Caterpillar won't build North American plant in Illinois


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Caterpillar won't build North American plant in Illinois |

PEORIA -- Caterpillar Inc. will not be building its new North American plant anywhere in the state of Illinois, officials with the company told local leaders Tuesday, with part of the reason being continued concerns about the business climate in the state. The company will instead focus on a location closer to its division headquarters in Cary, N.C., Peoria County officials were told in an email sent to them shortly after the close of business and later obtained by the Journal Star. The plant stood to bring with it from Japan roughly 1,000 jobs manufacturing track-type tractors and mini hydraulic...
Caterpillar won't build North American plant in Illinois |

PEORIA -- Caterpillar Inc. will not be building its new North American plant anywhere in the state of Illinois, officials with the company told local leaders Tuesday, with part of the reason being continued concerns about the business climate in the state. The company will instead focus on a location closer to its division headquarters in Cary, N.C., Peoria County officials were told in an email sent to them shortly after the close of business and later obtained by the Journal Star. The plant stood to bring with it from Japan roughly 1,000 jobs manufacturing track-type tractors and mini hydraulic...

As catapillar is HQ,d in Peioria - they can't be all down on caterpillar.
Business climate in Illinois, that's certainly understandable. As is the fact that NC is a right to work state. Let's see. In Illinois a plant full of union stooges. In NC a plant with no union stooges. Decisions, decisions...
Caterpillar won't build North American plant in Illinois |

PEORIA -- Caterpillar Inc. will not be building its new North American plant anywhere in the state of Illinois, officials with the company told local leaders Tuesday, with part of the reason being continued concerns about the business climate in the state. The company will instead focus on a location closer to its division headquarters in Cary, N.C., Peoria County officials were told in an email sent to them shortly after the close of business and later obtained by the Journal Star. The plant stood to bring with it from Japan roughly 1,000 jobs manufacturing track-type tractors and mini hydraulic...

Uhhh.....CAT has already expanded its Illinois operations.

In support of this capacity expansion, the company will invest more than $1 billion from 2008 through 2010 in five existing facilities in Illinois (East Peoria, Joliet, Decatur, Aurora and Mossville).

Caterpillar to expand capacity for Illinois operations
Pretty Easy decision for Cat to make really.

I'm surprised any business still has anything located in ILL.
Illinois has a legacy. Five billion in arrears on payments to vendors is part. When Illinois went to Wall Street to peddle some bonds to pay for the state retirees penions and health care, the State's reps told the Wall Street Bankers that "Psst! Da Federal governments gonna guarantee da principle on dem dere bonds"
If Illinois doesn't file for bankruptcy, what kind of a tax squeeze is that going to place on all of its residents and businesses when the state gets serious about righting its finances? And if it does file, the people that are owed monies by the state will just have to end up holding their hands on their posteriors and settle for cents on the dollar, Caterpillar, too. It all goes back to Charlie Rangel's and the Democrat's mantra "We have to tax more, so we can spend more."

» Made for each other - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Business climate in Illinois, that's certainly understandable. As is the fact that NC is a right to work state. Let's see. In Illinois a plant full of union stooges. In NC a plant with no union stooges. Decisions, decisions...

Agreed. I can understand why a business would choose to employ people that allow themselves to be exploited. Heck, they'll work for less, for less benefits and they have to kneel down and open wide to get ahead.
Yeah, what's union membership these days? 10% of the workforce?

Must be a great deal!!!!
Backdoor tax deals didn't save this one! The Gov Quinn tax increase was one of the most most devastating in US history. Gov Quinn talked about making the Corporations and rich pay their "fair share." In the end, it became the largest income tax increase on IL middle class in IL history. IL now has a top five highest income tax on the middle class in the US. This was the HIGHEST tax increase on small business in the country in a few decades!

Did the large corps pay their fair share? NOT A CHANCE! In fact they pay less now. Whenever one started to moan and croan, Gov Quinn gave them a sweet backdoor tax break that significantly lowered, zeroed out and even gave a rebate (motorolla's case). It worked for for Caterpillar, John Deere, Novastar, SEARS etc. Who got hit with the tax? Small business: S-Corps, LLC and mom and pops. Companies without lobbiest and ones that don't make headlines when they leave.

So what has been the effect:
(1) The Large corps aren't leave, but aren't expanding in the IL either (in fact they are getting smaller here - Caterpillar is a prime case) and they are paying LESS to NO TAXES.

(2) Small Business are paying higher taxes. It puts them at a competitive disadvantage to the large backdoor taxed competitors. They lose purchasing power and the FLEXIBLITY TO HIRE PEOPLE! Hence why IL has one of the highest unemployment in the country.

(3) Exodus of small business. They dont' make headlines, but they are leaving. IN, OH, TX and WI have by far been the biggest winners. Who said Quinn can't create jobs, too bad all those jobs are be created in other states at IL expense.

