Yes. Jaraxle was right and you were wrong.
Yeah...nothing says "right" like giving an example of your local city hall! :lmao:

When you got to Walmart, are you charged a fee for using a credit card? Nope. When you got to McDonald's, are you charged a fee for using a credit card? Nope. When you got to Best Buy, are you charged a fee for using a credit card? Nope. When you got to Staples, are you charged a fee for using a credit card? Nope.

Thanks for playing Toddster. You are dismissed!
cash around (which the government you claim to not want to empower, manipulates),

You think using credit or non-cash payments protects you from government manipulation of the money supply and interest rates? LOL! Tell me more!!!
I will tell you more. And then you'll be embarrassed over your stupidity and you'll make outrageous claims because your fragile ego won't allow you to admit that you were wrong.

As stated multiple times in this thread already, currency is removed from our economy for a multitude of reasons. This causes government to inject currency into the economy without any real idea of how much is still out there. That causes inflation, devalues the dollar, etc. It's constant fluctuation. That lack of stability isn't good for the economy or the citizens.

With pure digital currency, we could know the exact amount and there never be a need for the government to inject more since it cannot be lost, burned in house fires, thrown into wishing wells in Disney World, etc. That brings tremendous stability. In addition:
  • We wouldn't waste the tremendous tax dollars on printing and coining currency
  • People wouldn't be able to evade taxes like they do now (your #1 fear)
  • It would all but completely eliminate criminal activity (without cash, how do criminal organizations explain their income/transactions?)
  • Without cash - individuals are safer. Hackers might steal money, but nobody will be placing a gun to your face to rob you if they know currency doesn't exist.
Look - I get it. You love not paying your taxes and burdening the rest of us with your share. I can understand how someone like you would be freaked out about it. But frankly, I'm tired of carrying your share. There are millions of people not paying their taxes, costing the U.S. government trillions of dollars which they make up by crushing the rest of us. It is a 100% guarantee that we will be an economy that is strictly run on digital transactions someday. It's just a matter of when. In the meantime, you might want to start researching some third world countries where your tax evasion and other criminal activities will be more palatable by the citizens.
  • People wouldn't be able to evade taxes like they do now (your #1 fear)
  • It would all but completely eliminate criminal activity (without cash, how do criminal organizations explain their income/transactions?)

Again --- BULLSHIT. You yourself noted that PayPal or Bitcoin can be used to make a transaction without "explanations".

Whelp ---- both "criminal activities" and "unreported income" can easily be paid by those and other methods. And there's no need to "explain" those transactions.

Who says there is no need to explain them? YOU do.

my only reason for cash is that i like its privacy .
By the way - just because it's a digital transition doesn't mean you surrender privacy. If I sold you a firearm in a private transaction today and you paid me using PayPal, the government would have no clue what I sold you. They would simply know that you and I had a transaction. Nothing more.

Now you're sitting here contradicting your own claim.

Didn't think this one out real hard didja?
Hurray for complete digital transactions!

Customers shut out of accounts for hours during Bank of America system outage

Bank of America customers were shut out from their accounts for several hours Wednesday in a system outage.

Coral Springs resident Eric Sleeper said he got what looked like a phishing email from the bank Wednesday and immediately started calling customer service to see if something was wrong. A message on his online account said it could not pull up his information.

When he called his local branch, a manager said that local managers were all calling each other trying to figure out what caused what appeared to be a national outage and why they were unable to provide certain services.

