Carson Is Not "Controversial". His Critics Are Though

His statement about homosexuality was 100% correct. He showed homosexuality is a CHOICE. Michael Che is the idiot. :laugh:
Carson is in fact controversial.

And his critics are average Americans with the common sense Carson lacks.
You cannot state one thing that CArson has said that could be deemed "controversial"..His critics are controversial,including their scam/smear jobs.
Hell the Right wingers do not even concede that President Barack Obama is an American by Birth..........That is the true measure of their Racism ...they Refuse to agree he is An American Citizen...
You refuse to agree that he is a Muslim. Even after he told Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit these words >> "I am a Muslim."
In case you forgot, the President takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Someone who believes in the imposition of Sharia Law cannot take this oath.
Moderation Note:: Edited to fix busted quotes.. -- FCT
And Muslims cannot take ANY oath on the Koran - which advocates lying (Taqiyya)
Carson isn't a real candidate. He's the GOP's solution to accusations of racism and hostility to the President because he's black. "We got a black candidate! See, we're not racist."
Even if that were true. how would differ from Hillary who thinks people should vote for her just because she has a vagina? Come to think of it, it also applies to Obama.
What's controversial in my mind is the reality that he's a fundamentalist that believes that the earth is a few thousand years old, believes the creation story as fact and hates science. .
He's one of the greatest neurosurgeons in the world, and he hates science ? HA HA. You've got some reassessing to do. Get busy.
The left-loon media appears to have settled in on a word to describe Ben Carson. The word "Controversial." Well, it doesn't take rocket science or neurosurgery to delineate what really is "controversial". One thing after another that Carson has been saying, has been jumped on by the clowns at CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc, and labeled controversial.

Since everything he has been saying, from the Muslim/Constitution answer, to the set-up, loaded question from Chuck Todd, to his comment on the Roseberg shooter situation, and everything in between, has been logical, correct, and quite ordinary, it's easy to see that all this so-called controversy, is really just one big SCAM job, designed to derail Carson's candidacy. The criticisms haven't even been minimally defensible. They have been ridiculous.

Carson said Islam is not consistent with the Constitution. The scammers tried to use the Constitution's Article 6 Section 3 about a "religious litmus test" to justify their laughable "complaint." Actually, they came close to getting it right. The answer lies with the Constitution's Article 6, Section TWO, the Supremacy Clause, which flat-out outlaws Islam, for the illegal supremacism that it is. Many people around the world don't even consider Islam to be a religion (as well as some whole nations), but for those who do accept it as one, that still doesn't get Islam in the door to be supreme over the Constitution.

By the Supremacy Clause, NOTHING is allowed to be supreme over the Constitution and the laws of the United States, and the word NOTHING doesn't make exceptions for religions. Carson simply stated what everyone in America should well know, having completed the seventh grade in school.

Carson's answer about homosexuality being a choice, was right on the money as well. I forgot who the liberal attacker was that time, but Carson's answer that when people go into prison straight, and emerge gay, a choice has been made.

The latest manufactured "controversy" on Carson's remarks about The Roseberg shooter, is maybe the dumbest one yet. Of course you take action in a case like that, just like the 4 guys who took action against the French train terrorist recently, and the "Let's Roll" guys on Flight 93 on 9-11. But would the liberals at CNN et al, think of whipping out a gun and shooting madman Mercer ? Of course not. They think your gun shouldn't even be in your pocket. They'd probably say it ought to be melted down somewhere.

It remains to be seen how many of these idiotic pretenses at indignation, the left is going to engage in. They may keep rolling right along with it, since they probably won't ever see this OP, or others like it, they don't watch Fox News, or anything where they are likely to be exposed as the fabricators they are, and they only listen to left-friendly talk, that pretends to endorse what they say.

All those of us in the sane section of America can do is sit back and shake our heads at all their lunacy, and hope not too many people are being swayed by their dopey, clown show, which is the real, and only, "controversial" thing going on here.

To be Muslim has no correlation to being desirous of having one's religion supreme over the Constitution or the law of the land.

Wrong, asshole.
I like his free college as it gives people the chance to take Biology(learn about evolution), Geology(learn about the earth) and Astronomy...All these areas shows that carson is a loon and believe me,,,,Bernie is far more sane and well educated...

We need logic and science to lead America...Not a sky god like in Iran.
Carson knows more about science in his little toe, than you will ever know.
The left-loon media appears to have settled in on a word to describe Ben Carson. The word "Controversial." Well, it doesn't take rocket science or neurosurgery to delineate what really is "controversial". One thing after another that Carson has been saying, has been jumped on by the clowns at CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc, and labeled controversial.