(4) NO CORPORATION even considers IL as a destination for relocation. TX and IN are on everyone's shortlist. IL isn't on anyones. I mean why would they come here. 2nd highest corporate tax in the world (with the Fed), business instability, incompetent state government inability to balance the budget. Some of the highest property and gas taxes n the country. A decreasing population as people run from the state. Unions that are out of control and have all the IL policians in their pockets. Look at any list we are right there with CA and NY as worst place to run a business in the country.

(5) No small busines getting started: Corps are moving here and small business (that many times become large corps) aren't getting started up here. We have one of the lowest start-up rates in the entire country!

Gov Quinn needs to go! If Blago ran against Quinn, Blago would get my vote! Heck I would vote for porky-pig over Quinn!
Yeah, what's union membership these days? 10% of the workforce?

Must be a great deal!!!!

Yep. The better paid 10% of the workforce.

Besides, it's hard to fight the wealthy 1%, government and all of the corporate money in Washington. They all kind of frown on workers standing up for themselves.

They'd rather see RTW laws put in place where there is less pay, less workers comp and less worker safety laws. You know, where you're told to "STFU and do as you're told and don't ask no fucking questions".
Yeah, what's union membership these days? 10% of the workforce?

Must be a great deal!!!!

Yep. The better paid 10% of the workforce.

Besides, it's hard to fight the wealthy 1%, government and all of the corporate money in Washington. They all kind of frown on workers standing up for themselves.

They'd rather see RTW laws put in place where there is less pay, less workers comp and less worker safety laws. You know, where you're told to "STFU and do as you're told and don't ask no fucking questions".

Of boo fucking hoo....

I haven't worked for a wage in YEARS and I guarantee you I make more than most union "workers" in this country. Of course, in getting to this point I have had to take risks, battle a battalion of government regulations, etc. to get to a point where I can call my own shots.

But hey, you wanna join the job club, pay protection money to union fat cats and vote as your told.. have at it! This is after all, America!
Yeah, what's union membership these days? 10% of the workforce?

Must be a great deal!!!!

Yep. The better paid 10% of the workforce.

Besides, it's hard to fight the wealthy 1%, government and all of the corporate money in Washington. They all kind of frown on workers standing up for themselves.

They'd rather see RTW laws put in place where there is less pay, less workers comp and less worker safety laws. You know, where you're told to "STFU and do as you're told and don't ask no fucking questions".

Of boo fucking hoo....

I haven't worked for a wage in YEARS and I guarantee you I make more than most union "workers" in this country. Of course, in getting to this point I have had to take risks, battle a battalion of government regulations, etc. to get to a point where I can call my own shots.

But hey, you wanna join the job club, pay protection money to union fat cats and vote as your told.. have at it! This is after all, America!

Sounds like jealousy talking. Not that I blame you for it.

Some recent news:

- Intel invests $5 billion to build a new manufacturing facility in Arizona.

- GE Transportation builds a new factory in Texas.

- GE runs the world's largest gas turbine manufacturing plant in SC (95% of production for export). And GE Aviation assembles 400 jet engines a year in NC.

- Boeing to build a factory in SC.

- Sikorsky expands in Florida while cuts jobs in Connecticut.

- Caterpillar "insources" production and 1000 jobs from Japan to a new facility in NC (maybe)

- Otis to move production from Mexico to a new plant in SC. There were almost no Otis manufacturing jobs left in USA.

- Siemens Energy opens its second largest manufacturing facility in NC (after Berlin). The only Siemens factory that makes both steam and gas turbines (for both domestic and overseas markets; exports expected to grow to more than $400 million a year).

- Almost all general aviation, business jets, light helicopters and aircraft parts manufacturers are located in right-to-work states (Georgia, Texas, Florida, Iowa, Kansas...). Companies like Gulfstream or LearJet are investing and adding new jobs.

- Almost all foreign automakers prefer to produce and expand in southern states. The BMW plant in SC is about to become the group´s largest one in the world, with more than 300k units produced a year and 70% for export.

There is not a single automotive large-scale production facility in the North East coast since 2009, when GM closed the last one in Delaware.
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[Business climate and Governor Quinn's tax everything that moves policies. "We have to tax more so we can spend more" Charles Rangel (D-NY) Oh well! I guess if you want to dance, you eventually have to pay the piper. Just think of Illinois as the American version of Greece. Everybody wants what they think is rightfully theirs, but but nobody wants to pay for it.]

"Caterpillar has ruled out building a planned new plant in Illinois due to the negative business climate, via AP:

“Please understand that even if your community had the right logistics for this project, Caterpillar’s previously documented concerns about the business climate and overall fiscal health of the state of Illinois still would have made it unpractical for us to select your community for this project,” the email, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, says.

Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman last year complained to Gov. Pat Quinn about the state’s business climate after Illinois raised income taxes. Oberhelman noted that Caterpillar is regularly courted by other states trying to lure away the company’s headquarters, though he later said the company has no plans to leave.

The plant will be located closer to Caterpillar’s division headquarters in North Carolina:

The company will instead focus on a location closer to its division headquarters in Cary, N.C., Peoria County officials were told in an email sent to them shortly after the close of business and later obtained by the Journal Star. The plant stood to bring with it from Japan roughly 1,000 jobs manufacturing track-type tractors and mini hydraulic excavators.

