

Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.
LOL, that sounds good to me, the only problem is that its fucking cold in Canada, the Central Americans will freeze their asses off.
We can give Canada as many migrants as they want.
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.

Canada has already received over 30,000 criminal illegal so called refugees jumping the Canadian border from America into Canada. Canada needs to build a wall to keep your criminal illegals out of Canada. Hopefully, Trump will stop that invasion into Canada with his new ICE raids on criminal illegals living in America. This problem is a result of the politicians on both sides of the border who have been encouraging illegals to enter both countries illegally. In America they shout asylum. In Canada they shout refugee. Once those words are mentioned then the costs to the taxpayer's begins and which has run into billions of our tax dollars being blown on these criminal illegals. Hopefully Trump has put the spook into these criminal illegals and they all start heading back too the countries from whence they came. Criminals are not wanted here or there. :113:
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.
Canada is the best friend America has EVER had. Watching you turn on our neighbor who has stood by us for over two centuries because they don't join your cult or kiss Trump's butt only confirms your hate for those outside your Brotherhhod of NincomBoobs.
LOL, that sounds good to me, the only problem is that its fucking cold in Canada, the Central Americans will freeze their asses off.
We can give Canada as many migrants as they want.

It's fuking cold in Minnesota also in the winter time. In Canada they are getting people from Africa trying to enter Canada illegally from America. They do not need your illegal immigrant garbage. But many have tried to cross into Canada and one black African lost his fingers from frostbite. A dumb ass that does not know as to what time is a better time of year to try and cross into Canada illegally. That shows you as to how much this guy knows about Canada. Sweet fuk all. Just get here and reap the freebies that Canada has to offer to criminals. Hopefully Trump and ICE will get rid of these illegals once and for all and stop the flow of Americas illegals into Canada. Canada does not need nor want your criminal illegals anymore. We are over booked on this problem America. :1peleas:
LOL, that sounds good to me, the only problem is that its fucking cold in Canada, the Central Americans will freeze their asses off.
We can give Canada as many migrants as they want.

It's fuking cold in Minnesota also in the winter time. In Canada they are getting people from Africa trying to enter Canada illegally from America. They do not need your illegal immigrant garbage. But many have tried to cross into Canada and one black African lost his fingers from frostbite. A dumb ass that does not know as to what time is a better time of year to try and cross into Canada illegally. That shows you as to how much this guy knows about Canada. Sweet fuk all. Just get here and reap the freebies that Canada has to offer to criminals. Hopefully Trump and ICE will get rid of these illegals once and for all and stop the flow of Americas illegals into Canada. Canada does not need nor want your criminal illegals anymore. We are over booked on this problem America. :1peleas:
Yes they do. Trudeau said he welcomes all who come there. It’s a frickin big country. They can take millions and millions and millions. Don’t forget to buy them homes, provide food, jobs, parkas and boots! Thanks Canada.
Canada said the US is racist. Canada can prove it’s not by taking all the brown and black people homes. And parkas and boots.
LOL, that sounds good to me, the only problem is that its fucking cold in Canada, the Central Americans will freeze their asses off.
We can give Canada as many migrants as they want.

It's fuking cold in Minnesota also in the winter time. In Canada they are getting people from Africa trying to enter Canada illegally from America. They do not need your illegal immigrant garbage. But many have tried to cross into Canada and one black African lost his fingers from frostbite. A dumb ass that does not know as to what time is a better time of year to try and cross into Canada illegally. That shows you as to how much this guy knows about Canada. Sweet fuk all. Just get here and reap the freebies that Canada has to offer to criminals. Hopefully Trump and ICE will get rid of these illegals once and for all and stop the flow of Americas illegals into Canada. Canada does not need nor want your criminal illegals anymore. We are over booked on this problem America. :1peleas:
Yes they do. Trudeau said he welcomes all who come there. It’s a frickin big country. They can take millions and millions and millions. Don’t forget to buy them homes, provide food, jobs, parkas and boots! Thanks Canada.

