Captured Russian soldier says "we got nothing"

Multiracialists like Toro, Indiana, Jim, rightwinger, Mr. Clean, JoeB use the positive aspects of the western liberal state (freedom to choose political representatives, free press, etc...) as a facade, as a cover to hide the negative (I should say monstrous, horrendous) aspects of that ideology: the destruction of the racial composition of western nations and the genocide of its ethnic majority group.

Toro insults the normal, functioning nation state that preserves its racial composition calling them "ethno-states", "19th century chauvinistic states".

Last time I checked, mental sanity was not "old-fashioned", "chauvinistic".

Many westerners, like Sunni Man cited below, are so deeply disillusioned with the insanity of America allowing millions of non-whites to destroy one of the fundamental pillars upon which the nation was created, its white majority, and the brainwashing of the american youth by the mass media, encouraging race mixing 24/7 on tv, radio, internet, etc... that they start supporting strong men like Putin. They start believing a mentally sane autocratic state is preferable to a genocidal democratic state, the lesser of two evils:

"If I have to choose between Putin and Biden I prefer Putin."

Sunni Man

And the saddest thing of all is that you don't really need to choose between an insane, genocidal democratic, free state and a mentally stable autocracy that protects the nation's racial composition.

You can have a mentally sane liberal democracy that preserves the racial identity of the nation.

If you have any doubts, just look at Japan. and Sunni should get the next flight to Moscow so you can service your boy, Pootin.
Multiracialists like Toro, Indiana, Jim, rightwinger, Mr. Clean, JoeB use the positive aspects of the western liberal state (freedom to choose political representatives, free press, etc...) as a facade, as a cover to hide the negative (I should say monstrous, horrendous) aspects of that ideology: the destruction of the racial composition of western nations and the genocide of its majority ethnic group.

Toro insults the normal, functioning nation state that preserves its racial composition calling them "ethno-states", "19th century chauvinistic states".

Last time I checked, mental sanity was not "old-fashioned", "chauvinistic".

Many westerners, like Sunni Man cited below, are so deeply disillusioned with the insanity of an America that allows millions of non-whites to destroy one of the fundamental pillars upon which the nation was created, its white majority, and the brainwashing of the american youth by the mass media, encouraging race mixing 24/7 on tv, radio, internet, etc... that they start supporting strong men like Putin. They start believing a mentally sane autocratic state is preferable to a genocidal democratic state, the lesser of two evils:

"If I have to choose between Putin and Biden I prefer Putin."

Sunni Man

And the saddest thing of all is that you don't really need to choose between an insane, genocidal democratic, free state and a mentally stable autocracy that protects the nation's racial composition.

You can have a mentally sane liberal democracy that preserves the racial identity of the nation.

If you have any doubts, just look at Japan.


Poor scared little man whoring for Putin.

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