I have to wonder for how long companies will have the option of picking and choosing states based on business climate. The entire thrust of the Obama administration’s policies, from health care to energy to labor relations, is to nationalize negative business policies such as those which exist in Illinois.

Rather than modeling best practices such as right-to-work and low tax structures, the Democratic Pary solution is to model worst practices and seek to impose those worst practices uniformly throughout the country"

» Caterpillar will build new plant outside Illinois due to negative business climate - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Before the October, 1929 Crash, before the Great Depression got a chance to really sink its teeth into the American economy, President Herbert Hoover, yes that Herbert Hoover, decided that giving an across the board raise to the members of the United Mine Workers might be just the ticket to get the economy restarted. After the mandatory raise was implemented, employment for the union mine workers dropped off markedly, so much so that the mine workers President asked Hoover to cease and desist on the pay raise talk.
Steve Jobs pointedly told Obama his policies made it impossible to consider building new manufacturing facilities in the United States.
The stock market's up a little, hiring has picked up a little, all in spite of the fact that the Government has hamstrung the economy with so many taxes and regulations that the American economy resembles Gulliver tied down on the beach at Lilliput.
Jesus Jurior look at the date of this. That announce was prior to 2008! Prior to the tax increases! Prior to President Obama! Prior to Gov Quinn! Prior to the Blago impeachment! Prior to the collaspe! Heck Obama was a Jr. Senator at the time and Quinn was the worst Lt Gov. in IL executive history!

Who you trying to crap Goose?

Let's fast-forward to 2012 shall we AND AFTER THE QUINN BUSINESS KILLING TAX INCREASES! 2K jobs that should have been granted to rural Illinois are now going to RIGHT TO WORK NORTH CAROLINA!!!

Caterpillar won't build North American plant in Illinois |

PEORIA -- Caterpillar Inc. will not be building its new North American plant anywhere in the state of Illinois, officials with the company told local leaders Tuesday, with part of the reason being continued concerns about the business climate in the state. The company will instead focus on a location closer to its division headquarters in Cary, N.C., Peoria County officials were told in an email sent to them shortly after the close of business and later obtained by the Journal Star. The plant stood to bring with it from Japan roughly 1,000 jobs manufacturing track-type tractors and mini hydraulic...

Uhhh.....CAT has already expanded its Illinois operations.

In support of this capacity expansion, the company will invest more than $1 billion from 2008 through 2010 in five existing facilities in Illinois (East Peoria, Joliet, Decatur, Aurora and Mossville).

Caterpillar to expand capacity for Illinois operations
Yep. The better paid 10% of the workforce.

Besides, it's hard to fight the wealthy 1%, government and all of the corporate money in Washington. They all kind of frown on workers standing up for themselves.

They'd rather see RTW laws put in place where there is less pay, less workers comp and less worker safety laws. You know, where you're told to "STFU and do as you're told and don't ask no fucking questions".

Of boo fucking hoo....

I haven't worked for a wage in YEARS and I guarantee you I make more than most union "workers" in this country. Of course, in getting to this point I have had to take risks, battle a battalion of government regulations, etc. to get to a point where I can call my own shots.

But hey, you wanna join the job club, pay protection money to union fat cats and vote as your told.. have at it! This is after all, America!

Sounds like jealousy talking. Not that I blame you for it.

Jealous! :confused: The global corporation I work for has 500-550 workers in the the Chicagoland area. We don't have (nor need) a Union to screw us up. Yet we have health ins, dental ins, LTD, STD, 20 FTO days, AD&D, Life Insurance, Legal Assistance Plan, 5 sick days, 401(k) with a nice match and high salaries (at least 75% of the workers make over $60K, I guarantee 50% over $75K and at least 20% make six digits year in and out). We don't have Unions stealing money out of each paycheck to make outraganous demands on my employer, so they lay-off workers, ship the jobs to another state or another country! No thank you!

I was recently promoted from sales to the legal department! It had nothing to do with seniority, because I didn't have it. It had to do with merit. I didn't need a Union to help me, nor do any of the other 500+ workers here.

We're not jealous of Unions, we pitty the poor soles forced to get robbed, raped and abused by Unions!
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Business climate in Illinois, that's certainly understandable. As is the fact that NC is a right to work state. Let's see. In Illinois a plant full of union stooges. In NC a plant with no union stooges. Decisions, decisions...

Agreed. I can understand why a business would choose to employ people that allow themselves to be exploited. Heck, they'll work for less, for less benefits and they have to kneel down and open wide to get ahead.
You have that backwards. Unions exploit people. Unions are racketeers...forcing members to pay dues for job protection and the "privilege" of being a member of the group that drives up the cost of everything manufactured or built exclusively with overpriced labor. Unions destroyed the American auto industry.

Let me see...did the workers not have to take cuts in pay and benefits under the reorganizing?

Unions suck!

The Teachers Unions are destroying public education and have created what is nothing more than a protected-jobs program for incompetent, worthless "teachers that cannot be fired".

The entire population of the United States suffers from the activities and corruption of labor unions.
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