Cannabis beats incurable brain tumor after Chemo fails


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(Natural News) A Scottish woman given just months to live back in 2013 claims that she has cannabis oil to thank for the fact that she has been in remission for nearly four years. After being diagnosed with an incurable brain tumor, Lynn Cameron was subjected to the usual assault of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments, but to no avail – scans revealed no change, and doctors gave her between six and 18 months to live.

Cannabis beats "incurable" brain tumor after chemo fails

As soon as sheep learn why the " gov medical billionaires" control today's medicines maybe they can connect the dots as to why natural medicine has been demonized.

1. By making people think that natural med. doesn't work it keeps the big pharma rich

2. They know ppl are dumb enough to believe those meds they create are magical meds created in a lab when it is a fact that many meds. come from plants. As they demonize pot which is a plant duhhhh.

If you don't become aware of the BS fed to you via huge corporations, Government entities, etc then you ill always be a victim for nothing more than Gov. money and their slaves. Keep you sick, you make them rich.

And yes there are times modern medicine is needed.


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