CBO says we can't sustain this country. Conservatism will win by default


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Saw the news today that the CBO said by 2020, we'll be bankrupt if we stay this course. That our only hope is to cut spending by 20%, leaving us with little more than medicare, medicaid, maybe SS, and defense. Any other way, we go broke, bankrupt. I'm sure many liberals will cheer at the demise and fall of our powerful nation, but it's true, it's gonna happen if we stay this course.

What does that mean? It means the utopian dream of liberalism is dead in the water. It will never happen. We'll never be able to actually fund this healthcare overhaul. Welfare will dry up. Municipal services will be dwindled down to fire, police, ems, road maintenance.

In short, conservatism is going to win out....by default. We'll have no other choice. We'll all have to work harder. Save more. Be more responsible. More self-reliant.

Ironic, isn't it? Liberal spending and ideals have led us into bankruptcy................but the end result will be one in which conservative minded people will be the ones who flourish, and liberal minded people will likely suffer greately because they'll have to fend for themselves. Hmmm. Interesting.
Saw the news today that the CBO said by 2020, we'll be bankrupt if we stay this course. That our only hope is to cut spending by 20%, leaving us with little more than medicare, medicaid, maybe SS, and defense. Any other way, we go broke, bankrupt. I'm sure many liberals will cheer at the demise and fall of our powerful nation, but it's true, it's gonna happen if we stay this course.

What does that mean? It means the utopian dream of liberalism is dead in the water. It will never happen. We'll never be able to actually fund this healthcare overhaul. Welfare will dry up. Municipal services will be dwindled down to fire, police, ems, road maintenance.

In short, conservatism is going to win out....by default. We'll have no other choice. We'll all have to work harder. Save more. Be more responsible. More self-reliant.

Ironic, isn't it? Liberal spending and ideals have led us into bankruptcy................but the end result will be one in which conservative minded people will be the ones who flourish, and liberal minded people will likely suffer greately because they'll have to fend for themselves. Hmmm. Interesting.

No one will win because this country will cease to exist. We are destroying our country but go ahead and spend more because we dont need little things like credit ratings.
Nah. Socialism always ratchets backward. the more screwed up things get, the better electorally for them. Lefty run places have greater income disparities, harsher lives for the poor, and greater levels of dependency and clientism.
The sad thing is that we can reverse this if we got the right people in. It's not too late, but can it be done?

I think it's fair to say that the globalist left, including Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, etc, are more than happy to see America's standing fall to that of most of the rest of the world. They truly aren't comfortable living in a superpower and want us knocked down to everyone else's level. They're fine with that. Anyone who argues otherwise is, well, just a fu**ing idiot because they can't see reality playing out in front of them.

And, the globalist ideals aren't just the left. Some on the right have them also. Bush had some of those views as well.

The difference? On the right, we have the Tea Party types trying to clean out the cancer that has taken the Republican Party over. And we're doing it quick.

We need our well intentioned friends on the left to stop the Obama worship and start doing the same to their "side" or this country is doomed.
Really? In what European nations is this the case?

Income Inequality Is At An All-Time High: STUDY

Income inequality in the United States is at an all-time high, surpassing even levels seen during the Great Depression, according to a recently updated paper by University of California, Berkeley Professor Emmanuel Saez. The paper, which covers data through 2007, points to a staggering, unprecedented disparity in American incomes. On his blog, Nobel prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman called the numbers "truly amazing."

Though income inequality has been growing for some time, the paper paints a stark, disturbing portrait of wealth distribution in America. Saez calculates that in 2007 the top .01 percent of American earners took home 6 percent of total U.S. wages, a figure that has nearly doubled since 2000.
The sad thing is that we can reverse this if we got the right people in. It's not too late, but can it be done?

I think it's fair to say that the globalist left, including Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, etc, are more than happy to see America's standing fall to that of most of the rest of the world. They truly aren't comfortable living in a superpower and want us knocked down to everyone else's level. They're fine with that. Anyone who argues otherwise is, well, just a fu**ing idiot because they can't see reality playing out in front of them.

And, the globalist ideals aren't just the left. Some on the right have them also. Bush had some of those views as well.

The difference? On the right, we have the Tea Party types trying to clean out the cancer that has taken the Republican Party over. And we're doing it quick.

We need our well intentioned friends on the left to stop the Obama worship and start doing the same to their "side" or this country is doomed.

