Carson is in!

It's good because in the least he can cancel out all the lies and divisive white vs black politics of the Democrats. I doubt he will be the nominee but perhaps he can be the VP nominee.
Amending my post above with ....

Is there any chance that, under some misguided idea to prove they're not "racist", idiot RWs would actually vote for him?

He's not qualified. That's a given. But, RWs are a weird bunch and easily led.

I'm sure you'll say Obama was. I'm also sure that his skin color was the primary reason you thought so. You can deny it but I know. I also know you'll vote for the vagina in this election, a.k.a. Hillary. You lefties are a bunch that puts characteristics that have nothing to do with the job ahead of those that do. Perhaps if Hillary doesn't run, Elizabeth Warren, a.k.a. Fakahontas, will. It will still give you the vagina you want in office.
Failed attempt to deflect – the thread's about Carson and the fact he's not qualified to be president, address that issue.

Oh and Obama was sooooo qualified!

Not that this thread was about "qualifications". But Obama's inexperience, incompetence, and radical ideology have made a royal mess of America and the world. True story. :cool:
It's good because in the least he can cancel out all the lies and divisive white vs black politics of the Democrats. I doubt he will be the nominee but perhaps he can be the VP nominee.

Yeah, here's how it will play out. You will have Uncle Tom Carson up on the stage spewing his 'Yeah, Boss, we shore be shiftless" shit on the stage until he comes in last place in the Iowa Caucus. A few Republicans will try to claim that proves you aren't racist. Black will no more buy that shit when you had Alan Keyes or Herman Cain up there being the resident Uncle Tom.

Then they all will get behind whatever white guy the GOP establishment TELLS them they are going to vote for before Hillary mops the floor with him.
Well, now all the Crackers in the GOP can say, "We aren't racist, we've got a black guy up here!"

And Carson can respond, "Yassah, Boss, We sho be shiftless!"

Then when he washes out after Iowa, he can double his speaking fees.

still butt sore about the thumping you receive last month
It's good because in the least he can cancel out all the lies and divisive white vs black politics of the Democrats. I doubt he will be the nominee but perhaps he can be the VP nominee.

Yeah, here's how it will play out. You will have Uncle Tom Carson up on the stage spewing his 'Yeah, Boss, we shore be shiftless" shit on the stage until he comes in last place in the Iowa Caucus. A few Republicans will try to claim that proves you aren't racist. Black will no more buy that shit when you had Alan Keyes or Herman Cain up there being the resident Uncle Tom.

Then they all will get behind whatever white guy the GOP establishment TELLS them they are going to vote for before Hillary mops the floor with him.

Are you even Black to call him an Uncle Tom, asswipe? He will speak the truth about Obama and the Democrats on the national stage, as an educated Black man.

Hillary isn't a very likable person, unlike her husband, and 2016 isn't 1992. Even when her husband was president she wasn't liked much. That's why she lost the nomination to a nobody like Obama in '08.

Plus she's the Godmother of Obama's disastrous health care plan, as well as a total failure as Obama's Secretary of State. In essence the architect of the catastrophe known as the Arab Spring. Those aren't easy negatives to overcome. You never know. She might not even run.
Are you even Black to call him an Uncle Tom, asswipe? He will speak the truth about Obama and the Democrats on the national stage, as an educated Black man.

I can call him an Uncle Tom because he is. He's someone who makes a lot of money making white people feel better about their racism, and he laughs all the way to the bank doing it.

Hillary isn't a very likable person, unlike her husband, and 2016 isn't 1992. Even when her husband was president she wasn't liked much. That's why she lost the nomination to a nobody like Obama in '08.

Actually, 1) She got more votes than Obama did in the primaries, it was just the way the delegates stacked up and 2) the reason why she didn't get the nomination was that she supported the Iraq War and democrats didn't forgive her for that.