Feminist Trudeau has been a disaster for Canada. The fool did say that all are welcome and the world took him up on his offer. Now in Canada tens of thousands of criminal illegals have now entered Canada illegally and many thousands came from America. Many have flown from some third world country to America and then headed straight for the Canadian border. Lucky for America they did not stay in America. There would be more ICE raids needed then. Canada does not need millions to fill it up, we are overloaded already with legal and criminal illegals that have entered Canada illegally over the several decades thanks to liberalism and socialism here in Canada. Yes, Canada has become a socialist country and it shows. Canada is near bankrupt mostly because of illegal criminal immigration and free handouts and our tax dollars given to the rest of the world. Why, Canada even puts up these illegals into hotels while their own Canadian citizen's sleep on the streets just like it is done in America.

America has plenty of land available for tens of millions of new immigrants. But does America or Canada really need all those millions of new immigrants immigrating to their countries just so they can add more infrastructure, more schools, build more roads, more traffic grid lock, more crime, and more tax dollars for more medical and social services? I think not. All more immigration does is add more problems to society, something the pro immigration lobby people in Canada and America have not figured out yet or else they just like more chaos and mayhem on the streets. Both countries should be fighting for less immigration, and not more immigration. Works well for me. :2up:
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.
Canada is the best friend America has EVER had. Watching you turn on our neighbor who has stood by us for over two centuries because they don't join your cult or kiss Trump's butt only confirms your hate for those outside your Brotherhhod of NincomBoobs.

No. Trudeau is a joke.
LOL, that sounds good to me, the only problem is that its fucking cold in Canada, the Central Americans will freeze their asses off.
We can give Canada as many migrants as they want.

It's fuking cold in Minnesota also in the winter time. In Canada they are getting people from Africa trying to enter Canada illegally from America. They do not need your illegal immigrant garbage. But many have tried to cross into Canada and one black African lost his fingers from frostbite. A dumb ass that does not know as to what time is a better time of year to try and cross into Canada illegally. That shows you as to how much this guy knows about Canada. Sweet fuk all. Just get here and reap the freebies that Canada has to offer to criminals. Hopefully Trump and ICE will get rid of these illegals once and for all and stop the flow of Americas illegals into Canada. Canada does not need nor want your criminal illegals anymore. We are over booked on this problem America. :1peleas:
Yes they do. Trudeau said he welcomes all who come there. It’s a frickin big country. They can take millions and millions and millions. Don’t forget to buy them homes, provide food, jobs, parkas and boots! Thanks Canada.

Feminist Trudeau has been a disaster for Canada. The fool did say that all are welcome and the world took him up on his offer. Now in Canada tens of thousands of criminal illegals have now entered Canada illegally and many thousands came from America. Many have flown from some third world country to America and then headed straight for the Canadian border. Lucky for America they did not stay in America. There would be more ICE raids needed then. Canada does not need millions to fill it up, we are overloaded already with legal and criminal illegals that have entered Canada illegally over the several decades thanks to liberalism and socialism here in Canada. Yes, Canada has become a socialist country and it shows. Canada is near bankrupt mostly because of illegal criminal immigration and free handouts and our tax dollars given to the rest of the world. Why, Canada even puts up these illegals into hotels while their own Canadian citizen's sleep on the streets just like it is done in America.

America has plenty of land available for tens of millions of new immigrants. But does America or Canada really need all those millions of new immigrants immigrating to their countries just so they can add more infrastructure, more schools, build more roads, more traffic grid lock, more crime, and more tax dollars for more medical and social services? I think not. All more immigration does is add more problems to society, something the pro immigration lobby people in Canada and America have not figured out yet or else they just like more chaos and mayhem on the streets. Both countries should be fighting for less immigration, and not more immigration. Works well for me. :2up:

I work with a Canadian who shares your sentiments.
Canada said the US is racist. Canada can prove it’s not by taking all the brown and black people homes. And parkas and boots.

