Cat Lovers Thread


The Hidden World of Cats: What Our Feline Friends Are Doing When We’re Not Looking​

Most pet cats are free to roam, but where do they go and what do they get up to? We fitted six cats with GPS trackers and found out.


What Our Feline Friends Really Think About Hugs, Happiness and Humans​

They do what they want, all the time—and can teach us a lot about how to live in the present, be content and learn from our experience
A common criticism levelled at cats is that these capricious little creatures only use humans for warm beds and a reliable source of protein. But “cats do get attached to people,” says Siracusa. “They get attached to other animals too.” He explains that cats often show affection by proximity, if not physical interaction, “being in the same room as you or physically close to you”. More demonstrative cats will sleep on or near their owners, or other cats. “Cats who have grown up together are more likely to be preferred associates,” he says. “But as a general rule cats do not like to be picked up, hugged and kissed. The great majority of cats don’t like this.”

This misapprehension that cats do not care for their owners typically comes from humans who are disappointed their cats don’t behave like other humans, or at the very least, dogs. “Cats are not people,” Siracusa sighs, “and they are not dogs. Humans hug and kiss. Dogs become very excited and jump around. Cats don’t do anything like that. They are much more elegant. They approach us. They bump their heads. Then they have some contact with us and walk away.”


Decode Your Cat’s Behavior: 17 Cat Behaviors Explained​


What is normal cat behavior?​

Kids may say the darndest things, but it's felines that really throw us for a loop with their odd cat behavior! From kneading on soft blankets to knocking things off tables to scratching our brand-new furniture, they tend to induce an equal amount of "awws!" and "oh no's!" This cat behavior guide breaks down all the above and more, so keep reading. You'll also want to read up on why cats love boxes, why cats hate water, and why cats purr. Also, check out this guide to cat body language to see what your feline is trying to tell you.

A slide show of course ...

Stray (2022) - Inside the wall. Game Soundtrack. OST.​

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