Canada dumps Trump


Designing Woman
Dec 1, 2012
Niagara Escarpment
what else is new? Canada was never a "client" of the USA. -------the "dump trump" meme is silly
What isn’t mentioned often is that when you start pulling out of trade contracts, the other party is no longer bound to buy your products any more either. The US is generally a more expensive option given the required profit margin to please Wall Street, the profit margin to maintain the producer’s lifestyle which is superior to those overseas, and to buy new equipment…. It is not always a winning position.
The EU are a bunch of control freaks... with No such thing as individuality and any sort of freedom
So Canada has always had the exact foreign policy as the U.S? On every issue? Canada has always had the exact same trade policy as the U.S.?

It's about time for them to grow up and defend their own country, time for the, to grow up and deal with other nations on their own.

Bizarre they haven't already done so.
Great news!

Trump's promise to rectify the unfair trade deals and practices is working - so if Canada can no longer capitalize on an unfair trade advantage in dairy and lumber, they want to take the trade ball and go home? Good riddance - now lets 'nationalize' the 40 some odd US lumber mills owned by Canada.

Trump, putting American interests first - just as Trudeau claims to be doing since Canada has long imposed tariffs, granted subsidies, and barred certain US products.

ps Canada is a beautiful country with proud and friendly folks. I very much enjoyed my visits in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. So sad to see naïve and petty socialists ruining that great country.
Canada acts like the unemployed graduate student who lives off his parents' largess while denigrating their bourgeois values.

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