Canadian man faces 2 years in prison for passing out Jesus saves pamphlets at gay pride parade

ANY sexual activity can spread an STD.
Yet the majority of gay men don't have HIV.

And a monogamous uninfected couple will stay uninfected.

The lie of Tooth is that homosexuality- which apparently he meant to say male homosexuality- leads to disease.

Promiscuous sex makes everyone more susceptible to disease- gay men do tend to have more promiscuous sex than others- but not all gay men do.

You want to label them all as being the same- and all of them carrying HIV around to infect you with.

YOu want to minimize the differences. With games like changing the subject from all diseases to just one.

I tried to find what percentage of homosexuals have a STD, and could not find it.

Political Correctness fucking with Science. Again.

I am more than willing to stick to what the original claim was: that homosexuality leads to disease.

I must have blinked. I never read that in this thread: Who said that homosexuality in and of itself leads to (causes) disease?

Post 167- quoting you:
But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases!

Your words- that I called you on.

IDIOT: it leads to CATCHING diseases (as per a hundred studies), it doesn't CREATE them! Wow. You make Maxine look like a GENIUS.

ANY sexual activity has the potential to spread an STD, unless it is between people who both have had no sexual experience when they formed their relationship, have remained faithful to each other, and have not been exposed to it by other means, such as receiving contaminated blood or being punctured by a dirty needle. Why do you think that military officials show their recruits instructional films about avoiding STDs. Like you never heard of Subic Bay. Saigon? New Orleans in the 1860s? The sex of the Gold Rush in the 1800s?
Syriusly said:
LOL that would be your buddy Silhouette wanting you to search for gay porn at pride parades.
That Was YOU I Had In Mind, Syriusly
For Insinuating We Need To Go To A Pride Parade
Like We Need To Witness The Depraved Debaucheries First Hand

As Though No Photographic Journals
Have EVER Been Posted On The Internet
Syriusly said:
While you contards are acting more and more like Nazi's..
Your Fascist Tactics
Have Been On Full Display For The Whole World To See
Since Nov. 9, 2016

And They Have Been Cheering You On
They Thought The Final Destruction Of The United States
Was Finally At Hand

Markle said:
Of course, homosexuality does not lead to diseases.

Homosexual ACTS DO LEAD to diseases.
And What Homo's Aren't Doing That
Certainly Not The Ones That Participate In The Parades
And Open To The Public Celebrations

You Have To Remember To Parse That For Them At The Beginning
Other-Wise You'll Have 10pgs Of Pointless Circular Rhetoric
It's How Their Minds Work

Like Letting Little Children Run The House-Hold
Last edited:
Syriusly said:
Minors were staring at you?
Wow- only in Canada......
Ahh, Gay Parades And NAMBLA Aren't Doing It For You Anymore ??
Planning A Trip To Canada Soon, Eh...
No free speech in Canada?
Must be more to this story ...

No hate speech in Canada. Period.

If the guy was arrested, it means he’s an idiot who persisted after being told to stop.

Yes he could go to jail but it’s unlikely for a first offence.
He is a serial offender. He probably needs psychiatric help raher than prison but how likely is that ?
A serial offender? You mean he’s had the temerity to hand out leaflets more than once???
Need to get help for these weirdos.
People who hand out leaflets and express their religious views and opinions need help? What kind of ‘help’ do you suggest someone exercising their basic rights should be submitted to, Tammy?

What he was doing went far beyond “religious views”. He passed out leaflets calling gays “an abomination” and said that gays can only be saved through Jesus. This is hate speech.

Since he’s been arrested multiple times, I hope they put him in a cell with a big hairy guy who doesn’t take kindly about being told he’s going to hell.
Dragonlady said:
What he was doing went far beyond “religious views”. He passed out leaflets calling gays “an abomination” and said that gays can only be saved through Jesus. This is hate speech.
Even If True,
He Didn't Challenge Or Harangue
The Participants At A Public Parade

Just Ban The Bible As Hate Speech
Order The Churches Shuttered

Since he’s been arrested multiple times, I hope they put him in a cell with a big hairy guy who doesn’t take kindly about being told he’s going to hell.
Paul Was Jailed Numerous Times
Before He Was Be-Headed As A Repeat Offender
All Of The Original Apostles, Besides Two
Died Violent Deaths
Whatever Happened to the Twelve Apostles?

