Carville: Romney came with a chainsaw


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010

I love these headlines at Drudge

ROUND WON: Romney Seized Offense in Debate...

You Were Fighting For Obamacare, Not Jobs...

'The Path We’re Taking Is Not Working'...

FOURNIER: Cursed Obama Falls...

MSNBC MATTHEWS: 'What Was He Doing!'

Cutter takes swipe at Lehrer...

Carville: 'Romney came with a chainsaw'...

Andrew Sullivan: 'This was a disaster'...

Lost, bewildered without teleprompter...

Michael Moore: 'This is what happens when u pick John Kerry as your debate coach'..

Isn't it interesting though; that they get down on Obama; but they don't glow about Romney (like they would have if Obama won). They're fans and not reporters so who cares what they say anyhow.
This is like going in front of the board to defend a few years of shitty profits. People will looking for a good excuse, but Obama gave them a crap sandwich.

Romney won because he gave the people a solid reason to switch. Now watch Obama fall like a wet paper bag.
Isn't it interesting though; that they get down on Obama; but they don't glow about Romney (like they would have if Obama won). They're fans and not reporters so who cares what they say anyhow.

They sound like high school football coaches who are pissed because their star player dropped the ball and lost the game. They will ride his ass and push him to do better next time. They are great at picking up the slack for him, but he stunk up the place today and not even his most ardent admirers could spin it his way.

Seriously, he could stand up and confess that he was a Marxist and wanted to destroy the country and they'd still go to bat for him.
Isn't it interesting though; that they get down on Obama; but they don't glow about Romney (like they would have if Obama won). They're fans and not reporters so who cares what they say anyhow.

They sound like high school football coaches who are pissed because their star player dropped the ball and lost the game. They will ride his ass and push him to do better next time. They are great at picking up the slack for him, but he stunk up the place today and not even his most ardent admirers could spin it his way.

I think they still wanted to__ But nobody wanted to be the only one touting the ass clown__ like it might be career suicide.
This is like going in front of the board to defend a few years of shitty profits. People will looking for a good excuse, but Obama gave them a crap sandwich.

Romney won because he gave the people a solid reason to switch. Now watch Obama fall like a wet paper bag.

Shitty profits? You happen to look at the stock market from the Bush years and compare them to the Obama years?
People act like this is surprising. It shouldn't be. Obama's reputation has been over blown his entire career. Everyone knows Obama is a Great Orator, right? Name one memorable line he's said. Other than "You didnt build that" which the right wing helped make famous. There isn't one. It is all smoke. Obama is the most over promoted figure in American life,possibly ever. He is strong on promise, weak on delivery. The truth is he is a shitty speaker when he is speaking. That is what we saw. The truth is he is a shitty executive. He is a shitty leader. He has shitty values. All of this should be no surprise. It's a surprise only to the left wing Obama knee pad brigade, that saw everything they wanted to see in a "clean articulate black man".
People act like this is surprising. It shouldn't be. Obama's reputation has been over blown his entire career. Everyone knows Obama is a Great Orator, right? Name one memorable line he's said. Other than "You didnt build that" which the right wing helped make famous. There isn't one. It is all smoke. Obama is the most over promoted figure in American life,possibly ever. He is strong on promise, weak on delivery. The truth is he is a shitty speaker when he is speaking. That is what we saw. The truth is he is a shitty executive. He is a shitty leader. He has shitty values. All of this should be no surprise. It's a surprise only to the left wing Obama knee pad brigade, that saw everything they wanted to see in a "clean articulate black man".

I always maintained Obama was a fraud from his personal life to his political one. Calling him a deer in the headlights last night was merciful.

But no time to back off now. Romney needs to go after him like a rabid dig. Obama has no defense but when left unchecked his has a strong offense of sleazy and deceptive tactics.
Romney's stylish lies will come back to bite him.

Stop yer whining bitch! You've been babbling all night. You can't even be honest enough to admit that for once Obama screwed up.

That's how much you worship at his feet you groveling Obamadog.

Everyone has a bad night even messiahs. :eusa_whistle:

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