Captured Russian soldier says "we got nothing"

Russia has Conscripts and they have a permanent army

Trump and Putin never got along well another leftist lie is what you swallowed which I went over this many times in some detail showing how Trump hurt Putin and Russia with Sanctions while sending Ukraine additional missiles on top of what Congress gave to them.
Trump, of course, licked putin's boots so much publicly that he was suspected by intelligence of being a Russia asset. Which, of course, he was. The useful idiot.
Despite all the propaganda about fredom of press in western countries, there is a concerted effort to hide the truth about what's really happening in Ukraine.

The reality is that the ukrainian army was shattered, completely torn apart by the russian steamroller.

Ukraine is like a patient who suffered an extensive aortic rupture and western doctors are desperately pumping blood (weapons) to try and delay the inevitable outcome.

The western press is hiding the truth from americans and europeans.

It's important to note I'm referring to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The destruction of the UAF does not necessarily mean the end of the ukrainian resistance. The (upcoming?) guerrilla warfare and other forms of resistance are a whole different story.

Then the Russian army must be even worse than we thought given that the Ukrainians have been gaining ground in the north.

He's between a rock and a hard spot. His Generals want a full mobilization and to go back to Kiev.

That's full of political risk for Putin because at the moment he has broad public support inside Russia. He can control the media, so as long as the public thinks everything is fine, he's golden.

A general mobilization would be an admission that everything is not going "according to plan" in his special operation.

So lose support from the Army, or lose support from the people. Neither one is a good choice for a dictator.

Excellent thread on this, and the political risks to Putin if he declares war

Trump, of course, licked putin's boots so much publicly that he was suspected by intelligence of being a Russia asset. Which, of course, he was. The useful idiot.

You simply can't stop lying I posted hard evidence of actions that hurt Russia that you ignore because you are so demented over Trump your hate is making you stupid.
You simply can't stop lying I posted hard evidence of actions that hurt Russia that you ignore because you are so demented over Trump your hate is making you stupid.
Sorry, nothing you posted has any bearing on the very public and embarrassing asslicking by Trump, of Putin. The whole world saw it. Go peddle your crybaby nonsense to a fellow cultist.

If Putin's war has proven anything, it has proven that the Russian military is a toothless tiger tthat is very capable of killing women and children....but fails when facing a competent army.

The Russian army is considered low class and is kept that way because the Russian leadership doesn't want a power center that can challenge it.


The Ukrainians defending Kharkiv have pushed the Russians back across the border towards Belgorod, and across the Donets River to the east. Kharkiv is out of Russian artillery range now.

The Russian regular army forces seem to be arrayed from Izium to Mariupol, with DNR or LNR militias on each end of the line of contact.

The first of the M777's have been reported to be in use around Izium.


If Putin's war has proven anything, it has proven that the Russian military is a toothless tiger tthat is very capable of killing women and children....but fails when facing a competent army.

Why is your avatar the flag of a country that criminalized homosexuality? Do you really hate gays that much? They're just people, like you and me.
The Russian army is considered low class and is kept that way because the Russian leadership doesn't want a power center that can challenge it.

And because people like Pootin and his Oligarchs have been stealing money from the military budget over the years. That is what the Russian military is Not Ready for Prime Time. That is why Pootin has to dangle his nukes to gain attention.

Originally posted by Toro
America is awesome.

The pro-Putin, anti-freedom, anti-Americans suck.

Originally posted by Jim52
Lots of anti-democratic MAGA Russian propogandist on USMB. You can smell them, if you take a deep whiff.....

Multiracialists like Toro, Indiana, Jim, rightwinger, Mr. Clean, JoeB use the positive aspects of the western liberal state (freedom to choose political representatives, free press, etc...) as a facade, as a cover to hide the negative (I should say monstrous, horrendous) aspects of that ideology: the destruction of the racial composition of western nations and the genocide of its majority ethnic group.

Toro insults the normal, functioning nation state that preserves its racial composition calling them "ethno-states", "19th century chauvinistic states".

Last time I checked, mental sanity was not "old-fashioned", "chauvinistic".

Many westerners, like Sunni Man cited below, are so deeply disillusioned with the insanity of an America that allows millions of non-whites to destroy one of the fundamental pillars upon which the nation was created, its white majority, and the brainwashing of the american youth by the mass media, encouraging race mixing 24/7 on tv, radio, internet, etc... that they start supporting strong men like Putin. They start believing a mentally sane autocratic state is preferable to a genocidal democratic state, the lesser of two evils:

"If I have to choose between Putin and Biden I prefer Putin."

Sunni Man

And the saddest thing of all is that you don't really need to choose between an insane, genocidal democratic, free state and a mentally stable autocracy that protects the nation's racial composition.

You can have a mentally sane liberal democracy that preserves the racial identity of the nation.

If you have any doubts, just look at Japan.
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