Carlson: Pundits Didn't Foresee Trump Win Because of 'Snobbery & Stupidity'


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This is so true. They are clueless when it comes to understanding, or even caring, about what people are really thinking. They have this assumption that people look up to them and they strive to shape public opinion rather than inform people of facts. Brian Williams is scratching his head and wondering how they were so wrong with their bias polls and predictions. It's because they were speaking for themselves, not the people.

"Tucker Carlson believes that Donald Trump's victory was similar to the U.K.'s Brexit vote, in that it was a massive, nationwide movement against the people running the country.

On "Fox & Friends" this morning, Carlson said that most pollsters and pundits didn't pick up on that because they had their own preconceived notions about the 2016 race."

Carlson: Pundits Didn't Foresee Trump Win Because of 'Snobbery & Stupidity'
This backs up Tucker perfectly.

1 NBC’s Brokaw, Todd Confess Media Has ‘Totally Underestimated’ and ‘Overlooked’ ‘Rural America’

By Curtis Houck

With the presidential election returns on Tuesday remaining close well past 10:00 p.m. Eastern, a few figures in the major broadcast networks began to take stock of the situation (with some not taking it as well as others) with NBC’s Tom Brokaw and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd admitting that we may have “totally underestimated” and looked down on “rural America.”

Brokaw admitted not long after the 10:00 p.m. Eastern projections and poll closings, the former NBC Nightly News anchor admitted to those around the set that “[w]hat has been totally underestimated by those of us in the so-called press establishment and the people who have been looking at this is the depth of the anger.”

He further ruled that the media didn’t fully consider “[t]he depth” of how much people “want change” regardless of whether or not they “have to pull a pin on a grenade and roll it across the country, whatever it takes, we want change and we want big change.”

Todd agreed and responded with much the same sentiment, suggesting that perhaps “the biggest critique on the establishment, and I throw the media in here as well as the two political parties, we have overlooked rural America a bit too much.”

Referring directly to “rural America,” Todd opined: “[W]e've forgotten about rural America and rural America is basically saying, um hello? They are screaming at us to say, stop overlooking us, you know, we're not ready to have just 21st century fly by us.”

More at link:
Tucker Carlson -- a man who walks around in a bow tie -- wants to talk "snobbery" :lol:
Yup. They all underestimated Trump and they never saw the message he was sending.

American saw it and that's why he won. Hell. The media did its best to crucify the man and he still won.

I can still see the stunned faces of those on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC and oh yeah I scanned the cannels after Trump was declared the winner. Man was it funny. Chris Mathews looked like he swallowed a lemon and I LMAO at all of them.

Never underestimate Americans who think and then vote. Yes indeed.
I would say it is because most of those weak minded losers live and reside in those big left wing echo chambers known as the big urban cities. Where they go out for their "cocktails" nightly and laugh at the Eddies that live outside of those snob centers.

So, when those arrogant pathetic knowitalls listen to ONLY the voices within those echo chambers, of course they were "shocked."

Fucking losers.
I would say it is because most of those weak minded losers live and reside in those big left wing echo chambers known as the big urban cities. Where they go out for their "cocktails" nightly and laugh at the Eddies that live outside of those snob centers.

So, when those arrogant pathetic knowitalls listen to ONLY the voices within those echo chambers, of course they were "shocked."

Fucking losers.

Dafuck is an "eddie"?
I would say it is because most of those weak minded losers live and reside in those big left wing echo chambers known as the big urban cities. Where they go out for their "cocktails" nightly and laugh at the Eddies that live outside of those snob centers.

So, when those arrogant pathetic knowitalls listen to ONLY the voices within those echo chambers, of course they were "shocked."

Fucking losers.

Dafuck is an "eddie"?
The opposite of you, you fucking dimwitted arrogant knowitall snob.
I would say it is because most of those weak minded losers live and reside in those big left wing echo chambers known as the big urban cities. Where they go out for their "cocktails" nightly and laugh at the Eddies that live outside of those snob centers.

So, when those arrogant pathetic knowitalls listen to ONLY the voices within those echo chambers, of course they were "shocked."

Fucking losers.

Dafuck is an "eddie"?
The opposite of you, you fucking dimwitted arrogant knowitall snob.

So you don't know?
I would say it is because most of those weak minded losers live and reside in those big left wing echo chambers known as the big urban cities. Where they go out for their "cocktails" nightly and laugh at the Eddies that live outside of those snob centers.

So, when those arrogant pathetic knowitalls listen to ONLY the voices within those echo chambers, of course they were "shocked."

Fucking losers.

Dafuck is an "eddie"?
The opposite of you, you fucking dimwitted arrogant knowitall snob.

So you don't know?
Holy shit
I would say it is because most of those weak minded losers live and reside in those big left wing echo chambers known as the big urban cities. Where they go out for their "cocktails" nightly and laugh at the Eddies that live outside of those snob centers.

So, when those arrogant pathetic knowitalls listen to ONLY the voices within those echo chambers, of course they were "shocked."

Fucking losers.

Dafuck is an "eddie"?
The opposite of you, you fucking dimwitted arrogant knowitall snob.

So you don't know?
Holy shit

Do watcha want dood but I would never use a term I didn't even understand.
Globalist Elitism. They completely underestimated the 'Americanism, Not Globalism' movement. They counted on their Globalist henchmen in the Media to win it for Clinton. They're in shock. That did just happen! Trump's the man.

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