Carol...welcome to the zone

actually, it means she's a nutter.

Because she has the ability to think outside the box and not go by the logic that because the corporate controlled media and corrupt government agencys said it happened this way that makes it automatically true,she is a nutter? okay great logic there,I see.:lol:
actually, it means she's a nutter.

Because she has the ability to think outside the box and not go by the logic that because the corporate controlled media and corrupt government agencys said it happened this way that makes it automatically true,she is a nutter? okay great logic there,I see.:lol:

Can we turn this into a lesson about liberty and justice, and the importance of freedom of speech and trail by jury?

As I explained in the Reagan Texas thread, where I was accused of copying and pasting someone else's work without acknowledging the author, I have a different point of view, because I read books written when history was made, not blindly trusting what others might say about history. Also I have done research at a local university where I have access to the Abstracts and government documents from the beginning of our government. I can document everything I say, but not by surfing the web, copying and pasting.

I am highly offended by my Military Industrial Thread being moved to conspiracy theory by someone who didn't even question the validity of what I am saying. This person acted out of ignorance, and without asking for validation of the facts presented. This is the best example of misuse of power I can think of, and our passive acceptance of it is a sure sign that our civilization is going down the toilet. Even worse, it was the worst kind of violation of our freedom of speech, keeping the masses ignorant and therefore defenseless, as they are sold down the river, by industrialist who are not concerned about anyone but themselves.

When a person is judged a nut, shouldn't a few questions be asked before agreeing with the judgment? Seriously, what is happening here should frighten you. As what happen in NAZI Germany is very frightening. An ignorant person, arbitrarily decides to move my thread without checking out anything, and the next person assumes I am nut, because of the move. When a whole society acts like this, isn't that something to fear? To whom are you giving the authority to discredit another, and label another a nut case, or decide to isolate in a concentration camp? When you give someone else the authority to do this without question, how much responsibility are you taking for our liberty and justice? How long will we have liberty and justice, if the masses continue to be sheeple, passively tolerating what we should not tolerate, washing their own hands of any responsibility for has been done? We should not take our liberty and justice for granted, and we will not keep it if we do not defend it.
actually, it means she's a nutter.

Because she has the ability to think outside the box and not go by the logic that because the corporate controlled media and corrupt government agencys said it happened this way that makes it automatically true,she is a nutter? okay great logic there,I see.:lol:

Can we turn this into a lesson about liberty and justice, and the importance of freedom of speech and trail by jury?

As I explained in the Reagan Texas thread, where I was accused of copying and pasting someone else's work without acknowledging the author, I have a different point of view, because I read books written when history was made, not blindly trusting what others might say about history. Also I have done research at a local university where I have access to the Abstracts and government documents from the beginning of our government. I can document everything I say, but not by surfing the web, copying and pasting.

I am highly offended by my Military Industrial Thread being moved to conspiracy theory by someone who didn't even question the validity of what I am saying. This person acted out of ignorance, and without asking for validation of the facts presented. This is the best example of misuse of power I can think of, and our passive acceptance of it is a sure sign that our civilization is going down the toilet. Even worse, it was the worst kind of violation of our freedom of speech, keeping the masses ignorant and therefore defenseless, as they are sold down the river, by industrialist who are not concerned about anyone but themselves.

When a person is judged a nut, shouldn't a few questions be asked before agreeing with the judgment? Seriously, what is happening here should frighten you. As what happen in NAZI Germany is very frightening. An ignorant person, arbitrarily decides to move my thread without checking out anything, and the next person assumes I am nut, because of the move. When a whole society acts like this, isn't that something to fear? To whom are you giving the authority to discredit another, and label another a nut case, or decide to isolate in a concentration camp? When you give someone else the authority to do this without question, how much responsibility are you taking for our liberty and justice? How long will we have liberty and justice, if the masses continue to be sheeple, passively tolerating what we should not tolerate, washing their own hands of any responsibility for has been done? We should not take our liberty and justice for granted, and we will not keep it if we do not defend it.

I am sorry, but GET OVER IT ALREADY! This is not your forum, and Gunny has the right to do move any thread, do anything he desires. You have whined all over the place about this. It is what it is, and won't change. So puh-leease..
the term conspiracy theory has been maligned to indicate it is something not factual or rational..but the reality a criminal investigation involving two or more people begins with a theory and often involves a essence any criminal conspiracy case remains a theory until a ruling is made through the courts

In the criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future, and, in some cases, with at least one overt act in furtherance of that agreement. There is no limit on the number participating in the conspiracy and, in most countries, no requirement that any steps have been taken to put the plan into effect
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This feels like attending the Deathday Party in HP: CoS instead of the Feast. :lol:
actually, it means she's a nutter.