Plus she's the Godmother of Obama's disastrous health care plan, as well as a total failure as Obama's Secretary of State. In essence the architect of the catastrophe known as the Arab Spring. Those aren't easy negatives to overcome. You never know. She might not even run.

I know as a hard-core Zionist, you think the whole fucking world revolved around the degenerate Israeli state, but most Americans won't care. They are happy we aren't fighting your wars for you anymore.
"Ben Carson's candidacy will be a catalyst" for some of the better spoofs of the campaign season.
Dr. Carson is not only intelligent but furthermore understands what is required to alter the course of the country. Regretfully his prescription is a bitter pill to swallow and America simply lacks the courage and conviction to accept accountability for where we are and how we evolved to this point. The NE establishment blue bloods will stick with their progressive compassionate crony's and then wonder why they lost again.
I would rather lose and stand by my convictions then compromise and sacrifice my integrity with the full understanding that I once again will be disappointed in the results.
It will be interesting to see what Cruz, Rubio, Ryan and others decide.
Dr. Carson is not only intelligent but furthermore understands what is required to alter the course of the country. Regretfully his prescription is a bitter pill to swallow and America simply lacks the courage and conviction to accept accountability for where we are and how we evolved to this point. The NE establishment blue bloods will stick with their progressive compassionate crony's and then wonder why they lost again.

horseshit. Carson is a sorry-ass uncle Tom who has figured out that white people will pay a bunch of money to hear a black guy validate their bigotry and tell them racism isn't really a problem in this country.
Dr. Carson is not only intelligent but furthermore understands what is required to alter the course of the country. Regretfully his prescription is a bitter pill to swallow and America simply lacks the courage and conviction to accept accountability for where we are and how we evolved to this point. The NE establishment blue bloods will stick with their progressive compassionate crony's and then wonder why they lost again.

horseshit. Carson is a sorry-ass uncle Tom who has figured out that white people will pay a bunch of money to hear a black guy validate their bigotry and tell them racism isn't really a problem in this country.
Republicans really do scare you, don't they? :lol:
Dr. Carson is not only intelligent but furthermore understands what is required to alter the course of the country. Regretfully his prescription is a bitter pill to swallow and America simply lacks the courage and conviction to accept accountability for where we are and how we evolved to this point. The NE establishment blue bloods will stick with their progressive compassionate crony's and then wonder why they lost again.

Assuming all these things are true, he also has never help public office and that more than anything else will keep him from getting the nomination of the GOP
Dr. Carson is not only intelligent but furthermore understands what is required to alter the course of the country. Regretfully his prescription is a bitter pill to swallow and America simply lacks the courage and conviction to accept accountability for where we are and how we evolved to this point. The NE establishment blue bloods will stick with their progressive compassionate crony's and then wonder why they lost again.

horseshit. Carson is a sorry-ass uncle Tom who has figured out that white people will pay a bunch of money to hear a black guy validate their bigotry and tell them racism isn't really a problem in this country.

Racist much? What a jackass you truly are.
Dr. Carson is not only intelligent but furthermore understands what is required to alter the course of the country. Regretfully his prescription is a bitter pill to swallow and America simply lacks the courage and conviction to accept accountability for where we are and how we evolved to this point. The NE establishment blue bloods will stick with their progressive compassionate crony's and then wonder why they lost again.

horseshit. Carson is a sorry-ass uncle Tom who has figured out that white people will pay a bunch of money to hear a black guy validate their bigotry and tell them racism isn't really a problem in this country.
Republicans really do scare you, don't they? :lol:

Anybody with a brain scares old JoeB. He just can't stand when people think for themselves and act in their own best interests...and not his.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we finally got a president with a mighty brain, instead of those with shit between their ears!

Well, now all the Crackers in the GOP can say, "We aren't racist, we've got a black guy up here!"

And Carson can respond, "Yassah, Boss, We sho be shiftless!"

Then when he washes out after Iowa, he can double his speaking fees.

Racist much?

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