You had eight years, and totally screwed this nation. Do you really think we want to give you dingleberries another chance?
Saw the news today that the CBO said by 2020, we'll be bankrupt if we stay this course. That our only hope is to cut spending by 20%, leaving us with little more than medicare, medicaid, maybe SS, and defense. Any other way, we go broke, bankrupt. I'm sure many liberals will cheer at the demise and fall of our powerful nation, but it's true, it's gonna happen if we stay this course.

What does that mean? It means the utopian dream of liberalism is dead in the water. It will never happen. We'll never be able to actually fund this healthcare overhaul. Welfare will dry up. Municipal services will be dwindled down to fire, police, ems, road maintenance.

In short, conservatism is going to win out....by default. We'll have no other choice. We'll all have to work harder. Save more. Be more responsible. More self-reliant.

Ironic, isn't it? Liberal spending and ideals have led us into bankruptcy................but the end result will be one in which conservative minded people will be the ones who flourish, and liberal minded people will likely suffer greately because they'll have to fend for themselves. Hmmm. Interesting.

Heck...the G20 effectively told Obama to poound sand when he suggested MORE be spent.

Great Britain is cutting spending by 25%...and other EU Countries are following suit...

They see their err...Obama thinks that he can...just the right people haven't proved history wrong...even though History has always proved to be correct.

Obama is damaged goods...and even brain Damaged...he and the US Congress that could care a wit of the lessons of History. They think they can outwit solid lessons...and We have to pay for their folly.


Hurry up November. Time for an enema.
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considering maybe 1 or 2% of the people in Washington are actual conservatives I don't have much hope
The sad thing is that we can reverse this if we got the right people in. It's not too late, but can it be done?

I think it's fair to say that the globalist left, including Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, etc, are more than happy to see America's standing fall to that of most of the rest of the world. They truly aren't comfortable living in a superpower and want us knocked down to everyone else's level. They're fine with that. Anyone who argues otherwise is, well, just a fu**ing idiot because they can't see reality playing out in front of them.

And, the globalist ideals aren't just the left. Some on the right have them also. Bush had some of those views as well.

The difference? On the right, we have the Tea Party types trying to clean out the cancer that has taken the Republican Party over. And we're doing it quick.

We need our well intentioned friends on the left to stop the Obama worship and start doing the same to their "side" or this country is doomed.

You had eight years, and totally screwed this nation. Do you really think we want to give you dingleberries another chance?

It's morons like you who will bow down to Obama and allow the destruction of this nation to continue.

Maybe you missed the part where I said many on the right are cleaning up our own side, getting rid of Bush types, for example, in the Florida race that Marco Rubio is going to win. We are cleaning up the cancer in our party.

But of course, your braindead liberal response will always defer to "We gave you 8 years". Well, YOUR boy is doing more damage in his first 2 than "ours" did in 8. You'll never realize that it was ideals based on the liberal ideology that got us into the mess we are in. Whether it was done during Clinton, Bush or Obama, it doesn't matter, it is the liberal ideology itself destroying this country. And fu**ing morons like you enable it.
The sad thing is that we can reverse this if we got the right people in. It's not too late, but can it be done?

I think it's fair to say that the globalist left, including Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, etc, are more than happy to see America's standing fall to that of most of the rest of the world. They truly aren't comfortable living in a superpower and want us knocked down to everyone else's level. They're fine with that. Anyone who argues otherwise is, well, just a fu**ing idiot because they can't see reality playing out in front of them.

And, the globalist ideals aren't just the left. Some on the right have them also. Bush had some of those views as well.

The difference? On the right, we have the Tea Party types trying to clean out the cancer that has taken the Republican Party over. And we're doing it quick.

We need our well intentioned friends on the left to stop the Obama worship and start doing the same to their "side" or this country is doomed.

You had eight years, and totally screwed this nation. Do you really think we want to give you dingleberries another chance?

And the DEMS have had Congress since '06. Obama has tripled what he was 'Given'...Hows that unemployment figure? 10%?

Not getting better? It ain't Bush...or Republicans...

Democrat Statists OWN this...Lock, Stock, Barrel.

And they want to expand on FAILURE.

Way to GO...:clap2:
Saw the news today that the CBO said by 2020, we'll be bankrupt if we stay this course. That our only hope is to cut spending by 20%, leaving us with little more than medicare, medicaid, maybe SS, and defense. Any other way, we go broke, bankrupt. I'm sure many liberals will cheer at the demise and fall of our powerful nation, but it's true, it's gonna happen if we stay this course.

