Cast Out


Big D

When are we going to get rid of all these "racist" teachers in our public school system?

Under the Savannah-Chatham County Schools Student Code of Conduct, rude language might warrant a time out, but derogatory language can get a student suspended for five days. A fight could result in detention but battery is punishable by expulsion.

In the 2003/2004 school year, Savannah-Chatham County Schools suspended 4,321 students and 2,276 of them were black males. The district expelled a total of 178 students and 122 of them were black males.

Although they make up about a third of the student population, black males accounted for 53 percent of all suspensions and 69 percent of all expulsions.

This year, 1,309 Savannah-Chatham County elementary school students were suspended and 11 were expelled. Black males accounted for 60 percent of the elementary school suspensions and 82 percent of those expelled.

The district's 11 middle schools suspended 1,633 students and expelled 40. About 53 percent of those suspended and 75 percent of those expelled were black males.

On the high school level, black males accounted for 45 percent of the 1,379 suspensions and 58 percent of the 127 expulsions.

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