Carly Fiorina Destroyed Culture of Sharing at HP


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
In the years I've followed this blog, I've never known him to be untruthful and out to attack anyone he could not back up his claims against, So, when I saw the lead caption, I had to read the full article.

HP had open work spaces for everyone including the CEO

Only most senior managers had titles

No bonuses for senior managers with competitive compensation

Profit sharing for all employees

All employees owned stock and were eligible for stock awards based on performance

Senior management cooked and served food at company picnics.

And along came Carly.

Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: INTERESTING: A Carly Fiorina Story from the Harvard Business Review
Just as Drumpf sends jobs to China, Fiorina sent HP jobs to India. Another indication of her dishonesty is that she continues to use the phony abortion video. The murders in Colorado are, in part, because of her.
The only actual concrete criticisms of Carly range from the mundane (How dare the CEO of one of the world's largest corporations who regularly travels make use of a private jet! The audacity!) to the bizarre (Pay-for-performance?! How are employees supposed to work together as a team if there are rewards for success!).

The Board brought Fiorina in to fix a failing company. Some may not have liked the changes that were made, but HP needed serious reform. Criticisms of her tenure are always obnoxiously vague -- the culture was gone -- and rarely grounded in serious substance. Honestly, what does Mr. Ross mean by "culture?" It sounds to me like the "culture" was one of high pay, no reward for excellent work, and little if any criticism and constructive critique of failures. That may be a lovely environment to work in, but in a competitive field, no company can last long without some measures to ensure employee efficiency and productivity.
The article cited is highly suspect as to its relevance and objectivity.

P.S. What does Barbara Boxer have to do with this article?
Republicans are their own worst enemy. This is why I can't stand them.

Yes. Pease tear down your own candidates so the left doesn't have to.

How was everything financially when she did that?
Employing thousands of people involves difficult decisions. Especially if you want to stay open.
How was everything financially when she did that?
Employing thousands of people involves difficult decisions. Especially if you want to stay open.
Funny how no one cared when the healthcare industry was forced to lay off hundreds of jobs and ship hundreds more over seas to make ready for the cost of Obamacare.
Just as Drumpf sends jobs to China, Fiorina sent HP jobs to India. Another indication of her dishonesty is that she continues to use the phony abortion video. The murders in Colorado are, in part, because of her.

If you know one single Tech company that didn't outsource let us know--LOL They all do, and in fact, they still do.

In fact, General Electric is the largest outsourcer in this country today. Obama's chosen jobs czar is Jeffry Inmelt who is also CEO of this company. So bad is he, that liberal Dennis Kucinich demanded his resignation. He didn't resign he remained Obama's job czar.
Kucinich to Immelt: Resign

On tech outsourcing, instead of you paying $5000.00 or more for a lap-top or I-Phone you can pick one up for a couple hundred dollars. There's always a double edged sword when it comes to outsourcing. Jobs versus the price consumers pay for electronic devices. Take your pick.
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Carly Fiorina took HP through a Goliath Tech Sector crash, where in the month of November 2000 alone 3 TRILLION dollars rushed out of this market. She had to make cuts to expenses, meaning lay-offs so the company could survive. There were many High Tech companies that didn't survive this, like Sun Microsystems. Then she pulled it through another crash after 9/11.

Before Fiorina HP was just printers. They bought Compaq--and now there are HP computers everywhere. Yes she was fired, but board members that voted to fire her are now endorsing her for POTUS. Citing that the decisions she made back then that they didn't like, resulted in explosive growth into new markets. When Fiorina was at HP she managed 150K employees, today HP employs 300K

Keep in mind that Steve Jobs was fired from Apple, and without him--where would we be today?

Here she is explaining her tenure at HP and this video has been fact-checked.

The thing that Republicans still don't get is that Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman President in 200 years. Women are the majority voters in this country today, at 54%, they outvote men by about 10 points. Since Trump has chased off 17% of the population, (Hispanics)--and his currently polling at a Negative 75% when--historically, since Reagan the GOP needs at least 40% of this group to win the White House, the writing is already on the wall.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

If the GOP nominee is NOT Carly Fiorina the next POTUS will most certainly be Hillary Clinton.
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