Carville insults half of America by saying Trump was "unhinged" (etc), not a normal candidate...


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023

I hate Carville..

OOPS. I'm supposed to be a Christian (I just remembered :eek: !!)

Ok, let's just say he is a lunatic like all liberals. I'm sure Jesus would give me points on that one, actually... seeing as how I am doing nothing but telling the truth.

So anyhow, if you have doubts about him being a lunatic, you should check out this video and article. I am not done reading it but since I don't like dumbass stuff, I don't feel like finishing it.

Liberals bore the hell out of me
I long ago stopped worrying about what Carville has to say.
I don't either but I thought maybe this would be a good way to show liberals how.. maybe they shouldn't be liberals

when you have someone like this representing you!


I hate Carville..

OOPS. I'm supposed to be a Christian (I just remembered :eek: !!)

Ok, let's just say he is a lunatic like all liberals. I'm sure Jesus would give me points on that one, actually... seeing as how I am doing nothing but telling the truth.

So anyhow, if you have doubts about him being a lunatic, you should check out this video and article. I am not done reading it but since I don't like dumbass stuff, I don't feel like finishing it.

Liberals bore the hell out of me

Do you think St. Michael the Archangel LOVED the dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns? (Rev 12-13, if I'm not mistaken)

I've met him several times informally when he lived over in Shenandoah County (he still owns the place) and to be honest he's a hoot to listen to. He's one hell of a story teller. He has one hell of a grasp of American History too.

The wife saw in the local paper where he applied for a 1 million building permit for renovations to his place so maybe he's moving back.

But yeah, politically he's a dick. ;)
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Carville is useless.

Carville claimed OBVIOUS GOLF BLISTERS on Trump’s hand is Syphilis. :laughing0301: 🤡 🤡 🤡

Carville is crazy as a shithouse rat. Anyone who golfs knows what this is.

He's bats**** crazy regardless of the remarks about Trump's hand

For the first time ever, I hope a mod closes this damn thread

He is, as you say

useless.... no further comment
If anyone should know about being unhinged it’s that serpent head.

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