What does that mean? It means the utopian dream of liberalism is dead in the water. It will never happen. We'll never be able to actually fund this healthcare overhaul. Welfare will dry up. Municipal services will be dwindled down to fire, police, ems, road maintenance.

In short, conservatism is going to win out....by default. We'll have no other choice. We'll all have to work harder. Save more. Be more responsible. More self-reliant.

Ironic, isn't it? Liberal spending and ideals have led us into bankruptcy................but the end result will be one in which conservative minded people will be the ones who flourish, and liberal minded people will likely suffer greately because they'll have to fend for themselves. Hmmm. Interesting.

Heck...the G20 effectively told Obama to poound sand when he suggested MORE be spent.

Great Britain is cutting spending by 25%...and other EU Countries are following suit...

They see their err...Obama thinks that he can...just the right people haven't proved history wrong...even though History has always proved to be correct.

Obama is damaged goods...and even brain Damaged...he and the US Congress that could care a wit of the lessons of History. They think they can outwit solid lessons...and We have to pay for their folly.


Hurry up November. Time for an enema.

November will be very interesting. could literally make a lame duck president with 2 years left of his first term. absolutely nothing of contention will pass after november
The sad thing is that we can reverse this if we got the right people in. It's not too late, but can it be done?

I think it's fair to say that the globalist left, including Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, etc, are more than happy to see America's standing fall to that of most of the rest of the world. They truly aren't comfortable living in a superpower and want us knocked down to everyone else's level. They're fine with that. Anyone who argues otherwise is, well, just a fu**ing idiot because they can't see reality playing out in front of them.

And, the globalist ideals aren't just the left. Some on the right have them also. Bush had some of those views as well.

The difference? On the right, we have the Tea Party types trying to clean out the cancer that has taken the Republican Party over. And we're doing it quick.

We need our well intentioned friends on the left to stop the Obama worship and start doing the same to their "side" or this country is doomed.

You had eight years, and totally screwed this nation. Do you really think we want to give you dingleberries another chance?

And the DEMS have had Congress since '06. Obama has tripled what he was 'Given'...Hows that unemployment figure? 10%?

Not getting better? It ain't Bush...or Republicans...

Democrat Statists OWN this...Lock, Stock, Barrel.

And they want to expand on FAILURE.

Way to GO...:clap2:


And the following concept is far too intellectual for the average liberal pervert to grasp, but I'm gonna say it anyway:

The liberal ideology shows itself in many forms. Sometimes as a teacher, a writer, a judge, a lawyer, and of course, a politician. It may be disguised with a D or an R by it's name, in the color red, blue, and especially green, but the threat remains in all forms.

They can't grasp that Bush......for all he may have done right, his wrongs were done as a LIBERAL. He spent too much. He left the border open. Liberal ideals carried out by someone with an "R" by his name is still unacceptable, hence the Tea Party rooting out the Republican Party as we speak.

It's the ideology of liberalism that should be feared, not just the form in which is appears.
Saw the news today that the CBO said by 2020, we'll be bankrupt if we stay this course. That our only hope is to cut spending by 20%, leaving us with little more than medicare, medicaid, maybe SS, and defense. Any other way, we go broke, bankrupt. I'm sure many liberals will cheer at the demise and fall of our powerful nation, but it's true, it's gonna happen if we stay this course.

What does that mean? It means the utopian dream of liberalism is dead in the water. It will never happen. We'll never be able to actually fund this healthcare overhaul. Welfare will dry up. Municipal services will be dwindled down to fire, police, ems, road maintenance.

In short, conservatism is going to win out....by default. We'll have no other choice. We'll all have to work harder. Save more. Be more responsible. More self-reliant.

Ironic, isn't it? Liberal spending and ideals have led us into bankruptcy................but the end result will be one in which conservative minded people will be the ones who flourish, and liberal minded people will likely suffer greately because they'll have to fend for themselves. Hmmm. Interesting.

Heck...the G20 effectively told Obama to poound sand when he suggested MORE be spent.

Great Britain is cutting spending by 25%...and other EU Countries are following suit...

They see their err...Obama thinks that he can...just the right people haven't proved history wrong...even though History has always proved to be correct.

Obama is damaged goods...and even brain Damaged...he and the US Congress that could care a wit of the lessons of History. They think they can outwit solid lessons...and We have to pay for their folly.


