CBS(DC)-More Murders with Clubs than Rifles...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
The US Gov't should register and tax, all Clubs and Hammers. Those Taxes should be used to implement "Hammer Violence Awareness Outreach" programs in the community.
I've been saying for a long time we need to ban assault hammers. Christ, we don't even have a Hammer Czar in Barry's administration so such homicides will just go on and on.
January 3, 2013 2:44 PM

WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – Annual FBI crime statistics show that more people are killed with clubs and hammers each year than by rifles or shotguns.

In 2011, there were 323 murders committed with a rifle but 496 murders committed with hammers and clubs.

That's ALL rifles, not just the scary black ones.


Not really sure what your point is. Hunting rifles have never really been a big part of the gun control debate.
Not really sure what your point is. Hunting rifles have never really been a big part of the gun control debate.

So this one is okay?

January 3, 2013 2:44 PM
WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – Annual FBI crime statistics show that more people are killed with clubs and hammers each year than by rifles or shotguns.

In 2011, there were 323 murders committed with a rifle but 496 murders committed with hammers and clubs.

That's ALL rifles, not just the scary black ones.


Not really sure what your point is. Hunting rifles have never really been a big part of the gun control debate.

All the so called "assault" rifles fall under this category.
So the other 9500 gun related deaths per/year were by handguns. Got it.

Still we are not number 1 in gun violence in the world per/capita, unless it's in comparison to other affluent nations.

PolitiFact | Facebook post says the U.S. is No. 1 in gun violence. Is it?

Then those on capital hill should be working on that.

This thread is concentrating on the importance of banning hammers, and there is such a pressing need to stop all the murders committed by them.
Let's put this another way and see if we can get some more hits on this thread.

If Homicide by rifle is so low that it is outpaced by a wide margin by hammers and clubs...

...and scary black guns only account for a miniscule fraction of those deaths...

...what is the actual justification or explaination for the lefts near obsessive commitment to banning them?
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Let's put this another way and see if we can get some more hits on this thread.

If Homicide by rifle is so low that it is outpaced by a wide margin by hammers and clubs...

...and scary black guns only account for a miniscule fraction of those deaths...

...what is the actual justification or explaination for the lefts near obsessive commitment to banning them?

Lefty agenda
Let's put this another way and see if we can get some more hits on this thread.

If Homicide by rifle is so low that it is outpaced by a wide margin by hammers and clubs...

...and scary black guns only account for a miniscule fraction of those deaths...

...what is the actual justification or explaination for the lefts near obsessive commitment to banning them?

Lefty agenda

Yes, but why? There is a reason for everything, even lefty agendas.

I mean the party leaders of course, the automatons support whatever they are told to support.
Let's put this another way and see if we can get some more hits on this thread.

If Homicide by rifle is so low that it is outpaced by a wide margin by hammers and clubs...

...and scary black guns only account for a miniscule fraction of those deaths...

...what is the actual justification or explaination for the lefts near obsessive commitment to banning them?

Lefty agenda

Yes, but why? There is a reason for everything, even lefty agendas.

I mean the party leaders of course, the automatons support whatever they are told to support.

Ask the Jews. Na they seem to be willing to give up all of their freedoms for this, seemingly, commie/dictatorship the Dems are trying to shove down our throats
The US Gov't should register and tax, all Clubs and Hammers. Those Taxes should be used to implement "Hammer Violence Awareness Outreach" programs in the community.

I say we should tax stupidity. Guess what? Your taxes would be going WAY up.

Am I surprised that so few people are killed with rifles? Hell, no. One reason might just be that you can't easily conceal a rifle in your clothing and just walk around in public without drawing attention to yourself.

A handgun is the equivalent of the kind of hammer (a carpenter's hammer and/or a framing hammer) I saw in the original story about this topic. How about comparing those murder rates of those two in the interests of elucidation?
The US Gov't should register and tax, all Clubs and Hammers. Those Taxes should be used to implement "Hammer Violence Awareness Outreach" programs in the community.

I say we should tax stupidity. Guess what? Your taxes would be going WAY up.

Am I surprised that so few people are killed with rifles? Hell, no. One reason might just be that you can't easily conceal a rifle in your clothing and just walk around in public without drawing attention to yourself.

A handgun is the equivalent of the kind of hammer (a carpenter's hammer and/or a framing hammer) I saw in the original story about this topic. How about comparing those murder rates of those two in the interests of elucidation?

Is there a bill being presented to ban handguns?

The bill being presented is aimed at banning rifles, hence this article and thread.

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