The ones that are calling America racist are the leftist communist liberals in Canada and the fake and phony Canadian leftist lieberal media who hates America because of Trump's love for America. They hate nationalist patriots like Trump. Our communists in Canada hates Canada because it is too white just like the leftist liberal democrats in America think that America is too white. Canada has taken in more non whites than whites for several decades now. As a matter of fact for the past several decades now, approx. 85% of all of our new immigrants have come from brown and black nonwhite countries. Canada does not want any new white immigrants anymore. Now that is real racism at it's best against the white people of Canada. If allowed to continue, white people in Canada will become a minority in their own white homeland in another two decades. How is that for wanting to commit white racial genocide? And yes, all those legal and illegal new immigrants do get given to them free parkas and boots and gloves plus plenty more freebies courtesy of the overburdened Canadian taxpayer's. And plenty of those black and browns that have entered Canada entered from the American/Canadian border. So, why didn't you give them those parkas, boots and gloves and not make Canadians pay for them? Your economy is doing great these days thanks to Trump so it's not like you could not afford it? Just saying.
LOL, that sounds good to me, the only problem is that its fucking cold in Canada, the Central Americans will freeze their asses off.
We can give Canada as many migrants as they want.

It's fuking cold in Minnesota also in the winter time. In Canada they are getting people from Africa trying to enter Canada illegally from America. They do not need your illegal immigrant garbage. But many have tried to cross into Canada and one black African lost his fingers from frostbite. A dumb ass that does not know as to what time is a better time of year to try and cross into Canada illegally. That shows you as to how much this guy knows about Canada. Sweet fuk all. Just get here and reap the freebies that Canada has to offer to criminals. Hopefully Trump and ICE will get rid of these illegals once and for all and stop the flow of Americas illegals into Canada. Canada does not need nor want your criminal illegals anymore. We are over booked on this problem America. :1peleas:
Yes they do. Trudeau said he welcomes all who come there. It’s a frickin big country. They can take millions and millions and millions. Don’t forget to buy them homes, provide food, jobs, parkas and boots! Thanks Canada.

Feminist Trudeau has been a disaster for Canada. The fool did say that all are welcome and the world took him up on his offer. Now in Canada tens of thousands of criminal illegals have now entered Canada illegally and many thousands came from America. Many have flown from some third world country to America and then headed straight for the Canadian border. Lucky for America they did not stay in America. There would be more ICE raids needed then. Canada does not need millions to fill it up, we are overloaded already with legal and criminal illegals that have entered Canada illegally over the several decades thanks to liberalism and socialism here in Canada. Yes, Canada has become a socialist country and it shows. Canada is near bankrupt mostly because of illegal criminal immigration and free handouts and our tax dollars given to the rest of the world. Why, Canada even puts up these illegals into hotels while their own Canadian citizen's sleep on the streets just like it is done in America.

America has plenty of land available for tens of millions of new immigrants. But does America or Canada really need all those millions of new immigrants immigrating to their countries just so they can add more infrastructure, more schools, build more roads, more traffic grid lock, more crime, and more tax dollars for more medical and social services? I think not. All more immigration does is add more problems to society, something the pro immigration lobby people in Canada and America have not figured out yet or else they just like more chaos and mayhem on the streets. Both countries should be fighting for less immigration, and not more immigration. Works well for me. :2up:

I work with a Canadian who shares your sentiments.

I am on Hopium and hoping for more Canadians to think like that Canadian. Something needs to be done about our present day immigration policy before Canada does indeed go belly up thanks to all of this legal and illegal immigration being allowed into Canada these past several decades. Canada has an illegal problem just like America has. At least you have Trump trying to clean up the mess. Here in Canada our politically correct politicians seems to want to bring in hundreds of thousands more which will eventually destroy Canada. Too much immigration is not good for any country. All it does is to create more problems. There are thousands of legal and illegal immigrants on welfare costing the Canadian taxpayer's hundreds of millions if not billions of their tax dollars every year being blown on these new so called immigrants that the Canadian taxpayer's never asked for but got dumped on instead. Both America and Canada needs a moratorium on immigration for five or more years to get things straightened out. Gawd only knows it needs to happen. My opinion.
Canada said the US is racist. Canada can prove it’s not by taking all the brown and black people homes. And parkas and boots.