Since everything he has been saying, from the Muslim/Constitution answer, to the set-up, loaded question from Chuck Todd, to his comment on the Roseberg shooter situation, and everything in between, has been logical, correct, and quite ordinary, it's easy to see that all this so-called controversy, is really just one big SCAM job, designed to derail Carson's candidacy. The criticisms haven't even been minimally defensible. They have been ridiculous.

Carson said Islam is not consistent with the Constitution. The scammers tried to use the Constitution's Article 6 Section 3 about a "religious litmus test" to justify their laughable "complaint." Actually, they came close to getting it right. The answer lies with the Constitution's Article 6, Section TWO, the Supremacy Clause, which flat-out outlaws Islam, for the illegal supremacism that it is. Many people around the world don't even consider Islam to be a religion (as well as some whole nations), but for those who do accept it as one, that still doesn't get Islam in the door to be supreme over the Constitution.

By the Supremacy Clause, NOTHING is allowed to be supreme over the Constitution and the laws of the United States, and the word NOTHING doesn't make exceptions for religions. Carson simply stated what everyone in America should well know, having completed the seventh grade in school.

Carson's answer about homosexuality being a choice, was right on the money as well. I forgot who the liberal attacker was that time, but Carson's answer that when people go into prison straight, and emerge gay, a choice has been made.

The latest manufactured "controversy" on Carson's remarks about The Roseberg shooter, is maybe the dumbest one yet. Of course you take action in a case like that, just like the 4 guys who took action against the French train terrorist recently, and the "Let's Roll" guys on Flight 93 on 9-11. But would the liberals at CNN et al, think of whipping out a gun and shooting madman Mercer ? Of course not. They think your gun shouldn't even be in your pocket. They'd probably say it ought to be melted down somewhere.

It remains to be seen how many of these idiotic pretenses at indignation, the left is going to engage in. They may keep rolling right along with it, since they probably won't ever see this OP, or others like it, they don't watch Fox News, or anything where they are likely to be exposed as the fabricators they are, and they only listen to left-friendly talk, that pretends to endorse what they say.

All those of us in the sane section of America can do is sit back and shake our heads at all their lunacy, and hope not too many people are being swayed by their dopey, clown show, which is the real, and only, "controversial" thing going on here.

To be Muslim has no correlation to being desirous of having one's religion supreme over the Constitution or the law of the land.

Wrong, asshole.
What are you saying is wrong about what I said in the OP ? (showing in the quote box)
Carson isn't a real candidate. He's the GOP's solution to accusations of racism and hostility to the President because he's black. "We got a black candidate! See, we're not racist."

you assume that no black who runs as a Republican is authentic.

Correction: He assumes that anyone running as a Republican is not authentic. I have that same problem too with most Republicans--I need to see what they have done.

Probably why I like Kasich so much and have a ready made reason as to why Jeb Bush is still around.
Yeah....but they also have to have a least a snowball's chance in Hell of winning too........
The left-loon media appears to have settled in on a word to describe Ben Carson. The word "Controversial." Well, it doesn't take rocket science or neurosurgery to delineate what really is "controversial". One thing after another that Carson has been saying, has been jumped on by the clowns at CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc, and labeled controversial.

Since everything he has been saying, from the Muslim/Constitution answer, to the set-up, loaded question from Chuck Todd, to his comment on the Roseberg shooter situation, and everything in between, has been logical, correct, and quite ordinary, it's easy to see that all this so-called controversy, is really just one big SCAM job, designed to derail Carson's candidacy. The criticisms haven't even been minimally defensible. They have been ridiculous.

Carson said Islam is not consistent with the Constitution. The scammers tried to use the Constitution's Article 6 Section 3 about a "religious litmus test" to justify their laughable "complaint." Actually, they came close to getting it right. The answer lies with the Constitution's Article 6, Section TWO, the Supremacy Clause, which flat-out outlaws Islam, for the illegal supremacism that it is. Many people around the world don't even consider Islam to be a religion (as well as some whole nations), but for those who do accept it as one, that still doesn't get Islam in the door to be supreme over the Constitution.

By the Supremacy Clause, NOTHING is allowed to be supreme over the Constitution and the laws of the United States, and the word NOTHING doesn't make exceptions for religions. Carson simply stated what everyone in America should well know, having completed the seventh grade in school.

Carson's answer about homosexuality being a choice, was right on the money as well. I forgot who the liberal attacker was that time, but Carson's answer that when people go into prison straight, and emerge gay, a choice has been made.