Hurry up November. Time for an enema.

November will be very interesting. could literally make a lame duck president with 2 years left of his first term. absolutely nothing of contention will pass after november

I unfortunately disagree.

If the Dem's somehow hold on to power in November, they'll immediately switch to "Save Obama" mode.

BUT........if the Dem's lose large amounts of power, and then they become lame duck Congressmen for 2 months? Well, they know they'll be out in a couple months, so they can't save themselves or Obama. But, they'll still have power for 2 months.

It will be political kamikazes. They'll try to pass the most radical, unthinkable bills they can before they have to leave office. Those 2 months will be extremely dangerous for the American people, as there will be nothing to lose for the lame duck Dems in Congress who will keep power for 2 months after elections.
Heck...the G20 effectively told Obama to poound sand when he suggested MORE be spent.

Great Britain is cutting spending by 25%...and other EU Countries are following suit...

They see their err...Obama thinks that he can...just the right people haven't proved history wrong...even though History has always proved to be correct.

Obama is damaged goods...and even brain Damaged...he and the US Congress that could care a wit of the lessons of History. They think they can outwit solid lessons...and We have to pay for their folly.


Hurry up November. Time for an enema.

November will be very interesting. could literally make a lame duck president with 2 years left of his first term. absolutely nothing of contention will pass after november

I unfortunately disagree.

If the Dem's somehow hold on to power in November, they'll immediately switch to "Save Obama" mode.

BUT........if the Dem's lose large amounts of power, and then they become lame duck Congressmen for 2 months? Well, they know they'll be out in a couple months, so they can't save themselves or Obama. But, they'll still have power for 2 months.

It will be political kamikazes. They'll try to pass the most radical, unthinkable bills they can before they have to leave office. Those 2 months will be extremely dangerous for the American people, as there will be nothing to lose for the lame duck Dems in Congress who will keep power for 2 months after elections.

have you not seen the gop stall tactics? not shit will happen in two months, esp considering the holiday season
The sad thing is that we can reverse this if we got the right people in. It's not too late, but can it be done?

I think it's fair to say that the globalist left, including Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, etc, are more than happy to see America's standing fall to that of most of the rest of the world. They truly aren't comfortable living in a superpower and want us knocked down to everyone else's level. They're fine with that. Anyone who argues otherwise is, well, just a fu**ing idiot because they can't see reality playing out in front of them.

And, the globalist ideals aren't just the left. Some on the right have them also. Bush had some of those views as well.

The difference? On the right, we have the Tea Party types trying to clean out the cancer that has taken the Republican Party over. And we're doing it quick.

We need our well intentioned friends on the left to stop the Obama worship and start doing the same to their "side" or this country is doomed.

You had eight years, and totally screwed this nation. Do you really think we want to give you dingleberries another chance?

It's morons like you who will bow down to Obama and allow the destruction of this nation to continue.

Maybe you missed the part where I said many on the right are cleaning up our own side, getting rid of Bush types, for example, in the Florida race that Marco Rubio is going to win. We are cleaning up the cancer in our party.

But of course, your braindead liberal response will always defer to "We gave you 8 years". Well, YOUR boy is doing more damage in his first 2 than "ours" did in 8. You'll never realize that it was ideals based on the liberal ideology that got us into the mess we are in. Whether it was done during Clinton, Bush or Obama, it doesn't matter, it is the liberal ideology itself destroying this country. And fu**ing morons like you enable it.


FL: Crist Edges Rubio in 3-WayRace - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Quinnipiac's latest on the Florida Senate race shows Charlie Crist edging Marco Rubio by four points, with Meek losing support and falling further behind:

Crist 37 (+5 vs. last poll April 15)
Rubio 32 (+2)
Meek 17 (-7)
Undecided 11 (-2)

Overall, Crist is leading by 1.2% in the RCP Average. RCP currently ranks this race as a Toss Up.

Incidentally, Democrat Jeff Greene fairs just as badly as Meek in a 3-way race:

Crist 40 (n/a)
Rubio 33
Greene 14
The sad thing is that we can reverse this if we got the right people in. It's not too late, but can it be done?

I think it's fair to say that the globalist left, including Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, etc, are more than happy to see America's standing fall to that of most of the rest of the world. They truly aren't comfortable living in a superpower and want us knocked down to everyone else's level. They're fine with that. Anyone who argues otherwise is, well, just a fu**ing idiot because they can't see reality playing out in front of them.

