question quoted above has no foundation in any context of the world of work. Period.

The facts prove that DEMAND creates OPPORTUNITIES which create jobs. Pretending supply creates jobs is like believing in Santa Claus - more embarrassing with age.

One sidenof thenproblem is that the statement is made from double ignorance. *Few of us have enough experience, that is have met enough people, to be able to make an assesment base on a significant sample. *Most of us know that our experience is limited and are smart enough to not make definitive statements base on our limited experience. *The worst type of ignorance is that of being ignorant of ones own ignorance, doubly ignorant.

I personally know a person that was homeless and created a number of jobs. *He started by hand washing cars, eventually renting an unused car wash. *He managed to grownthe business to the point of employing a number of people.

It is extremely difficult. *During an down economy, profit and credit are zero at the bottom of the economy. *Growth requires the smallest level of investment just to pay this months rent to keep the business open for the month. *Accumulating enough to cover seasonal variations is extremely hard.

This is exactly why economic growth requires a smooth variation across income levels without to large of a range. *A resonable level of economic growth is highly dependent upon there being extra resources availble across the population.
People become emotionally invested in their perception of the world. *When that perception is challanged, especially when challanged at its foudation, it creates considerable anxiety. *We are all dependent on our understanding of the world, our sense of what to expect, to maintain a sense of calm. *Lacking that, when anxiety arises, the fight or flight response becomes overwelming. *For many, the response is to reconsider, roll the new info into ones view. *For others, the reaction is to fight, to attack something and often the message and the messenger. *
Even though I have twice recently experienced censorship online, I was still surprised TED would censor their talks. Amazing the power of wealth propaganda in America today and more amazing is its control of media. Its source and evolution will be a topic of a future post.

I have said this many times on USMB and other places, 'Rich People Don’t Create Jobs,' the fact it is not self evident still astounds me. To avoid unnecessary space usage I placed a break in the second youtube.

Source: TEDs Controversy ? 3 Threatening Talks They Tried to Censor | High Existence

Nick Hanauer - YouTube

ht tp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOsZSIcU9OM

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Did TED try to prevent these talks from going out onto the internet? Did they exercise some sort of magical control over the government to suppress these ideas? If the answer to one, or both, of these questions is no this was not censorship.

As for the talks, do you have any idea what type of claptrap Rupert Sheldrake spouts? He starts by completely misrepresenting what science is, and then he argues that psychic phenomena is real. Graham Hancock is a modern day Eric von Daniken. Scoffing at claptrap like that is exactly the opposite of censorship.
You're right.... poor people create more jobs....

Glad you agree. It really is quite simple, the rich buy one loaf of bread, the poor, because there are many more, buy a thousand loaves of bread. The farmer succeeds, the bread company succeeds, the store succeeds, and the workers succeed. Soon with lots succeeding we have a middle class full of success. This weekend I am among the rich and while they are usually nice people, the idea they create jobs always sticks in the back of my mind. Funny how myths, while myths, gain believers and remain in place in spite of being contrary to common sense.

But back on topic, even TED has sponsors and I'm sure among the sponsors are those who wish to control the message and maintain the order of things. So I guess it is not unusually that organizations that rely on sponsors for funding toe the line. Media has a role to play and most of the time they do just fine. Step outside and you are quickly labeled and shunned. Life is often the same.

How do you define rich? If you define rich by President Obama's standards then your examples of the farmer (at least some farmers), the owner of the bread company and the owners of many stores are defined as rich people. They are rich people who provide jobs.
How many homeless poor people have ever given you a job?

That questions like that sometimes are accepted and are frequently unchallenged is a mystery, given that in the context of job creation the question is among the most incredibly incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial questions ever asked.*

To be sure it is irritating to have someone, especially a politician, but anyone really, respond to one's question with "The REAL question is..." and then go off, so that won't happen here.*

Still, the question quoted above has no foundation in any context of the world of work. Period.

The facts prove that DEMAND creates OPPORTUNITIES which create jobs. Pretending supply creates jobs is like believing in Santa Claus - more embarrassing with age.

I actually agree with your idea (to a point), DEMAND creates the need for SUPPLY, which requires LABOR to produce the SUPPLY to fill the DEMAND, and that is what creates jobs in my opinion.......

I actually agree with your idea (to a point), DEMAND creates the need for SUPPLY, which requires LABOR to produce the SUPPLY to fill the DEMAND, and that is what creates jobs in my opinion.......

The reverse also works.

Supply does not create demand, if it did we would all have Zunes.

Hah! No, silly, as in lower demand creates a lower need for supply ...
You're right.... poor people create more jobs....

Glad you agree. It really is quite simple, the rich buy one loaf of bread, the poor, because there are many more, buy a thousand loaves of bread. The farmer succeeds, the bread company succeeds, the store succeeds, and the workers succeed. Soon with lots succeeding we have a middle class full of success. This weekend I am among the rich and while they are usually nice people, the idea they create jobs always sticks in the back of my mind. Funny how myths, while myths, gain believers and remain in place in spite of being contrary to common sense.

But back on topic, even TED has sponsors and I'm sure among the sponsors are those who wish to control the message and maintain the order of things. So I guess it is not unusually that organizations that rely on sponsors for funding toe the line. Media has a role to play and most of the time they do just fine. Step outside and you are quickly labeled and shunned. Life is often the same.

How do you define rich? If you define rich by President Obama's standards then your examples of the farmer (at least some farmers), the owner of the bread company and the owners of many stores are defined as rich people. They are rich people who provide jobs.

Providing jobs isn't the same as creating.

There is an interesting question. Is it even possible to define and measure a most fundamental level of job creation in the feedback loop. An existing large company that has experienced increased demand initially does so by increasing output for existing labor. This was typically by paying employees overtime until it becomes more cost effective to hire a new employee. On the otherhand, there is the single proprietership where the guy is working 70 hour work weeks then hires his first employee to relieve himself of some of the workload. That seems a bit different. It is a really new job, not just the expansion of already existing jobs.

The economy is a feedback system and often feedback It's a feedback systems simply aren't amenable to concepts that assume a "beginning".

At what point of the business cycle do we see the most job creation and what kind of companies (say employee size) are responsible for the majority of growth.

The answer to the first part should be obvious.

The second part may be guessed at by simple probability. The size would be that portion that accounts for the largest proportion of the employment rolls. Of course, how to subdivide things is going to depend on the distribution.

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