The latest manufactured "controversy" on Carson's remarks about The Roseberg shooter, is maybe the dumbest one yet. Of course you take action in a case like that, just like the 4 guys who took action against the French train terrorist recently, and the "Let's Roll" guys on Flight 93 on 9-11. But would the liberals at CNN et al, think of whipping out a gun and shooting madman Mercer ? Of course not. They think your gun shouldn't even be in your pocket. They'd probably say it ought to be melted down somewhere.

It remains to be seen how many of these idiotic pretenses at indignation, the left is going to engage in. They may keep rolling right along with it, since they probably won't ever see this OP, or others like it, they don't watch Fox News, or anything where they are likely to be exposed as the fabricators they are, and they only listen to left-friendly talk, that pretends to endorse what they say.

All those of us in the sane section of America can do is sit back and shake our heads at all their lunacy, and hope not too many people are being swayed by their dopey, clown show, which is the real, and only, "controversial" thing going on here.

To be Muslim has no correlation to being desirous of having one's religion supreme over the Constitution or the law of the land.

Wrong, asshole.
What are you saying is wrong about what I said in the OP ? (showing in the quote box)

I'm saying NYcarbineer is wrong, not you.
lol, that they even Consider someone like the 100year old Socialist Bernie A REAL candidate is the biggest joke being played on them ever.

and they sit and tell us about who is a real or not Republican candidate.

I think you're missing the delicious, no extra toppings required irony of it Stephanie which is; If Ben Carson isn't a "real" candidate, why spend so much time and energy trying to demonize him, in fact why spend any at all?

For sure. it would take some honor for them to dissect their own candidates. so it's attack attack attack Republicans. It's the same old dirty politics just like every other election we've went through
Could be, or it could be the fact that Dr. Carson is an African American that has the temerity not to fall into lockstep with the dogma of the left, Such people used to refer to African Americans like Dr. Carson as "uppity negroes" but given how the left likes to couch there cognitive dissonance in political correctness these days they prefer to engage in gotcha style smear tactics and unsubstantiated innuendo against him.

What is certainly not believable is the whole "he's not a real candidate" nonsense since it's clear many on the left are concerned about the possibility that he might actually get elected.

It's certainly interesting (as well as a bit depressing) to watch.

it's sickening but people get to see their true colors come out on how they think of black people. they accused everyone of being a racist if they even criticized Obama.
but I think the people finally figured them out that (yelling Racist) was being used as a way to SHUT down any debate and to shut people up.
There needs to be more talk about how Democrats are the huge racists for supporting and pushing AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
What's controversial in my mind is the reality that he's a fundamentalist that believes that the earth is a few thousand years old, believes the creation story as fact and hates science. .
He's one of the greatest neurosurgeons in the world, and he hates science ? HA HA. You've got some reassessing to do. Get busy.

yeah but, they aren't controversial. everyone else is but them.

these thinned skinned whiny people wailing about something he said. there leftwing hate sites, their medias they let lead them by the nose deems it Controversial so they fall right in line like good little sheep

what this does prove is they are the REAL RACIST in this country. most of us already knew it but it's nice the rest of the people gets to see it
Stopping Nazis is one thing. Empowering dingbats that want to shoot up innocent people, that's going a bit to far.Stop protecting the second amendment. It was written by slave owners with flintlocks. It ts an anachronism. Please.
I'm saying NYcarbineer is wrong, not you.
Oh OK. Sorry. If you want to show exactly who you're responding to,you can delete out all the stuff except the words of the one you're responding to (and his name in the brackets).

You see how I just did that, in this post ?
Stopping Nazis is one thing. Empowering dingbats that want to shoot up innocent people, that's going a bit to far.Stop protecting the second amendment. It was written by slave owners with flintlocks. It ts an anachronism. Please.

So we should only the parts of the Constitution that you approve of?
Stopping Nazis is one thing. Empowering dingbats that want to shoot up innocent people, that's going a bit to far.Stop protecting the second amendment. It was written by slave owners with flintlocks. It ts an anachronism. Please.

So was the rest of the Bill of Rights, you wanna stop "protecting" all those too? :rolleyes:
Stopping Nazis is one thing. Empowering dingbats that want to shoot up innocent people, that's going a bit to far.Stop protecting the second amendment. It was written by slave owners with flintlocks. It ts an anachronism. Please.
Are you serious ?

The way you stop them is by having law-abiding, licensed citizens armed, and ready to defend themselves and others with them. If that would have been the case in all these shootings, only the mass murderer would have been shot. All (or most) those innocent people would still be alive.

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