Canada shows our future: 10 dead, 15 injured. the location right.
You're one country the north.

Oh' like voter laws?
Who are you to demand that?

Oh' so, of course by reporting on shootings, it MUST BE the media's fault?
They're being blamed for robbing banks too.

The "media" strikes again.
No different than people blaming guns for deaths.
Hurrah, hurrah. Now that we no longer can buy AR's, we are free from mass murders. After all, people don't kill people--guns kill people, at least according to the left. If we take away mean looking guns with large capacity magazines, potential murderers will just say "well, with no AR's to kill people, I'm just going to have to find something better to do!"

10 dead, 15 hospitalized in Canada mass stabbing attacks, police say​

Updated on: September 4, 2022 / 10:39 PM / CBS/AP

At least 10 people are dead and 15 others hospitalized after a series of stabbing attacks in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, police said Sunday. Two suspects were still on the loose Sunday evening, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said.

The stabbings occurred in 13 separate locations throughout James Smith Cree Nation and in the village of Weldon, police said.

RCMP said they are looking for 31-year-old Damien Sanderson and 30-year-old Myles Sanderson in connection with the stabbings. Damien Sanderson was described as being 5'7" and weighing roughly 155 pounds. Police said Myles Sanderson is 6'1" and around 200 pounds. Police believe they may be driving a black Nissan Rogue.

This is what the left wants America to look like, along with some back stabbing Republicans. These victims had no legal way to protect themselves, unless any of them had professional training and carried a knife themselves. When you tell the criminals you will not allow your citizens to defend themselves, some will take advantage of that opportunity.

When bad people want to do bad things they will find a way.

When people don't have the means to protect themselves then are at the mercy of the bad guys.

A concept these stupid anti right to keep and bear arms Liberals in the US never seem to be able to comprehend.
And licensing stops criminals and mass shooters how?
No, it give them a list of people who they can knock on the door and confiscate those scary weapons from.

Remember they wanted to used the “ Do not fly list “ to stop anyone from purchasing a firearm and when you mention Ted Kennedy name was on there they proclaim it is rare and still a necessity to do just with the hope it will catch someone but what is hilariously funny is the Nightclub Shooter was on two lists and still got his firearms legally because the two agencies didn’t communicate correctly!

Then they wanted psych exams and claim anyone who fails shouldn’t be allow but what they forget is a Doctor can be bribed.

Then let remember the idiot in Chicago this year who was on a list but the Father signed off on him getting a gun, so how well did that law work?

Now these idiots want everyone to jump through hoops and if not, well you can’t own a gun but those laws does not prevent mass shootings or illegal buying of firearms but it make bed wetting twats feel safe…
The stabbings occurred in 13 separate locations throughout James Smith Cree Nation and in the village of Weldon, police said.

Blackmore said police began receiving reports before 6 a.m. of stabbings on the First Nation community. More reports of attacks quickly followed and by midday police issued a warning that a vehicle reportedly carrying the two suspects had been spotted in Regina.

Within a span of 6 or 7 hours and 13 different locations?
Now, what if these two dirtbags had an AR and 2000 rounds of ammo?
What if one of the residents had an AR? They could have dispatched the sonofabitches when the threat was identified. You know, like was done with the church shooting in Texas a few years ago.

Or even a handgun that the oppressive shitheads in Canada have banned? You know like was done in a mall in the US a month or so ago. the location right.
You're one country the north.

Oh' like voter laws?
Who are you to demand that?

Oh' so, of course by reporting on shootings, it MUST BE the media's fault?
They're being blamed for robbing banks too.

The "media" strikes again.
First off you will have a horrible time linking me to voter laws but hey you are a twat that pisses his panties over guns, so you will make up lies as usual.

The media glorifies those like you when those like you go insane and kill innocent children, so yeah the media is as at fault seeing they give those like you fifteen minutes of infamy.

Funny how you don’t care about ghetto killings and just want to punish White Society with more gun laws that don’t do a damn thing to stop mass shooter’s.

Why not use the laws you have already, wait you don’t want that but instead you want to repeal the second amendment so you can ban guns.
The stabbings occurred in 13 separate locations throughout James Smith Cree Nation and in the village of Weldon, police said.