The ones that are calling America racist are the leftist communist liberals in Canada and the fake and phony Canadian leftist lieberal media who hates America because of Trump's love for America. They hate nationalist patriots like Trump. Our communists in Canada hates Canada because it is too white just like the leftist liberal democrats in America think that America is too white. Canada has taken in more non whites than whites for several decades now. As a matter of fact for the past several decades now, approx. 85% of all of our new immigrants have come from brown and black nonwhite countries. Canada does not want any new white immigrants anymore. Now that is real racism at it's best against the white people of Canada. If allowed to continue, white people in Canada will become a minority in their own white homeland in another two decades. How is that for wanting to commit white racial genocide? And yes, all those legal and illegal new immigrants do get given to them free parkas and boots and gloves plus plenty more freebies courtesy of the overburdened Canadian taxpayer's. And plenty of those black and browns that have entered Canada entered from the American/Canadian border. So, why didn't you give them those parkas, boots and gloves and not make Canadians pay for them? Your economy is doing great these days thanks to Trump so it's not like you could not afford it? Just saying.
So, you're saying that Canada is infected with the same idiots as the US? Not a surprise. President Trump is only going to in his position for another four years after this term, so his time is limited, as are the improvements he's been making for this country economically. What comes after is a mystery. Alaskans feel closer to western Canadians than to the Lesser 48 sometimes because Alaska's issues are more in line with BC, Alberta, NWT, and the Yukon than the urban centers on our west coast.
LOL, that sounds good to me, the only problem is that its fucking cold in Canada, the Central Americans will freeze their asses off.
We can give Canada as many migrants as they want.

It's fuking cold in Minnesota also in the winter time. In Canada they are getting people from Africa trying to enter Canada illegally from America. They do not need your illegal immigrant garbage. But many have tried to cross into Canada and one black African lost his fingers from frostbite. A dumb ass that does not know as to what time is a better time of year to try and cross into Canada illegally. That shows you as to how much this guy knows about Canada. Sweet fuk all. Just get here and reap the freebies that Canada has to offer to criminals. Hopefully Trump and ICE will get rid of these illegals once and for all and stop the flow of Americas illegals into Canada. Canada does not need nor want your criminal illegals anymore. We are over booked on this problem America. :1peleas:

But, but, but they're not criminals, not refugees....they're "asylum" seekers, "undocumented asylum" seekers.
Canada said the US is racist. Canada can prove it’s not by taking all the brown and black people homes. And parkas and boots.

The ones that are calling America racist are the leftist communist liberals in Canada and the fake and phony Canadian leftist lieberal media who hates America because of Trump's love for America. They hate nationalist patriots like Trump. Our communists in Canada hates Canada because it is too white just like the leftist liberal democrats in America think that America is too white. Canada has taken in more non whites than whites for several decades now. As a matter of fact for the past several decades now, approx. 85% of all of our new immigrants have come from brown and black nonwhite countries. Canada does not want any new white immigrants anymore. Now that is real racism at it's best against the white people of Canada. If allowed to continue, white people in Canada will become a minority in their own white homeland in another two decades. How is that for wanting to commit white racial genocide? And yes, all those legal and illegal new immigrants do get given to them free parkas and boots and gloves plus plenty more freebies courtesy of the overburdened Canadian taxpayer's. And plenty of those black and browns that have entered Canada entered from the American/Canadian border. So, why didn't you give them those parkas, boots and gloves and not make Canadians pay for them? Your economy is doing great these days thanks to Trump so it's not like you could not afford it? Just saying.
So, you're saying that Canada is infected with the same idiots as the US? Not a surprise. President Trump is only going to in his position for another four years after this term, so his time is limited, as are the improvements he's been making for this country economically. What comes after is a mystery. Alaskans feel closer to western Canadians than to the Lesser 48 sometimes because Alaska's issues are more in line with BC, Alberta, NWT, and the Yukon than the urban centers on our west coast.

Canada has been indeed taken over by the insane leftist liberals idiots in Canada who now have the keys to the insane asylums doors and gates. Hopefully, the next election Canadians can boot the liberals out be replaced by a conservative government, otherwise another four more years of commie loving Trudeau and Canada will be destroyed for good and those leftist liberals will become your worse communist nightmare. America will be bordered by a socialist/communist country and Canada should be ready for an American invasion to help save the sane of this country. I do hope that Trump gets another four more years. If another democrat gets to be president in 2020 then your country will become just as bad as Canada has become. Both countries will surely lose our rights to gun confiscation and lose our right to freedom of speech. Those four airhead congresswomen of color in the democratic party who hate Trump and who hate America also, and if they gained control and power over America the lights of freedom will surely be put out for America. The American people have a great leader in Trump. Don't mess it up by putting those four airheads in power or you will be very sorry indeed. Just saying.
Canada said the US is racist. Canada can prove it’s not by taking all the brown and black people homes. And parkas and boots.

