Candace Owens, Tucker, Carlson, and Glenn Greenwald show they have heroic values. They cannot be bought out by the pro Israel lobby


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May 12, 2022
Candace Owens has a prominent position with the daily wire that is now at serious risk. Due to her criticism of Israeli actions.

Candace Owens Fired from the Daily Wire? What She's Saying Has Put Her Entire Career in Jeopardy​

Owens gives a platform to one of the fiercest critics of the Israeli propaganda machine , Jewish Professor Norman Finklestein

Tucker and Owens discuss how it is OK to criticize funding of Israel or Israeli war actions

Glenn Greenwald criticizes Israeli actions, and the blind Americans support for Israel.

Greenwald discussed just as he lost some of his audience when he criticized Obama’s militaristic actions, he has also lost some viewership for his criticism of Israel. But he says he would rather lose 90% of his viewers compared to not being able to sleep at night due to selling out.

One thing these three journalists and commentators if you will want to call them all have in common is really quite simple…it’s integrity…. Being true to who they are, and clearly they are people who are not allowing anyone to buy them off. Say what you want about any of the 3 , but unlike some of the popular people on podcasts, and the various news channels….these three people in Greenwald, Owens and Carlson are true to themselves and consistent in their pro free speech views even if it costs them viewership. That type of honesty and integrity deserves respect no matter what side of the political aisle one comes down on.
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But they can continue to report lies to keep getting the big pay checks.
What big paychecks. They all work for themselves now. It is a result of being true to their word. And I respect some of the far left wing journalists who refused to sell out. I might disagree with them but that’s what it’s all about

what we see from owens, Carlson and Greenwald is what America’s all about. And this type of alternative media that people get from Twitter and from Podcasts is taking the airwaves …the common American is watching much more compared to whatever propaganda CNN or Fox News has.
You see people like Sean Hannity shilling for Israel every day. Tucker Carlson gets fired from fox because of how outspoken he was.

Joy Reid of msnbc is Somebody I disagree with. And same thing Mehdi hasan … but they both seem to be very true to their viewpoints, especially hasan who is very critical of Israel and he’s not afraid of state has use on MSNBC, which in general is pro Israel just like CNN and Fox News.

And I think you can understand Glenn Greenwald is a great American remember during the George W. Bush years when he criticized the war in Iraq … fast forward to 2009 Obama gets elected and goes on military adventures everywhere …. Greenwald criticizes Obama and he loses some democrat viewership for that. You gotta respect the man for being consistent.
All three and the OP are Putin stooges
Soledad O'Brien had a show on CNN, I think. Some years ago, as I am changing channels, I heard her speak for a few minutes. she is remember, a Prog. She was pushing that all children be taken from their parents and warehoused where they sleep/eat and get educated 24 hours a day. A Prog's work is never done. And we keep moving further left.

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