VIDEO: Tea Partiers Cheer the Downgrade of America's Credit Rating


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Is the tea party happy that Standard and Poor's, the credit rating agency, downgraded the United States' credit rating for the first time ever?

You'd think that was the case if you were in the crowd at a tea party rally in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, on Sunday morning. The Tea Party Express rolled into that northeastern city as part of its tour to bolster the six GOP state senators facing recall elections on Tuesday. But the most shocking moment of the event wasn't the vitriol spouted by tea party leaders, which has dominated news of the tour stops in recent days. Instead it was the cheers that erupted when one of the Tea Party Express' speakers described the recent downgrade as the tea party's fault.

Here's what happened: Midway through the Fond du Lac event, Florida talk show host Andrea Shea King took the stage. She told the audience that commentators were describing the downgrade of US debt to AA+ from AAA as the "tea party downgrade," laying the blame squarely on Congress' right-wing faction and its supporters. But rather than boo those who claim the tea party caused the downgrade, the 200 or so Wisconsinites in attendance cheered, sounding almost proud to be blamed for the downgrade.

Here's the video: [ame=]‪Tea Party Cheers "Tea Party Downgrade" by S&P‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

More: VIDEO: Tea Partiers Cheer the Downgrade of America's Credit Rating | Mother Jones
Is the tea party happy that Standard and Poor's, the credit rating agency, downgraded the United States' credit rating for the first time ever?

You'd think that was the case if you were in the crowd at a tea party rally in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, on Sunday morning. The Tea Party Express rolled into that northeastern city as part of its tour to bolster the six GOP state senators facing recall elections on Tuesday. But the most shocking moment of the event wasn't the vitriol spouted by tea party leaders, which has dominated news of the tour stops in recent days. Instead it was the cheers that erupted when one of the Tea Party Express' speakers described the recent downgrade as the tea party's fault.

Here's what happened: Midway through the Fond du Lac event, Florida talk show host Andrea Shea King took the stage. She told the audience that commentators were describing the downgrade of US debt to AA+ from AAA as the "tea party downgrade," laying the blame squarely on Congress' right-wing faction and its supporters. But rather than boo those who claim the tea party caused the downgrade, the 200 or so Wisconsinites in attendance cheered, sounding almost proud to be blamed for the downgrade.

Here's the video: ‪Tea Party Cheers "Tea Party Downgrade" by S&P‬‏ - YouTube

More: VIDEO: Tea Partiers Cheer the Downgrade of America's Credit Rating | Mother Jones

Of course they laughed. The tea party movement in this country has been called all kinds of names--racists--last week--terrorists by the Vice President of the United States--and John Kerry and David Axelrod--Obama kiss asse's--described the downgrade as a downgrade against the tea party.

There were NOT laughing because the S & P downgraded United States debt. They did everything they could to prevent a downgrade. They have been out there for 2-1/2 years with signs across this nation describing this nations debt--and the fear and worry--over this debt--and what it is going to do to future generations.

And what's really LAUGHABLE--is every time one of these moron politicians comes out and attacks average--law abiding--tax paying citizens of this country--the tea party movement in this country GROWS in leaps and bounds. And that was what the applause & laughter was about.

$Ram it down.jpg

And they did too-and plan on doing it again in 2012--LOL
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And what's really LAUGHABLE--is every time one of these moron politicians comes out and attacks average--law abiding--tax paying citizens of this country--the tea party movement in this country GROWS in leaps and bounds. And that was what the applause & laughter was about.

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There were NOT laughing because the S & P downgraded United States debt. They did everything they could to prevent a downgrade. They have been out there for 2-1/2 years with signs across this nation describing this nations debt--and the fear and worry--over this debt--and what it is going to do to future generations.

Nothing like a Black President to awaken all the good ole patriots...
There were NOT laughing because the S & P downgraded United States debt. They did everything they could to prevent a downgrade. They have been out there for 2-1/2 years with signs across this nation describing this nations debt--and the fear and worry--over this debt--and what it is going to do to future generations.

Nothing like a Black President to awaken all the good ole patriots...

Want to eat your WORDS right now--:clap2: Here are several BLACK tea party speakers.

‪Response to Olbermann: "People of color" at Tea Parties‬‏ - YouTube
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There were NOT laughing because the S & P downgraded United States debt. They did everything they could to prevent a downgrade. They have been out there for 2-1/2 years with signs across this nation describing this nations debt--and the fear and worry--over this debt--and what it is going to do to future generations.

Nothing like a Black President to awaken all the good ole patriots...

Want to eat your WORDS right now--:clap2: Here are several BLACK tea party speakers.

‪Response to Olbermann: "People of color" at Tea Parties‬‏ - YouTube

As far as I am concerned... the debate is over.

Good try Lakhota :clap2:
And what's really LAUGHABLE--is every time one of these moron politicians comes out and attacks average--law abiding--tax paying citizens of this country--the tea party movement in this country GROWS in leaps and bounds. And that was what the applause & laughter was about.

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4 in 10 Tea Party members in this country are INDEPENDENTS and DEMOCRATS.

Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Democrats or independents - The Hill's Ballot Box

If November 2010 didn't tell you anything--then God help you in 2012--:lol:

$Disgrunteled democrats.jpg

Here's a few disgruntled DEMOCRATS also Tea Party members in Grand Junction, CO--in truth the Tea Party in this country is GROWING faster than the Federal Government--and these vicious comments coming from politicians in this country--just give it a hyper growth rate boost.
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Here are several BLACK tea party speakers.

That's funny. You mean lunatics like Allen West?
You just DENIED that Blacks exist in the tea party movement-- now that there is PROOF that yes Blacks are involved with the tea party movement-and often SPEAKERS at rallies-then there must be something BAD about them---:lol::lol:

And if you watch the video---you'll note that there are MANY Black speakers at Tea Party rallies across this county-- and not just one-:cuckoo:

Nice try idiot! You're way to EASY for me--time to move on.
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And what's really LAUGHABLE--is every time one of these moron politicians comes out and attacks average--law abiding--tax paying citizens of this country--the tea party movement in this country GROWS in leaps and bounds. And that was what the applause & laughter was about.

Details details....

4 in 10 Tea Party members in this country are INDEPENDENTS and DEMOCRATS.

Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Democrats or independents - The Hill's Ballot Box

If November 2010 didn't tell you anything--then God help you in 2012--:lol:

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Here's a few disgruntled DEMOCRATS also Tea Party members in Grand Junction, CO--in truth the Tea Party in this country is GROWING faster than the Federal Government--and these vicious comments coming from politicians in this country--just give it a hyper growth rate boost.

Yep... The left is just too damn blind to see the obvious, and the MSM in the tank with them so deeply they wont tell the truth about it.
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I've seen various polls that put Democrats from 4% to 15% supposedly belonging to the Tea Party "movement"... However, I expect those numbers to drop considerably when it finally sinks in what the Tea Party is really all about.
The same Allen West who was booted from the army. The fact that most blacks shun the Tea Party will tell you something about those who are Tea Party members.

Exactly! The same goes for the few who call themselves Democrats.

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