Canada welcoming hundreds of migrants per day via US border crossing


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Illegal immigrants are pouring into Canada from the United States where they are welcomed by Canadian border patrol and transported to holding centers in sanctuary cities to be ‘resettled.’
Canada Welcoming Hundreds of Migrants Per Day Via US Border Crossing

It won't be long before Canada ends up looking like a cess pit of shit just like lets say an African desert appearing nation. The beautiful land will be lost because savages don't give a damn about beauty and caring for their environment.

The saddest part is , their idiot liberals who did the same thing here " Let them in" have no idea how they just created a country where native born Canadians will be last on the list for anything as you will be shoved out of that Country you will be as important as the people in CA. where Brown put immigrants before his own people.

Good luck Canada you are going to need it.
Illegal immigrants are pouring into Canada from the United States where they are welcomed by Canadian border patrol and transported to holding centers in sanctuary cities to be ‘resettled.’
Canada Welcoming Hundreds of Migrants Per Day Via US Border Crossing

It won't be long before Canada ends up looking like a cess pit of shit just like lets say an African desert appearing nation. The beautiful land will be lost because savages don't give a damn about beauty and caring for their environment.

The saddest part is , their idiot liberals who did the same thing here " Let them in" have no idea how they just created a country where native born Canadians will be last on the list for anything as you will be shoved out of that Country you will be as important as the people in CA. where Brown put immigrants before his own people.

Good luck Canada you are going to need it.

If Canada is willing to accept them and the people there welcome them in, they deserve what they get.
Illegal immigrants are pouring into Canada from the United States where they are welcomed by Canadian border patrol and transported to holding centers in sanctuary cities to be ‘resettled.’
Canada Welcoming Hundreds of Migrants Per Day Via US Border Crossing

It won't be long before Canada ends up looking like a cess pit of shit just like lets say an African desert appearing nation. The beautiful land will be lost because savages don't give a damn about beauty and caring for their environment.

The saddest part is , their idiot liberals who did the same thing here " Let them in" have no idea how they just created a country where native born Canadians will be last on the list for anything as you will be shoved out of that Country you will be as important as the people in CA. where Brown put immigrants before his own people.

Good luck Canada you are going to need it.

If Canada is willing to accept them and the people there welcome them in, they deserve what they get.

We should set up bus routes. Chicago would be an excellent place to start.
Years ago I met a woman online who was married to a Muslim man and divorced him - it was unusual but she got custody of the children - she was an American - he married her here. He went back to Lebanon. He urged her to move to Lebanon with the children and told her that he knew there was going to be a war here and he didn't want them in harms way. She said he was convinced of this and that he appeared to have information we weren't getting. This was quite a few years ago so it sounds to me like it was something planned against the US for many years. Now there is this news of mass migration to Canada - has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe they know that America's days are numbered and they don't want to be here for it? If NK does strike Guam that would be a very strategic place to attack and it could be that a war with China over Taiwan, and a nuclear strike by Russia here in our own country wouldn't be too far off. It's something to consider. Stop listening to what China and Russia are saying and start looking at what they are doing. NK is their pawn. Think about it. We had a Russian military spy plane fly over our Capitol, CIA building and Pentagon just yesterday. We're told that there is nothing to worry about because we have a treaty ..........until we don't have one and by then it could be too late. Their plane is equipped to gather intelligence and permitting it to fly over our Capitol, CIA building and Pentagon is something that would have been unheard of prior to 92'. Bush Sr. and Clinton administration era - many bad decisions made concerning the Russians and in my opinion the 92 treaty was a terrible idea. Those two administrations did more to undo what Reagan did to protect us than any other two in recent history although Obama admin certainly did their part in leaving America vulnerable to an attack.
Illegal immigrants are pouring into Canada from the United States where they are welcomed by Canadian border patrol and transported to holding centers in sanctuary cities to be ‘resettled.’
Canada Welcoming Hundreds of Migrants Per Day Via US Border Crossing

It won't be long before Canada ends up looking like a cess pit of shit just like lets say an African desert appearing nation. The beautiful land will be lost because savages don't give a damn about beauty and caring for their environment.

The saddest part is , their idiot liberals who did the same thing here " Let them in" have no idea how they just created a country where native born Canadians will be last on the list for anything as you will be shoved out of that Country you will be as important as the people in CA. where Brown put immigrants before his own people.

Good luck Canada you are going to need it.

I just want to say "Thank you Canda" for taking the future Democrat voters and making them your problem....
Canada, Ask Israel what happens when you set up tents and let foreigners camp on your land....

And thank you.

How would the ? Hebrews know, they were the ones in Tents and on Cyprus waiting to get into Palestine.
Canadian reporter says numbers crossing over border are vastly increasing - it's a constant flow - they have found people coming from Palm Beach, Fla., Utah, everywhere..... Some years back there were 5,000 miles of unprotected border between Canada and USA - aside from the many gateway entry points.
Years ago I met a woman online who was married to a Muslim man and divorced him - it was unusual but she got custody of the children - she was an American - he married her here. He went back to Lebanon. He urged her to move to Lebanon with the children and told her that he knew there was going to be a war here and he didn't want them in harms way. She said he was convinced of this and that he appeared to have information we weren't getting. This was quite a few years ago so it sounds to me like it was something planned against the US for many years. Now there is this news of mass migration to Canada - has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe they know that America's days are numbered and they don't want to be here for it? If NK does strike Guam that would be a very strategic place to attack and it could be that a war with China over Taiwan, and a nuclear strike by Russia here in our own country wouldn't be too far off. It's something to consider. Stop listening to what China and Russia are saying and start looking at what they are doing. NK is their pawn. Think about it. We had a Russian military spy plane fly over our Capitol, CIA building and Pentagon just yesterday. We're told that there is nothing to worry about because we have a treaty ..........until we don't have one and by then it could be too late. Their plane is equipped to gather intelligence and permitting it to fly over our Capitol, CIA building and Pentagon is something that would have been unheard of prior to 92'. Bush Sr. and Clinton administration era - many bad decisions made concerning the Russians and in my opinion the 92 treaty was a terrible idea. Those two administrations did more to undo what Reagan did to protect us than any other two in recent history although Obama admin certainly did their part in leaving America vulnerable to an attack.