Customers shut out of accounts for hours during Bank of America system outage

Nothing can possibly go wrong with servers!
A while back when I was in the states I found out someone was stealing money from a family member's savings account. The bank, Chase, refunded most of it, but still missed a blatantly fake check that was cashed. Went back to the bank to fix that, but their computer systems were all down and they "couldn't do anything".
Even if there is no longer any $ bills the people who possess and control most of the wealth will never give up gold or diamonds etc. It is that clique who has been pushing this "cash less" idea.
But they would NEVER turn over any of the stuff they stashed away in their safety boxes in Swiss or Liechtenstein bank vaults and convert it into a digital credit like the rest of the idiots they might manage to convince. No way will this "cash less" system eliminate crime !
Credit card fraud cost US consumers 16 billion $ in 2016 :
Identity theft, credit card fraud cost US consumers $16 billion in 2016 | ZDNet
And you don't need a gun to rob the victim:
Waitress caught using credit card skimmer
When buying gas, a card is usually a 5-6 cent charge.
Uh...99% of gas stations do not charge the consumer a fee for using credit cards. I think I've seen exactly 2 gas stations in my entire life that have done that. One was out of state and my friend told me how they explicitly avoid that gas station just on principle.

Thanks for playing. You're dismissed.
Describe, in detail and with links to sources, exactly how you arrived at the conclusion that only 1% of has stations charge for using a credit card.
Yes. Jaraxle was right and you were wrong.
Yeah...nothing says "right" like giving an example of your local city hall! :lmao:

When you got to Walmart, are you charged a fee for using a credit card? Nope. When you got to McDonald's, are you charged a fee for using a credit card? Nope. When you got to Best Buy, are you charged a fee for using a credit card? Nope. When you got to Staples, are you charged a fee for using a credit card? Nope.

Thanks for playing Toddster. You are dismissed!

Yeah...nothing says "right" like giving an example of your local city hall!

His example was city hall and you claimed he was wrong.
I showed he was correct.
You whined.

When you got to Walmart, are you charged a fee for using a credit card?

Unless he claimed he was charged a fee at Walmart....your deflection is unsuccessful.
Removing physical currency from society will be one of the most impactful and positive events in the history of civilization:
  • It almost immediately eliminates criminal activity. Without cash, one has to explain transactions. A prostitute must explain why she had a transaction at 2:00 a.m. when she is not employed. Gambling, narcotics, etc. are all in deep trouble instantly.
  • It essentially eliminates robbery. Yes, there will be cybercrime of course. But a person hacking my bank account is a billion times safer than a person sticking a gun in my face to take my cash.
  • It instantly eliminates all tax evasion. With a digital record of every transaction, all of the criminals who currently don't pay taxes now show an income. That closes a huge gap for the government and eases the burden on the rest of us who do pay our taxes.
Visa unveils new incentive plan to push cashless transactions

Wow...being serious, this is one of the worst post I have seen here in years.
cash around (which the government you claim to not want to empower, manipulates),

You think using credit or non-cash payments protects you from government manipulation of the money supply and interest rates? LOL! Tell me more!!!
I will tell you more. And then you'll be embarrassed over your stupidity and you'll make outrageous claims because your fragile ego won't allow you to admit that you were wrong.

As stated multiple times in this thread already, currency is removed from our economy for a multitude of reasons. This causes government to inject currency into the economy without any real idea of how much is still out there. That causes inflation, devalues the dollar, etc. It's constant fluctuation. That lack of stability isn't good for the economy or the citizens.

With pure digital currency, we could know the exact amount and there never be a need for the government to inject more since it cannot be lost, burned in house fires, thrown into wishing wells in Disney World, etc. That brings tremendous stability. In addition:
  • We wouldn't waste the tremendous tax dollars on printing and coining currency
  • People wouldn't be able to evade taxes like they do now (your #1 fear)
  • It would all but completely eliminate criminal activity (without cash, how do criminal organizations explain their income/transactions?)
  • Without cash - individuals are safer. Hackers might steal money, but nobody will be placing a gun to your face to rob you if they know currency doesn't exist.
Look - I get it. You love not paying your taxes and burdening the rest of us with your share. I can understand how someone like you would be freaked out about it. But frankly, I'm tired of carrying your share. There are millions of people not paying their taxes, costing the U.S. government trillions of dollars which they make up by crushing the rest of us. It is a 100% guarantee that we will be an economy that is strictly run on digital transactions someday. It's just a matter of when. In the meantime, you might want to start researching some third world countries where your tax evasion and other criminal activities will be more palatable by the citizens.

