CDC Report On Gun Violence

Crime and violence in the US has been dropping for decades.....a fact most Democrats hate and refuse to admit....or they say "That's different!"
But, they've been telling us for months that the CDC hasn't done any studies on gun violence for decades?
Crime and violence in the US has been dropping for decades.....a fact most Democrats hate and refuse to admit....or they say "That's different!"

This is one reason you see democrats attacking the police....letting felons out of prison, allowing violent illegal aliens to stay in the country......

We saw that Fast and Furious was an attempt to create pressure for new gun control laws....obama and holder actually forced gun stores to sell guns to straw buyers for drug order to have American drugs showing up in crime scenes and drug raids across the border....but they got caught.......some of the guns were even used by the attackers in Paris....

How do you push gun control when the actual truth is that crime and gun crime is going down, even as more Americans buy guns? You have to create more gun rahm emanuel told the press, you never let a crisis go to get police to back off, and they release felons back into these poor neighborhoods.....and then you allow violent illegals to remain in the country....

And it still isn't enough to create more crime....

more guns does not equal more crime...this information from the CDC shows it...

Allow me to quote your link.......good news should be shared.....hand out kleenex to the anti gunners...they are now openly weeping at the good news....darn it....if only more guns created more crime.......they would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those stupid kids.....

The number of homicides committed with a firearm in the United States in 2014 was 10,945, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s report on its final data on deaths in this county for that year, which was released on June 30.

The 10,945 firearm homicides in 2014 represented a 40-percent drop from the peak hit in 1993, when there were 18,253 firearm homicides in the country,according to CDC data.

The 10,945 firearm homicides in the United States in 2014 equaled a rate of 3.43 per 100,000 people in the population. That was the lowest firearm homicide rate the United States experienced in any of the 34 years from 1981 through 2014, according to data posted by the CDC on its "Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System" (WISQARS).

The second lowest firearm homicide rate was the 3.54 recorded in 2013, when there were 11,208 gun homicides in the country.

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