Capital Flight


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
So anyone plugged in knows that Beijing is in trouble coming out of the Quarantines financially speaking... between the REITs and the Junk Bonds supporting them....and now the increases in lending's a huge problem. The financial institutions that hold this paper are going to be in trouble soon enough.
It's bad enough to cause WF to cut lending off completely until the damage can be assessed.

Which for those who understand... gambling by billionaires is going to be a new Chinese pastime. Also the purchase of everything tangible in the western world at exorbitant prices. (For the ELOCs)

So...where else is the money going to land besides the US? Nowhere... Cayman Islands maybe on the way here...
Also Great Britain....(Brexit remember)

So... the US now has practically a license to print money by a Government that can't seem to spend enough lately...same thing with the UK which would love to shove it in the EU's face.

I look to see a lot of billionaires found guilty of "corruption" here soon in PRC which is only going to exacerbate the problem.

If only the PRC had been willing to concentrate on production and industry instead of real estate they might have a way out of this financial crisis.

We here need to pay attention to this...if ever this starts happening here...we are in real trouble. It happened some this past spring with some capital Flight and lack of borrowing...(for the rising Euro and South Korea). But it's over now...and coming back to pour in.

And yes...the Government needs to print the money in order to stop deflation and assist in creating some inflation.
So anyone plugged in knows that Beijing is in trouble coming out of the Quarantines financially speaking... between the REITs and the Junk Bonds supporting them....and now the increases in lending's a huge problem. The financial institutions that hold this paper are going to be in trouble soon enough.
It's bad enough to cause WF to cut lending off completely until the damage can be assessed.

Which for those who understand... gambling by billionaires is going to be a new Chinese pastime. Also the purchase of everything tangible in the western world at exorbitant prices. (For the ELOCs)

So...where else is the money going to land besides the US? Nowhere... Cayman Islands maybe on the way here...
Also Great Britain....(Brexit remember)

So... the US now has practically a license to print money by a Government that can't seem to spend enough lately...same thing with the UK which would love to shove it in the EU's face.

I look to see a lot of billionaires found guilty of "corruption" here soon in PRC which is only going to exacerbate the problem.

If only the PRC had been willing to concentrate on production and industry instead of real estate they might have a way out of this financial crisis.

We here need to pay attention to this...if ever this starts happening here...we are in real trouble. It happened some this past spring with some capital Flight and lack of borrowing...(for the rising Euro and South Korea). But it's over now...and coming back to pour in.

And yes...the Government needs to print the money in order to stop deflation and assist in creating some inflation.
I think you are ahead of the curve and the crowd on this one.

Most people I know are still stuck on Covid coming out of China or blaming Trump and anti federalists over opposite views of masks vaccines or mandates.

Chinese drug trafficking with cartels, and political crisis in Cuba are more mainstream targets.

As for dealing with the REAL issues with China:
What about contacting the Chinese rightwing behind the Epoch Times?

Could we use this contact with media to unite Christians from China and the US?

Maybe that connection would promote bigger solutions to come forth.

I see China collaborating on
* Christian Spiritual Healing
* building Cooperative Campus sites and towns to manage districts and prevent largescale shutdowns by isolating outbreaks
* financing this construction and development work using credits and restitution for human rights abuses and trafficking

Why not turn debts and damages into reimbursements owed to the people affected by govt corporate and political abuses.

For all the debts owed and charged to taxpayers, why not claim land as collateral on these debts if working people are expected to pay these debts. Where is the collateral?
Can we refinance the debts by assessing the costs of corrections from govt abuses, and claim shares of land and programs as collateral like in federal reserves?
So anyone plugged in knows that Beijing is in trouble coming out of the Quarantines financially speaking... between the REITs and the Junk Bonds supporting them....and now the increases in lending's a huge problem. The financial institutions that hold this paper are going to be in trouble soon enough.
It's bad enough to cause WF to cut lending off completely until the damage can be assessed.

Which for those who understand... gambling by billionaires is going to be a new Chinese pastime. Also the purchase of everything tangible in the western world at exorbitant prices. (For the ELOCs)

So...where else is the money going to land besides the US? Nowhere... Cayman Islands maybe on the way here...
Also Great Britain....(Brexit remember)

So... the US now has practically a license to print money by a Government that can't seem to spend enough lately...same thing with the UK which would love to shove it in the EU's face.

I look to see a lot of billionaires found guilty of "corruption" here soon in PRC which is only going to exacerbate the problem.

If only the PRC had been willing to concentrate on production and industry instead of real estate they might have a way out of this financial crisis.

We here need to pay attention to this...if ever this starts happening here...we are in real trouble. It happened some this past spring with some capital Flight and lack of borrowing...(for the rising Euro and South Korea). But it's over now...and coming back to pour in.

And yes...the Government needs to print the money in order to stop deflation and assist in creating some inflation.
I think you are ahead of the curve and the crowd on this one.

Most people I know are still stuck on Covid coming out of China or blaming Trump and anti federalists over opposite views of masks vaccines or mandates.

Chinese drug trafficking with cartels, and political crisis in Cuba are more mainstream targets.

As for dealing with the REAL issues with China:
What about contacting the Chinese rightwing behind the Epoch Times?

Could we use this contact with media to unite Christians from China and the US?

Maybe that connection would promote bigger solutions to come forth.

I see China collaborating on
* Christian Spiritual Healing
* building Cooperative Campus sites and towns to manage districts and prevent largescale shutdowns by isolating outbreaks
* financing this construction and development work using credits and restitution for human rights abuses and trafficking

Why not turn debts and damages into reimbursements owed to the people affected by govt corporate and political abuses.

For all the debts owed and charged to taxpayers, why not claim land as collateral on these debts if working people are expected to pay these debts. Where is the collateral?
Can we refinance the debts by assessing the costs of corrections from govt abuses, and claim shares of land and programs as collateral like in federal reserves?
The property values are based on rents and tenant prices no one is able to pay. Which is why the bonds are junk. Many of the housing and office suites are sitting empty.
If a 27th floor condo rental is set at $6,000 per month as a lower middle class rental how many people are actually going to be able to afford it? And that's what happened. Talk about a bubble about to pop!

Then childcare rates are again over the top in China. People simply can't afford to have them except for the wealthiest. They have a competition school system where you must be smarter than your classmates to advance to the next level of education. (Knowing someone trustworthy also helps with the highest levels)

Also Hong Kong is getting restless lately too... Taiwan has been ever since the "One China" policy that mostly just erased history instead of dealing with the problems that created the situation. Again no solutions are in sight. Nobody likes dictator policies that are autocratic and have little chance at success.

China has had a vendetta against the Church because it is Communist...the government is worshipped instead of God. (The government is the source of all altruism)

They are heading for a crash...a big one. Just be very careful with any investments based there.

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