As stated multiple times in this thread already, currency is removed from our economy for a multitude of reasons.

Until you can show our economy is harmed by this, rather than helped, your theory remains unproven.

That causes inflation, devalues the dollar, etc.

If foreigners take $500 billion in USD and use them in Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and any other nation with an untrustworthy currency, how can it cause inflation here?

We wouldn't waste the tremendous tax dollars on printing and coining currency

Printing currency is profitable for the government.

It would all but completely eliminate criminal activity

You already said people could buy things (guns) and the government wouldn't know what they bought.
I enjoy refuting your claims, but it's so much more fun when you refute them yourself.
Actually you are. It is built into the price of the product.
Yes. Jaraxle was right and you were wrong.
Yeah...nothing says "right" like giving an example of your local city hall! :lmao:

When you got to Walmart, are you charged a fee for using a credit card? Nope. When you got to McDonald's, are you charged a fee for using a credit card? Nope. When you got to Best Buy, are you charged a fee for using a credit card? Nope. When you got to Staples, are you charged a fee for using a credit card? Nope.

Thanks for playing Toddster. You are dismissed!
When buying gas, a card is usually a 5-6 cent charge.
Uh...99% of gas stations do not charge the consumer a fee for using credit cards. I think I've seen exactly 2 gas stations in my entire life that have done that. One was out of state and my friend told me how they explicitly avoid that gas station just on principle.

Thanks for playing. You're dismissed.
Describe, in detail and with links to sources, exactly how you arrived at the conclusion that only 1% of has stations charge for using a credit card.

Almost every station in this area charges $.10 a gallon more for using a credit card. Very few if any don't. Sinclair, Safeway, Tesoro, 76 and on and on. Gas Buddy now has a feature on its apps to show the difference per gallon between cash and credit.
When buying gas, a card is usually a 5-6 cent charge.
Uh...99% of gas stations do not charge the consumer a fee for using credit cards. I think I've seen exactly 2 gas stations in my entire life that have done that. One was out of state and my friend told me how they explicitly avoid that gas station just on principle.

Thanks for playing. You're dismissed.
Describe, in detail and with links to sources, exactly how you arrived at the conclusion that only 1% of has stations charge for using a credit card.

Almost every station in this area charges $.10 a gallon more for using a credit card. Very few if any don't. Sinclair, Safeway, Tesoro, 76 and on and on. Gas Buddy now has a feature on its apps to show the difference per gallon between cash and credit.

At some point the banking industry (for the benefit of the corporapologist OP, "Praised Be its Holy Name, Domini Domini, Yes Master May I have Another") engineered some laws to make it illegal to charge more for CCs in some cases. Around here and many other places gas stations get around this by selling a card you can load up with X dollars of value, that has to be paid for by cash. Then getting your gas with this card saves you typically 3 to 5 cents per gallon. I get most of my local gas this way.

I save money on fuel, they save money on bank fees. Everybody's happy except the corporapologists like the OP who are constantly seeking some authority's boot to lick.
I don't use cash at all anymore in normal transactions with a business. And that is fine.
However, when buying something off of an individual, almost always a small amount of money...of course I use cash. The government gets enough tax dollars from me and then some. Way more than they need.
This is nothing more than an attempt to:
1) Increase taxation
2) Pay toll tax to corporations. Of course Visa wants a cashless economy....DUH!!!...they get anywhere from 3%-7% of in the end you buy a fishing reel off your neighbor for $ need to pay $1.40 to the government, and $.60 to a corporation.
F*ck that

P.S. - And then you would need to pay a middle man like that charges another 6% to perform the secure transaction.
You would have to be a lunatic to be for this.
I don't use cash at all anymore in normal transactions with a business. And that is fine.
However, when buying something off of an individual, almost always a small amount of money...of course I use cash. The government gets enough tax dollars from me and then some. Way more than they need.
This is nothing more than an attempt to:
1) Increase taxation
2) Pay toll tax to corporations. Of course Visa wants a cashless economy....DUH!!!...they get anywhere from 3%-7% of in the end you buy a fishing reel off your neighbor for $ need to pay $1.40 to the government, and $.60 to a corporation.
F*ck that

P.S. - And then you would need to pay a middle man like that charges another 6% to perform the secure transaction.
You would have to be a lunatic to be for this.

