Can't blame House T-Party; They inherited the Dem House 06-10 mess!!!!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
So I've seen MSNBC and every single left winger in the world trying so hard to blame the Tea Party for the massive cluster-fu** that our economy has become under Barack Obama and Tim "Guartantee no downgrade" Geitner.

And using left wing logic........I can only think of one thing to say:

You can NOT blame the Tea Party members in the House for this. Why? They took power in January 2011. After 4 years of House Democrat rule.

The House Tea Party "INHERITED A MESS" from the House Democrats 4 year rule:lol:

OR......are we now blaming those who are currently in charge, and not the ones who "created this mess"??????

I'm interested in hearing from left wingers who we are allowed to blame....

1- Those in power now?
2- Those in power recently, who caused a mess that the current inherited?

Left wingers.....which is it?

For some reason, I think their answer will be "Obama inherited a mess so you can't blame him, but the House Tea Party is at fault for the current events."
What is it?

Obama cannot handle the minority party controlling one half of Congress, let alone deal with the dictators in China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.
You so funny...

Seriously. Why is MSNBC and the entire left wing trying to pin our downgrade and 2nd economic collapse on the House Tea Party? The Tea Party inherited this mess the Dem's Congress caused from 2006-2010.

The Dems had a super majority in the Senate and House from 2006-2010. They caused this mess. The Tea Party just inherited it.

Thats a fact............OR.........are we now done with blaming the prior office holder(s) for current problems? (Uh-hum, thats directed toward you Mr. President).
Seriously. Why is MSNBC and the entire left wing trying to pin our downgrade and 2nd economic collapse on the House Tea Party? The Tea Party inherited this mess the Dem's Congress caused from 2006-2010.

The Dems had a super majority in the Senate and House from 2006-2010. They caused this mess. The Tea Party just inherited it.

Thats a fact............OR.........are we now done with blaming the prior office holder(s) for current problems? (Uh-hum, thats directed toward you Mr. President).

Now you're REALLY funny. Please tell us more about that Dem super majority in the House and Senate...
Seriously. Why is MSNBC and the entire left wing trying to pin our downgrade and 2nd economic collapse on the House Tea Party? The Tea Party inherited this mess the Dem's Congress caused from 2006-2010.

The Dems had a super majority in the Senate and House from 2006-2010. They caused this mess. The Tea Party just inherited it.

Thats a fact............OR.........are we now done with blaming the prior office holder(s) for current problems? (Uh-hum, thats directed toward you Mr. President).

Now you're REALLY funny. Please tell us more about that Dem super majority in the House and Senate...

Maybe not a technical "super" majority, although I think they had one breifly before Ted Kennedy died (After Stuart Smalley stole the MN election).

But the Democrat Party had full control of Congress from 2006-2010. That is pure fact. And the House Tea Party just inherited that mess from 4 years of Dem control hahahaha!!!!
Seriously. Why is MSNBC and the entire left wing trying to pin our downgrade and 2nd economic collapse on the House Tea Party?
Because the election is a little over one year away and their president has never been more politically vulnerable.

An animal is most vicious when it's cornered.
What is it?

Obama cannot handle the minority party controlling one half of Congress, let alone deal with the dictators in China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

Well Bush couldn't stop a radical minority of stateless people bent on destorying a major structure of the Free could he.

Terrorists are a tough slog.
What is it?

Obama cannot handle the minority party controlling one half of Congress, let alone deal with the dictators in China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

Well Bush couldn't stop a radical minority of stateless people bent on destorying a major structure of the Free could he.

Terrorists are a tough slog.
Attacking Bush will save this country.
Seriously. Why is MSNBC and the entire left wing trying to pin our downgrade and 2nd economic collapse on the House Tea Party? The Tea Party inherited this mess the Dem's Congress caused from 2006-2010.

The Dems had a super majority in the Senate and House from 2006-2010. They caused this mess. The Tea Party just inherited it.

Thats a fact............OR.........are we now done with blaming the prior office holder(s) for current problems? (Uh-hum, thats directed toward you Mr. President).

Now you're REALLY funny. Please tell us more about that Dem super majority in the House and Senate...

Maybe not a technical "super" majority, although I think they had one breifly before Ted Kennedy died (After Stuart Smalley stole the MN election).

But the Democrat Party had full control of Congress from 2006-2010. That is pure fact. And the House Tea Party just inherited that mess from 4 years of Dem control hahahaha!!!!

It sounds to me like you are throwing shit at the wall hoping it will stick.
It sounds to me like you are throwing shit at the wall hoping it will stick.
Even you have to admit that's precisely what the Democratic Leadership has been trying with their Tea Party enemies.

Shit's so thick in the public discourse you need a snorkel to breathe...
It sounds to me like you are throwing shit at the wall hoping it will stick.
Even you have to admit that's precisely what the Democratic Leadership has been trying with their Tea Party enemies.

Shit's so thick in the public discourse you need a snorkel to breathe...

I think the Tea Party deserves damn near all the shit they are getting for making the debt ceiling a political football game and it's aftermath.
I think the Tea Party deserves damn near all the shit they are getting for making the debt ceiling a political football game and it's aftermath.
And I think Obama should be tarred and feathered for hitting the debt ceiling in the first place...Clinton balanced the budget, why can't he? He had full control of the US Government for almost two years, yet ignored the budget.
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What is it?

Obama cannot handle the minority party controlling one half of Congress, let alone deal with the dictators in China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

Well Bush couldn't stop a radical minority of stateless people bent on destorying a major structure of the Free could he.

Terrorists are a tough slog.

No, but Clinton could have, when he would NOT give the order for the CIA to kill Bin Laden when they literally had him in their gun scopes. But Clinton chose not to.

Unfortunately, Bush "inherited" the terror mess Clinton refused to confront!!!!!:lol:

Hey, you know, the lefties are onto something with this "inherited mess" excuse.

Bush inherited Clinton's terror mess, which sparked 2 wars that drained our economy. Bush inherited Clinton's housing loan mess when they were forcing banks in the 90's to make minority loans they knew would fail. And the House Tea Party has inherited the Democrat Congress 2006-2010 mess, and the Obama 2009-2011 mess.
What is it?

Obama cannot handle the minority party controlling one half of Congress, let alone deal with the dictators in China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

Well Bush couldn't stop a radical minority of stateless people bent on destorying a major structure of the Free could he.

Terrorists are a tough slog.
Attacking Bush will save this country.


Radicals are hard to deal with. They have a whacky agenda and nothing to lose.

That's a dangerous combination.

That's what I pointed out.

And what "dictators" in Russia? Didn't Super Ronnie win the cold war?

As for China, Iran, and North Korea? President Obama's been far more successful with those places then President Bush.
And what "dictators" in Russia? Didn't Super Ronnie win the cold war?
Putin, aka the guy who invaded Georgia...not to mention his stooge Medvedev.

As for China, Iran, and North Korea? President Obama's been far more successful with those places then President Bush.
China is preparing to invade Taiwan, Iran is continuing its nuclear weapons program after massacring their own people, and North Korea openly attacked South Korea last year.

If that's your standard for success...we're doomed.
No, but Clinton could have, when he would NOT give the order for the CIA to kill Bin Laden when they literally had him in their gun scopes. But Clinton chose not to.

Unfortunately, Bush "inherited" the terror mess Clinton refused to confront!!!!!

Apparently you don't remember TORA BORA....

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