Blackmore said police began receiving reports before 6 a.m. of stabbings on the First Nation community. More reports of attacks quickly followed and by midday police issued a warning that a vehicle reportedly carrying the two suspects had been spotted in Regina.

Within a span of 6 or 7 hours and 13 different locations?
Now, what if these two dirtbags had an AR and 2000 rounds of ammo?
Is there any difference between dead from a knife wound, or a bullet? Dead is dead right?
No different than people blaming guns for deaths.
Yes, there is.

They banned Tommy guns because that was the preferred weapon of gangsters.
People didn't whine then, like the gun nuts are today about banning their preferred weapon.
When bad people want to do bad things they will find a way.

When people don't have the means to protect themselves then are at the mercy of the bad guys.
The 40 year old lie, strikes again, with gun nutters.
A concept these stupid anti right to keep and bear arms Liberals in the US never seem to be able to comprehend.
Yeah, we have been wanting to ban ALL guns FOREVER.
Source: Q NUT daily.
No, it give them a list of people who they can knock on the door and confiscate those scary weapons from.
Another 40-year old lie, by the NRA.
So, RWNJ goobers will buy more guns, they don't know how to shoot.
Remember they wanted to used the “ Do not fly list “ to stop anyone from purchasing a firearm and when you mention Ted Kennedy name was on there they proclaim it is rare and still a necessity to do just with the hope it will catch someone but what is hilariously funny is the Nightclub Shooter was on two lists and still got his firearms legally because the two agencies didn’t communicate correctly!

Then they wanted psych exams and claim anyone who fails shouldn’t be allow but what they forget is a Doctor can be bribed.

Then let remember the idiot in Chicago this year who was on a list but the Father signed off on him getting a gun, so how well did that law work?
Dad is being charged numbnuts.
Now these idiots want everyone to jump through hoops and if not, well you can’t own a gun but those laws does not prevent mass shootings or illegal buying of firearms but it make bed wetting twats feel safe…
YES, they do dumbass.
Every fucking country on earth, except the US has proven, it works.
So you want to eliminate weapons of choice?
No, not eliminate, regulate.
You want to o own a tommy gun, fine, as people do, but the ATF knows who they are.
So, how many of those have been confiscated?

Almost is 0.
Or a car accident, or from food poisoning,
Darn, there should be a law.
Stupid analogy...Unless the car was used to kill someone, and not by accident..Are you saying that these people were stabbed and killed by accident? Or, is there some crazy person killing people by food poisoning? Jesus man, can't you see that taking away one tool, will only make those bent on harming others use another?
Stupid analogy
NO, it isn't.
...Unless the car was used to kill someone, and not by accident.
Driving a vehicle a 100 mph, isn't an accident.
.Are you saying that these people were stabbed and killed by accident?
Or, is there some crazy person killing people by food poisoning?
It's happened before in all kinds of restaurants, the manager knew the food was bad and still served it.

Jesus man, can't you see that taking away one tool, will only make those bent on harming others use another?
No shit.
If people can't use a radial arm saw, in a proper, safe manner, you're delegated to a cross cut hand saw.
Guess which one is safer?
Canada has much stricter gun laws than the United States, but Canadians are allowed to own firearms providing they have a license. Restricted or prohibited firearms, like handguns, must also be registered.

Canadians must be over 18 and pass a firearms safety course to hold a license, which is renewed every five years.

So what good is having a gun if you can't carry it with you? All you can do is protect your home IF you actually have a license to own a gun:

The practice of CCW is generally prohibited in Canada. Section 90 of the Criminal Code prohibits carrying a concealed weapon unless authorized for a lawful occupational purpose[3] under the Firearms Act.[4] Section 20 of the Firearms Act, 1995 allows issuance of an Authorization to Carry (ATC) in limited circumstances. Concealment of the firearm is permitted only if it is specifically stipulated in the conditions of the ATC, as section 58(1) of the Firearms Act, 1995 allows a CFO to attach conditions to an ATC.

HOLY crap.

A surge of stabbings in London was blamed Monday for the city overtaking New York's monthly murder tally for the first time in modern history. Fifteen people were murdered in London during February, compared to 14 in New York, according to police figures.

The British capital also suffered 22 fatal stabbings and shootings in March, higher than the 21 in New York.

From 4 YEARS ago.

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