Thousands Of Other Christians
Were Tossed In The Arena With Vicious Animals

Your Hate, Bigotry And Fascism Is Blaring
Syriusly said:
LOL that would be your buddy Silhouette wanting you to search for gay porn at pride parades.
That Was YOU I Had In Mind, Syriusly
For Insinuating We Need To Go To A Pride Parade

I am not insinuating anything.

I am flat out saying that all of you who have never been to a pride parade but are lecturing everyone about what happens at a pride parade are just gullible dupes who believe that everything that they see on the internet is true- when they agree with it.
Syriusly said:
Minors were staring at you?
Wow- only in Canada......
Ahh, Gay Parades And NAMBLA Aren't Doing It For You Anymore ??
Planning A Trip To Canada Soon, Eh...

Are you trying to insinuate something?

I frankly have no idea why anyone would feel threatened by Canadian 'minors' staring at them.

Do you?
Post 167- quoting you:
But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases!

Your words- that I called you on.

Homosexual ACTS DO LEAD to diseases.

Again- false.

Two monogamous gay men having sex with each other have no more likelihood of catching any sexual disease as a monogamous straight couple having sex with each other.
karpenter said:
That Was YOU I Had In Mind, Syriusly
For Insinuating We Need To Go To A Pride Parade
Syriusly said:
I am not insinuating anything.
You're Being Honest For Once
I am flat out saying that all of you who have never been to a pride parade but are lecturing everyone about what happens at a pride parade are just gullible dupes
You're Being A Dis-Ingenuous Liar
Couldn't Post The Photos They Were Proud To Have Taken
If They Weren't Proud To Have Them 'Em Taken

Couldn't Have Disease And Lifestyle Stats
If They Didn't Do All That Either

We Aren't 'Lecturing'
We Are 'Informing' Those That Aren't
Dis-Ingenuous, Lying Apologists
karpenter said:
That Was YOU I Had In Mind, Syriusly
For Insinuating We Need To Go To A Pride Parade
Syriusly said:
I am not insinuating anything.
You're Being Honest For Once
I am flat out saying that all of you who have never been to a pride parade but are lecturing everyone about what happens at a pride parade are just gullible dupes
You're Being A Dis-Ingenuous Liar
Couldn't Post The Photos They Were Proud To Have Taken
If They Weren't Proud To Have Them 'Em Taken

Couldn't Have Disease And Lifestyle Stats
If They Didn't Do All That Either

We Aren't 'Lecturing'
We Are 'Informing' Those That Aren't
Dis-Ingenuous, Lying Apologists

You are just gullible bigots, lead by internet bigots.
And that is just ONE of the many diseases that are rampant among gay men.

It is not an healthy lifestyle.

Yet the majority of gay men don't have HIV.

And a monogamous uninfected couple will stay uninfected.

The lie of Tooth is that homosexuality- which apparently he meant to say male homosexuality- leads to disease.

Promiscuous sex makes everyone more susceptible to disease- gay men do tend to have more promiscuous sex than others- but not all gay men do.

You want to label them all as being the same- and all of them carrying HIV around to infect you with.

YOu want to minimize the differences. With games like changing the subject from all diseases to just one.

I tried to find what percentage of homosexuals have a STD, and could not find it.

Political Corrness fucking with Science. Again.

I am more than willing to stick to what the original claim was: that homosexuality leads to disease.
Meanwhile- the science is out there......for those who can use the internet....
Sexual Orientation Disparities in Sexually Transmitted Infections: Examining the Intersection Between Sexual Identity and Sexual Behavior

I understand. People like you want to hide the obvious truth, that lots and lots and lots of sex partners, especially if anal sex is involved, is not a healthy lifestyle.

When did I ever try to hide that- was it when I said that the problem was promiscuity- not homosexuality?

One of the reasons that I am in favor of same gender marriage is because- theoretically- marriage encourages monogamy. And monogamous couples are not out infecting others.

You are kidding yourself if you think that gay marriage is going to significantly reduce gay promiscuity.
Yet the majority of gay men don't have HIV.

And a monogamous uninfected couple will stay uninfected.

The lie of Tooth is that homosexuality- which apparently he meant to say male homosexuality- leads to disease.

Promiscuous sex makes everyone more susceptible to disease- gay men do tend to have more promiscuous sex than others- but not all gay men do.

You want to label them all as being the same- and all of them carrying HIV around to infect you with.

YOu want to minimize the differences. With games like changing the subject from all diseases to just one.