And, the globalist ideals aren't just the left. Some on the right have them also. Bush had some of those views as well.

The difference? On the right, we have the Tea Party types trying to clean out the cancer that has taken the Republican Party over. And we're doing it quick.

We need our well intentioned friends on the left to stop the Obama worship and start doing the same to their "side" or this country is doomed.

You had eight years, and totally screwed this nation. Do you really think we want to give you dingleberries another chance?

And the DEMS have had Congress since '06. Obama has tripled what he was 'Given'...Hows that unemployment figure? 10%?

Not getting better? It ain't Bush...or Republicans...

Democrat Statists OWN this...Lock, Stock, Barrel.

And they want to expand on FAILURE.

Way to GO...:clap2:

Well, you yapping asses had from 2001 to 2007 to get things right, by your own figures. And you had two failed wars, and drove the nation nearly into a major depression.

No, you dumbies own this just as Gramm owns the deregulation of the banks with the full support of the you Conservatives.
Saw the news today that the CBO said by 2020, we'll be bankrupt if we stay this course. That our only hope is to cut spending by 20%, leaving us with little more than medicare, medicaid, maybe SS, and defense. Any other way, we go broke, bankrupt. I'm sure many liberals will cheer at the demise and fall of our powerful nation, but it's true, it's gonna happen if we stay this course.

What does that mean? It means the utopian dream of liberalism is dead in the water. It will never happen. We'll never be able to actually fund this healthcare overhaul. Welfare will dry up. Municipal services will be dwindled down to fire, police, ems, road maintenance.

In short, conservatism is going to win out....by default. We'll have no other choice. We'll all have to work harder. Save more. Be more responsible. More self-reliant.

Ironic, isn't it? Liberal spending and ideals have led us into bankruptcy................but the end result will be one in which conservative minded people will be the ones who flourish, and liberal minded people will likely suffer greately because they'll have to fend for themselves. Hmmm. Interesting.
The CBO said we would be bankrupt by 2020? I rather doubt the CBO made that statement. I think this must be Rush's interpretation. This is what the Director of the CBO said in an article released today.

Elmendorf said "the gloomy long-term picture is not an argument for rejecting additional spending now to bolster the economic recovery. Indeed, he said, "enacting cuts in spending or increases in taxes now would probably slow the recovery.

However, Elmendorf said "developing a credible and certain deficit-reduction plan to take effect after the economy has recovered could provide a significant boost to public confidence by reducing "uncertainty" about what is bound to be a painful future path."

CBO says we can't sustain this country. Conservatism will win by default

And there we have it.

Evidence that some of us love our Party over our nation

Note the shadenfreuden?

Note that you just defined it a "win" for conservatism even if the USA goes down?

How patriotic.

Tell us again how much you conservatives love this nation.

What an idiot.
You had eight years, and totally screwed this nation. Do you really think we want to give you dingleberries another chance?

And the DEMS have had Congress since '06. Obama has tripled what he was 'Given'...Hows that unemployment figure? 10%?

Not getting better? It ain't Bush...or Republicans...

Democrat Statists OWN this...Lock, Stock, Barrel.

And they want to expand on FAILURE.

Way to GO...:clap2:

Well, you yapping asses had from 2001 to 2007 to get things right, by your own figures. And you had two failed wars, and drove the nation nearly into a major depression.

No, you dumbies own this just as Gramm owns the deregulation of the banks with the full support of the you Conservatives.

And you Socialist/Progressive/Statists have been at it since just after the Civil War...really got going during Wilson's reign of terror...then FDR...and Now are trying to tie the fuckin ribbons on the death knell of a once Proud Republic...

See this is your problem you crotchetty old FOOL...You Fuckers have been at destroying this Republic for Decades...And here you are citing eight years of trying to repair decades of damage foisted by shitheads like you?

Face it you old stupid idiot...you are shallow...VAPID....and FAIL at history...again.

You Get a Failing grade as your posts demonstrate for all time.

Get lost. We're taking it back from the clutches of FOOLS as YOU.

We prize Liberty...YOU want to give it up to those that could give a SHIT about even YOURSELF.
Ah yes, spoken like a true idiot. You wish to preserve liberty by creating an oligarchy. And I do know how that has turned out, historically.

And you supposedly took it back in 2001. Did real well, did you not? You will do even worse next time, it you get it back. For you have consistantly proven you learned nothing from the failures of last time.

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