Cautious optimism over Iranian nuclear deal as talks resume in Geneva

Yes. and they all hurt my feelings. How does it make you feel knowing you made me cry ??

BTW, you're the yellow dude :cool:

I don't want to poop on you. I love you guys. You guys are the best people in the world and have no power, I feel sorry for all that has happened to you and the least I could do is give you guys a helping hand, not poop on you.
"...Western Civilization ... has been at war with Islam at least since the Crusades which began in 1099 when the Holy Roman Empire sent armies to 'free the Holy Land from the infidel' and take control of trade routes to the Far East..."
No, Western Civilization has been at war with with Islam since the Muslims invaded and conquered the Levant - including the province of Palestine-Judea - during the 634-636 timeframe and seized it by force-of-arms from the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire.

After centuries of encroachment by Islam into the territories of the Eastern Empire and after a series of particularly onerous outrages upon Christian churches and shrines and pilgrimage routes through the regions that would later become modern-day Turkey and Syria and Lebanon and Israel, the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Emperor appealed to the Roman Catholic Pope in 1095, to try to convince the kings of Western Europe, to furnish large numbers of troops for an expedition in support of the Byzantine Imperial Army and Navy.

The Pope, in hopes of healing the recent (1000 A.D.) split or 'schism' between the Greek Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, assented to the request, and, through a personal tour and a slick marketing campaign, recruited large numbers of both amateurs and professional soldiers to staff multiple expeditionary forces to aid the Eastern Romans.

These Western forces included large contingents from France (including at that time much of modern-day Belgium and the Netherlands [Holland]), England, Germany-Austria (the Holy Roman Empire), various Italian kingdoms, Byzantine Imperial forces and Christian-Armenian (modern-day Turkey) forces; aligned against a similar number of Muslim sects and national or regional contingents.

But the First Crusade (1096-1099) would not have been necessary had the Muslims kept their asses out of the Levant and Palestine-Judea in the first place, 300-400 years before, and had they not been encroaching still further upon Byzantine territory during those intervening centuries.

The Crusades were a reaction to MUSLIM aggression, and NOT the other way aorund.

Just to be clear.

The Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire did not attack Muhammed and his successors (caliphs).

Muhammed and his caliphs attacked the Byzantine Empire.

Thereby setting the stage for the Crusades, years later.


Not Westerners.


"Near the end of the 13th century, the Mamluk dynasty in Egypt overwhelmed the coastal, Christian stronghold of Acre and drove the European invaders out of Palestine and Syria. Still throughout the 13th century, Crusaders tried to gain ground in the Holy Land through short-lived raids that proved little more than annoyances to Muslim rulers.

"But that wasn’t the end of it. In 1798, Napoleon invaded Egypt and Syria. In 1882, Britain made Egypt into a protectorate (which is a fancy name for ‘colony.’) In 1919, France again went to war with Syria.

"In the 1920s, the League of Nations granted Britain and France permission to make Syria a French protectorate and Palestine a British protectorate.

"Now the West has invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, regularly bombs Pakistan, and seems intent on a war with Iran.

"For more than ten centuries, the Middle East has suffered under the assaults of Western Europeans! None of the West’s efforts has gotten it the hegemony it seeks.

"So at the end of the Second World War, the British realized, as the system of protectorates in the Middle East began to unravel, that a different strategy was needed.

"Not having been able to transplant Western values in the populations of any Middle Eastern country, it became apparent that only another British colony, populated by people of European origin, could ever hope to succeed.

"Thus the British continued the duplicitous diplomacy of making promises it never intended to keep, concocted a racist Balfour Declaration, and sought to use the Jews of Europe as its colonists to establish a Western style state in Palestine called Israel.

"No, you say!

"But consider this: the Israelis treat Palestinians exactly like the English colonists, wherever they have gone, have treated aborigines. The English have mistreated people wherever they have gone.

"Don’t believe it?

"Ask an Irishman!

"The mistreatment of people seems to be a genetic characteristic of the English who once were slavers to Americans and drug pushers to the Chinese.

"But the creation of Israel hasn’t worked out too well either..."

Israel ? Just Another Hapless British Colony | Global Research
These Occupations of Palestine never end well for the Occupiers.

History teaches us that.
But this time the colonialists have Samson on their side:

"In a New York Times Op-Ed article, 'Using Bombs to Stave Off War,' the prominent Israeli historian Benny Morris wrote that Iran's leaders should welcome Israeli bombing with conventional weapons, because 'the alternative is an Iran turned into a nuclear wasteland.'

"Purposely or not, Morris is reviving an old theme. During the 1950s, leading figures of Israel's governing Labor Party advised in internal discussion that 'we will go crazy ("nishtagea") if crossed, threatening to bring down the Temple Walls in the manner of the first "suicide bomber,' the revered Samson, who killed more philistines by his suicide than in his entire lifetime.

"Israel's nuclear weapons may well harm its own security, as Israeli strategic analyst Zeev Maoz persuasively argues. But security is often not a high priority for state planners, as history makes clear. And the 'Samson complex,' as Israeli commentators have called it, can be flaunted to warn the master to carry out the desired task of smashing Iran, or else we'll inflame the region and maybe the world."

All options on the table?, by Noam Chomsky

All options on the table?, by Noam Chomsky

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