I tried to find what percentage of homosexuals have a STD, and could not find it.

Political Corrness fucking with Science. Again.

I am more than willing to stick to what the original claim was: that homosexuality leads to disease.
Meanwhile- the science is out there......for those who can use the internet....
Sexual Orientation Disparities in Sexually Transmitted Infections: Examining the Intersection Between Sexual Identity and Sexual Behavior

I understand. People like you want to hide the obvious truth, that lots and lots and lots of sex partners, especially if anal sex is involved, is not a healthy lifestyle.

When did I ever try to hide that- was it when I said that the problem was promiscuity- not homosexuality?

One of the reasons that I am in favor of same gender marriage is because- theoretically- marriage encourages monogamy. And monogamous couples are not out infecting others.

You are kidding yourself if you think that gay marriage is going to significantly reduce gay promiscuity.

Yet you continue to oppose gay marriage- even knowing that it will reduce some gay promiscuity.

Why is that?
Markle said:
And it's not just AIDS. All sorts of venereal diseases are much worse in homosexual exchanges, for obvious reasons: the injuries, the feces. Someone claiming homosexuality is perfectly healthy doesn't read and doesn't know much, IMO.
And Just Flat-Out Lying
They Know All That Stuff
They Just Want To See Others Jump Through Research Hoops
For Links And Images Of The Goings On At Pride Parades
Because They Told Us To

They've Derailed A Thread About
How A Religious Guy Was Jailed For Doing Nothing

And We've Indulged Them

They know that they cannot defend the way lefties in the West are more and more acting like Marxists.

So they spend their energy and time lying, and distracting.

THey are scum.

While you contards are acting more and more like Nazi's.

You are scum.

"Like nazis"? LOL.

The op is about people like you arresting a man for handing out pamphlets. He is facing two years in jail for handing out pamphlets because liberals like you, don't like what was printed on them.

And you claim that WE Conservatives are acting more like "nazis"?

Liberals: All the self awareness of a potted plant. A DEAD potted plant.

YOu want to minimize the differences. With games like changing the subject from all diseases to just one.

I tried to find what percentage of homosexuals have a STD, and could not find it.

Political Corrness fucking with Science. Again.

I am more than willing to stick to what the original claim was: that homosexuality leads to disease.
Meanwhile- the science is out there......for those who can use the internet....
Sexual Orientation Disparities in Sexually Transmitted Infections: Examining the Intersection Between Sexual Identity and Sexual Behavior

I understand. People like you want to hide the obvious truth, that lots and lots and lots of sex partners, especially if anal sex is involved, is not a healthy lifestyle.

When did I ever try to hide that- was it when I said that the problem was promiscuity- not homosexuality?

One of the reasons that I am in favor of same gender marriage is because- theoretically- marriage encourages monogamy. And monogamous couples are not out infecting others.

You are kidding yourself if you think that gay marriage is going to significantly reduce gay promiscuity.

Yet you continue to oppose gay marriage- even knowing that it will reduce some gay promiscuity.

Why is that?

Who said I oppose gay marriage?
Yet the majority of gay men don't have HIV.

And a monogamous uninfected couple will stay uninfected.

The lie of Tooth is that homosexuality- which apparently he meant to say male homosexuality- leads to disease.

Promiscuous sex makes everyone more susceptible to disease- gay men do tend to have more promiscuous sex than others- but not all gay men do.

You want to label them all as being the same- and all of them carrying HIV around to infect you with.

YOu want to minimize the differences. With games like changing the subject from all diseases to just one.

I tried to find what percentage of homosexuals have a STD, and could not find it.

Political Corrness fucking with Science. Again.

I am more than willing to stick to what the original claim was: that homosexuality leads to disease.
Meanwhile- the science is out there......for those who can use the internet....
Sexual Orientation Disparities in Sexually Transmitted Infections: Examining the Intersection Between Sexual Identity and Sexual Behavior

I understand. People like you want to hide the obvious truth, that lots and lots and lots of sex partners, especially if anal sex is involved, is not a healthy lifestyle.

When did I ever try to hide that- was it when I said that the problem was promiscuity- not homosexuality?

One of the reasons that I am in favor of same gender marriage is because- theoretically- marriage encourages monogamy. And monogamous couples are not out infecting others.

You are kidding yourself if you think that gay marriage is going to significantly reduce gay promiscuity.

Or heterosexual promiscuity, for that matter. The possibilities and probabilities are even.

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