This is what astounds me about wags like the OP --- they'll rail all day and night about "big gummint" and any intrusion on personal liberties it even hints at, but as soon as Corporatia sets up to do the same thing -- they can't drop their pants and assume the position fast enough.

Yep, just found an article when it became legal.
Yep, and due to litigation, anyone can charge a surcharge, except in 10 states-

Update - January 27, 2013: As a result of long-standing litigation against the cards brands, merchants are now permitted to charge customers a surcharge for paying with a credit card
Charging Customers to Use a Credit Card

You soon could be charged extra for using a credit card |

Already happening.
cash around (which the government you claim to not want to empower, manipulates),

You think using credit or non-cash payments protects you from government manipulation of the money supply and interest rates? LOL! Tell me more!!!
I will tell you more. And then you'll be embarrassed over your stupidity and you'll make outrageous claims because your fragile ego won't allow you to admit that you were wrong.

As stated multiple times in this thread already, currency is removed from our economy for a multitude of reasons. This causes government to inject currency into the economy without any real idea of how much is still out there. That causes inflation, devalues the dollar, etc. It's constant fluctuation. That lack of stability isn't good for the economy or the citizens.

With pure digital currency, we could know the exact amount and there never be a need for the government to inject more since it cannot be lost, burned in house fires, thrown into wishing wells in Disney World, etc. That brings tremendous stability. In addition:
  • We wouldn't waste the tremendous tax dollars on printing and coining currency
  • People wouldn't be able to evade taxes like they do now (your #1 fear)
  • It would all but completely eliminate criminal activity (without cash, how do criminal organizations explain their income/transactions?)
  • Without cash - individuals are safer. Hackers might steal money, but nobody will be placing a gun to your face to rob you if they know currency doesn't exist.
Look - I get it. You love not paying your taxes and burdening the rest of us with your share. I can understand how someone like you would be freaked out about it. But frankly, I'm tired of carrying your share. There are millions of people not paying their taxes, costing the U.S. government trillions of dollars which they make up by crushing the rest of us. It is a 100% guarantee that we will be an economy that is strictly run on digital transactions someday. It's just a matter of when. In the meantime, you might want to start researching some third world countries where your tax evasion and other criminal activities will be more palatable by the citizens.

As stated multiple times in this thread already, currency is removed from our economy for a multitude of reasons.

Until you can show our economy is harmed by this, rather than helped, your theory remains unproven.

That causes inflation, devalues the dollar, etc.

If foreigners take $500 billion in USD and use them in Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and any other nation with an untrustworthy currency, how can it cause inflation here?

We wouldn't waste the tremendous tax dollars on printing and coining currency

Printing currency is profitable for the government.

It would all but completely eliminate criminal activity

You already said people could buy things (guns) and the government wouldn't know what they bought.
I enjoy refuting your claims, but it's so much more fun when you refute them yourself.
Things started falling apart when the "redeemable in gold" was deleted from what was printed on the dollar bills.
The next move was to establish the "Feds" who are actually private banksters who are anonymous and issue the money we use. They own it and we are in effect just renting it from them even though we are the ones who have to back the printed money with the the form of taxes while all they contribute is paper and ink. After they accomplished that feat they convinced the government to make it illegal for private citizens to physically own gold and confiscate it
Executive Order 6102 - Wikipedia
Executive Order 6102 is a United States presidential executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States". The effect of the order, in conjunction with the statute under which it was issued, was to criminalize the possession of monetary gold by any individual, partnership, association or corporation.
And it should not surprise anyone that now they want to convince us that doing away with cash is the way to go using the pretense to combat criminality....It is nothing more than a lure and a clever deflection. which are the usual tools for corrupt politicians to push an agenda to fuck the public

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