The ones that are calling America racist are the leftist communist liberals in Canada and the fake and phony Canadian leftist lieberal media who hates America because of Trump's love for America. They hate nationalist patriots like Trump. Our communists in Canada hates Canada because it is too white just like the leftist liberal democrats in America think that America is too white. Canada has taken in more non whites than whites for several decades now. As a matter of fact for the past several decades now, approx. 85% of all of our new immigrants have come from brown and black nonwhite countries. Canada does not want any new white immigrants anymore. Now that is real racism at it's best against the white people of Canada. If allowed to continue, white people in Canada will become a minority in their own white homeland in another two decades. How is that for wanting to commit white racial genocide? And yes, all those legal and illegal new immigrants do get given to them free parkas and boots and gloves plus plenty more freebies courtesy of the overburdened Canadian taxpayer's. And plenty of those black and browns that have entered Canada entered from the American/Canadian border. So, why didn't you give them those parkas, boots and gloves and not make Canadians pay for them? Your economy is doing great these days thanks to Trump so it's not like you could not afford it? Just saying.
So, you're saying that Canada is infected with the same idiots as the US? Not a surprise. President Trump is only going to in his position for another four years after this term, so his time is limited, as are the improvements he's been making for this country economically. What comes after is a mystery. Alaskans feel closer to western Canadians than to the Lesser 48 sometimes because Alaska's issues are more in line with BC, Alberta, NWT, and the Yukon than the urban centers on our west coast.

Canada has been indeed taken over by the insane leftist liberals idiots in Canada who now have the keys to the insane asylums doors and gates. Hopefully, the next election Canadians can boot the liberals out be replaced by a conservative government, otherwise another four more years of commie loving Trudeau and Canada will be destroyed for good and those leftist liberals will become your worse communist nightmare. America will be bordered by a socialist/communist country and Canada should be ready for an American invasion to help save the sane of this country. I do hope that Trump gets another four more years. If another democrat gets to be president in 2020 then your country will become just as bad as Canada has become. Both countries will surely lose our rights to gun confiscation and lose our right to freedom of speech. Those four airhead congresswomen of color in the democratic party who hate Trump and who hate America also, and if they gained control and power over America the lights of freedom will surely be put out for America. The American people have a great leader in Trump. Don't mess it up by putting those four airheads in power or you will be very sorry indeed. Just saying.
Thank you for hope. Unfortunately, Alaska keeps putting our own airhead RINO in Congress. Sullivan is a godsend, but Murkowski is, like Hillary, an anointed inheritor of an elected seat. If Trump loses in 2020, I fear for our country. The leftists will know no bounds and the greater majority of Americans are not likely to take a lot of their intended actions lightly.
Hey, would you like a few washed up, useless Hollyweirdos? They swore they'd more to Canada but are still hanging around making a pain of themselves.
LOL, that sounds good to me, the only problem is that its fucking cold in Canada, the Central Americans will freeze their asses off.
We can give Canada as many migrants as they want.
Who cares what they freeze off? Canada wants to be humanitarian, let them put their money where they mouth is (figuratively) and take on some of these cockroaches.

Our feminist dictator commie Trudeau and his black Somali Muslim immigration minister of Chanuckistan wants all the immigrants that they can get from third world shit hole countries of the world to come to Canada and Canadians are paying big time for it with their tax dollars. Hundreds of billions of tax dollars blown on those "cockroaches". Anyone from any white country that would like to immigrate too Canada can just go take a hike. They need not apply. Canadians have been forced to take some tens of thousands of these American "cockroaches" that crossed the Canadian border from America. America has less "cockroaches" today thanks to Canada. Say thank you, Canada. :11_2_1043:

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