Because she has the ability to think outside the box and not go by the logic that because the corporate controlled media and corrupt government agencys said it happened this way that makes it automatically true,she is a nutter? okay great logic there,I see.:lol:

Can we turn this into a lesson about liberty and justice, and the importance of freedom of speech and trail by jury?

As I explained in the Reagan Texas thread, where I was accused of copying and pasting someone else's work without acknowledging the author, I have a different point of view, because I read books written when history was made, not blindly trusting what others might say about history. Also I have done research at a local university where I have access to the Abstracts and government documents from the beginning of our government. I can document everything I say, but not by surfing the web, copying and pasting.

I am highly offended by my Military Industrial Thread being moved to conspiracy theory by someone who didn't even question the validity of what I am saying. This person acted out of ignorance, and without asking for validation of the facts presented. This is the best example of misuse of power I can think of, and our passive acceptance of it is a sure sign that our civilization is going down the toilet. Even worse, it was the worst kind of violation of our freedom of speech, keeping the masses ignorant and therefore defenseless, as they are sold down the river, by industrialist who are not concerned about anyone but themselves.

When a person is judged a nut, shouldn't a few questions be asked before agreeing with the judgment? Seriously, what is happening here should frighten you. As what happen in NAZI Germany is very frightening. An ignorant person, arbitrarily decides to move my thread without checking out anything, and the next person assumes I am nut, because of the move. When a whole society acts like this, isn't that something to fear? To whom are you giving the authority to discredit another, and label another a nut case, or decide to isolate in a concentration camp? When you give someone else the authority to do this without question, how much responsibility are you taking for our liberty and justice? How long will we have liberty and justice, if the masses continue to be sheeple, passively tolerating what we should not tolerate, washing their own hands of any responsibility for has been done? We should not take our liberty and justice for granted, and we will not keep it if we do not defend it.

thats how they are around here.somehow they consider facts to be conspiracy theories at this place.
actually, it means she's a nutter.

Because she has the ability to think outside the box and not go by the logic that because the corporate controlled media and corrupt government agencys said it happened this way that makes it automatically true,she is a nutter? okay great logic there,I see.:lol:

Can we turn this into a lesson about liberty and justice, and the importance of freedom of speech and trail by jury?

The most likely path we'll go down is that we're going to turn it into a way to mock you.

But you can do as you please.
Sometimes the only way a thread will get read is to post it in the two most popular topics, Current Events and Politics, knowing it will get moved. Either that or naming the thread something eye catching, like "Obama caught wearing brown socks with black shoes."
the term conspiracy theory has been maligned to indicate it is something not factual or rational..but the reality a criminal investigation involving two or more people begins with a theory and often involves a essence any criminal conspiracy case remains a theory until a ruling is made through the courts

In the criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future, and, in some cases, with at least one overt act in furtherance of that agreement. There is no limit on the number participating in the conspiracy and, in most countries, no requirement that any steps have been taken to put the plan into effect

Criminal Conspiracy Law, Definitions, & Penalties

Let's see if I understand you correctly. Eisenhower's explanation of the Military Industrial Complex is a conspiracy theory? Here is a fragment of his explanation.

Military-Industrial Complex Speech, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961


A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction.

Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peacetime, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea.

Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

What laws were broken or what crime is involved? I am sorry I just do not understand how Eisenhower could have possibly be explaining a conspiracy theory. However, I do think his warning of the misuse of this power is something we should consider, and I think we should question if using the CIA to start revolutions, so industries such as the United Fruit Company and oil companies can do as they please, is what the US should be doing.
I think we should question if the New Century American Project,is the best use of our military force and tax dollars.

I could be wrong, but doesn't intellect discussion of such matters begin with acknowledging the Military Industrial Complex is fact, not Conspiracy theory?
Because she has the ability to think outside the box and not go by the logic that because the corporate controlled media and corrupt government agencys said it happened this way that makes it automatically true,she is a nutter? okay great logic there,I see.:lol:

Can we turn this into a lesson about liberty and justice, and the importance of freedom of speech and trail by jury?

The most likely path we'll go down is that we're going to turn it into a way to mock you.

But you can do as you please.

Your words do seem to complement your avatar.
It appears Carol that you have fallen into an old political trap and have been moved off message!

Can I be in the zone if I start a UFO thread in an inappropriate forum?:D
the acquisition of unwarranted influence in can indeed be criminal.. monopoly's are criminal
the events surrounding the united fruit company were a criminal conspiracy...and although the facts are there to support what you say.. it remains ""theory"
Can I be in the zone if I start a UFO thread in an inappropriate forum?:D

fine by me... maybe you can explain this ???

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Edgar Mitchell UFO interview "Aliens are real" Kerrang 2008‬‎[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - ‪UFO Contact - Former Canadian Defence Minister‬‎[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Nick Pope British Defence Ministy UFOs Top Secret No More!‬‎[/ame]

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