No T is going to kick them out, they are Haitians.
Years ago I met a woman online who was married to a Muslim man and divorced him - it was unusual but she got custody of the children - she was an American - he married her here. He went back to Lebanon. He urged her to move to Lebanon with the children and told her that he knew there was going to be a war here and he didn't want them in harms way. She said he was convinced of this and that he appeared to have information we weren't getting. This was quite a few years ago so it sounds to me like it was something planned against the US for many years. Now there is this news of mass migration to Canada - has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe they know that America's days are numbered and they don't want to be here for it? If NK does strike Guam that would be a very strategic place to attack and it could be that a war with China over Taiwan, and a nuclear strike by Russia here in our own country wouldn't be too far off. It's something to consider. Stop listening to what China and Russia are saying and start looking at what they are doing. NK is their pawn. Think about it. We had a Russian military spy plane fly over our Capitol, CIA building and Pentagon just yesterday. We're told that there is nothing to worry about because we have a treaty ..........until we don't have one and by then it could be too late. Their plane is equipped to gather intelligence and permitting it to fly over our Capitol, CIA building and Pentagon is something that would have been unheard of prior to 92'. Bush Sr. and Clinton administration era - many bad decisions made concerning the Russians and in my opinion the 92 treaty was a terrible idea. Those two administrations did more to undo what Reagan did to protect us than any other two in recent history although Obama admin certainly did their part in leaving America vulnerable to an attack.

No T is going to kick them out, they are Haitians.
While there are Haitians - there are huge numbers of people stating they were living in the US and decided to move to Canada - as you can see they are suspiciously vague about their reasons.... the reporter in video notes these are very well dressed people, new cell phones, leather shoes, expensive lined luggage, carrying expensive foods with them - definitely not "refugees"..........
Years ago I met a woman online who was married to a Muslim man and divorced him - it was unusual but she got custody of the children - she was an American - he married her here. He went back to Lebanon. He urged her to move to Lebanon with the children and told her that he knew there was going to be a war here and he didn't want them in harms way. She said he was convinced of this and that he appeared to have information we weren't getting. This was quite a few years ago so it sounds to me like it was something planned against the US for many years. Now there is this news of mass migration to Canada - has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe they know that America's days are numbered and they don't want to be here for it? If NK does strike Guam that would be a very strategic place to attack and it could be that a war with China over Taiwan, and a nuclear strike by Russia here in our own country wouldn't be too far off. It's something to consider. Stop listening to what China and Russia are saying and start looking at what they are doing. NK is their pawn. Think about it. We had a Russian military spy plane fly over our Capitol, CIA building and Pentagon just yesterday. We're told that there is nothing to worry about because we have a treaty ..........until we don't have one and by then it could be too late. Their plane is equipped to gather intelligence and permitting it to fly over our Capitol, CIA building and Pentagon is something that would have been unheard of prior to 92'. Bush Sr. and Clinton administration era - many bad decisions made concerning the Russians and in my opinion the 92 treaty was a terrible idea. Those two administrations did more to undo what Reagan did to protect us than any other two in recent history although Obama admin certainly did their part in leaving America vulnerable to an attack.

No T is going to kick them out, they are Haitians.
Do you live in the United States, Penelope?
Years ago I met a woman online who was married to a Muslim man and divorced him - it was unusual but she got custody of the children - she was an American - he married her here. He went back to Lebanon. He urged her to move to Lebanon with the children and told her that he knew there was going to be a war here and he didn't want them in harms way. She said he was convinced of this and that he appeared to have information we weren't getting. This was quite a few years ago so it sounds to me like it was something planned against the US for many years. Now there is this news of mass migration to Canada - has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe they know that America's days are numbered and they don't want to be here for it? If NK does strike Guam that would be a very strategic place to attack and it could be that a war with China over Taiwan, and a nuclear strike by Russia here in our own country wouldn't be too far off. It's something to consider. Stop listening to what China and Russia are saying and start looking at what they are doing. NK is their pawn. Think about it. We had a Russian military spy plane fly over our Capitol, CIA building and Pentagon just yesterday. We're told that there is nothing to worry about because we have a treaty ..........until we don't have one and by then it could be too late. Their plane is equipped to gather intelligence and permitting it to fly over our Capitol, CIA building and Pentagon is something that would have been unheard of prior to 92'. Bush Sr. and Clinton administration era - many bad decisions made concerning the Russians and in my opinion the 92 treaty was a terrible idea. Those two administrations did more to undo what Reagan did to protect us than any other two in recent history although Obama admin certainly did their part in leaving America vulnerable to an attack.

No T is going to kick them out, they are Haitians.
Do you live in the United States, Penelope?

Yes and my people are from Canada and before that France. Born in the USA. You??
Actually more Mexicans are leaving here the last few years due to they know they have work in Mexico. Now that T is so hard on immigration the home builders in Texas are going belly up for carpenters. He is not going to get the GDP up that way, unless of course they raise wages by a lot.

When Mexico is as progressive as the US , and it will be, the US will be begging for workers.

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