Can you really afford four more years?


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
great opinion piece by Joseph Curl of the Washington Times.

CURL: Can you really afford four more years? - Washington Times
In January 2009, when President Obama was sworn in, a gallon of regular gasoline cost $1.68.
Candidate Obama made political hay of the issue throughout 2008, boldly asserting that he - and he alone - was most able to bring prices down.
“Since taking office, he has declared 85 percent of our offshore areas off-limits, decreased oil and gas leases in the Rockies by 70 percent, rejected the Keystone XL pipeline and has 10 federal agencies planning more regulation of hydraulic fracturing, which is key to oil and natural-gas development,” says Jack Gerard, president and CEO of the American Petroleum Institute.
“On private lands, oil production is booming,” wrote Fox reporter Jim Angle. “In North Dakota, the oil and gas are on private or state land and beyond the president’s control. The state has gone from producing a small amount of oil to some 450,000 barrels a day. Unemployment is 3.3 percent, the lowest in the country. And the state has a budget surplus in the billions.”
But America can’t afford four more years of trying to turn a community organizer into a president. They’d be better off trying to turn pond scum into fuel.
great opinion piece by Joseph Curl of the Washington Times.

CURL: Can you really afford four more years? - Washington Times
In January 2009, when President Obama was sworn in, a gallon of regular gasoline cost $1.68.
Candidate Obama made political hay of the issue throughout 2008, boldly asserting that he - and he alone - was most able to bring prices down.

“On private lands, oil production is booming,” wrote Fox reporter Jim Angle. “In North Dakota, the oil and gas are on private or state land and beyond the president’s control. The state has gone from producing a small amount of oil to some 450,000 barrels a day. Unemployment is 3.3 percent, the lowest in the country. And the state has a budget surplus in the billions.”
But America can’t afford four more years of trying to turn a community organizer into a president. They’d be better off trying to turn pond scum into fuel.

Cause and effect is really a simple concept; understanding variables - dependent and independent - not so much. Thanks for making it all so simple (yes, the last sentence is entirely sarcastic).
I don't think I can afford the rest of the idiots term. It looked like the economy was finally turning the corner and now gas prices soar. And the idiot doesn't think it will effect the economy.
and you are so stupid you would put the very peopel who created this mess back in office
great opinion piece by Joseph Curl of the Washington Times.

CURL: Can you really afford four more years? - Washington Times
In January 2009, when President Obama was sworn in, a gallon of regular gasoline cost $1.68.

But America can’t afford four more years of trying to turn a community organizer into a president. They’d be better off trying to turn pond scum into fuel.

Cause and effect is really a simple concept; understanding variables - dependent and independent - not so much. Thanks for making it all so simple (yes, the last sentence is entirely sarcastic).

I guess you are just ignoring this part?
Candidate Obama made political hay of the issue throughout 2008, boldly asserting that he - and he alone - was most able to bring prices down
I don't think I can afford the rest of the idiots term. It looked like the economy was finally turning the corner and now gas prices soar. And the idiot doesn't think it will effect the economy.

What are the causes for the price of gasoline to soar? As a non idiot I'm sure you have a comprehensive and well thought out answer. For those of us not as intelligent as you, please break out your explanation into the appropriate variables and those over which President Obama has control.

Thanks so much for sharing.
great opinion piece by Joseph Curl of the Washington Times.

CURL: Can you really afford four more years? - Washington Times

Cause and effect is really a simple concept; understanding variables - dependent and independent - not so much. Thanks for making it all so simple (yes, the last sentence is entirely sarcastic).

I guess you are just ignoring this part?
Candidate Obama made political hay of the issue throughout 2008, boldly asserting that he - and he alone - was most able to bring prices down

What Obama said as a candidate has no bearing on the issue at hand. But nice try; next time I suggest a fresh herring.
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and you are so stupid you would put the very peopel who created this mess back in office

I don't think anyone here is stupid enough to put Barney Frank and Chris Dodd back in office.

Please explain how Barney Frank was able to create the environment without the help of the other 434 Representatives and conspire with Chris Dodd without the help of he other 99 Senators to create the mess known as Bush's Great Recession?
and you are so stupid you would put the very peopel who created this mess back in office

I don't think anyone here is stupid enough to put Barney Frank and Chris Dodd back in office.

Please explain how Barney Frank was able to create the environment without the help of the other 434 Representatives and conspire with Chris Dodd without the help of he other 99 Senators to create the mess known as Bush's Great Recession?

That's a great question for TDM.
Maybe she'll answer?
I don't think anyone here is stupid enough to put Barney Frank and Chris Dodd back in office.

Please explain how Barney Frank was able to create the environment without the help of the other 434 Representatives and conspire with Chris Dodd without the help of he other 99 Senators to create the mess known as Bush's Great Recession?

That's a great question for TDM.
Maybe she'll answer?

Nice dodge, why not admit you're only a parrot and have no idea as to why our economy tanked?
I don't think I can afford the rest of the idiots term. It looked like the economy was finally turning the corner and now gas prices soar. And the idiot doesn't think it will effect the economy.
Gas prices are soaring even though supply is up and demand is down solely because of SPECULATION! And SPECULATION exists solely because of the Koch Brothers and their GOP puppets, like Phil Gramm. So the CON$ solution to SPECULATION is to put the Koch Brothers puppets back in power. :cuckoo:
I remember Douglas Brinkley saying on c-span that shortly after the President entered the WH he had several historians over for dinner and in a private moment, Mr Brinkley asked him what he thought of the country's situation ...Preside*nt Obama told him " It is far worse than we thought ".

Almost 4 million NEW jobs, many million jobs saved, consistent economic growth, excellent foreign policy and, as we all know, the list of GOOD accomplishments goes on and on.

Its an old trick - using something positive and making people believe its a negative. THAT is what the GObP/pubs have done with President Obama experience. Like it or not, he was and is as well qualified as almost every other president and he has done much more good for the average American than most other presidents. If you rw's would read his accomplishments with an open mind, you would know that.

What we cannot afford is the GObP/Repub back in the White House shoving their trickle down Robber Baron politics down our throats.
For those without any intelligence or knowledge in the matter, I have a news flash for you.


Both of those statements could be true. Right now, in the tar shale of Utah and Colorado alone there are ONE TRILLION barrels of oil. ConocoPhillips had a plant in Utah that made converting that shale into usable fuel at an inexpensive price. But of course, the intrusion of the federal government shut that plant down and has made the tar shale inaccessible. Was it those dastardly republicans, those EVIL Tea Party do-nothing members of Congress who intervened to keep America dependent on third-world countries for it's fuel? No, of course not. And anyone with any knowledge of the facts KNOWS that the Democrats have put this country into harm's way simply because of their inability to control the enviro-wacko's of their party.

When Vice President Dick Cheney brought in members of the oil and gas industry to ask them what they needed to get us not so dependent on oil that goes through the Strait of Hormuz, he was simply bar-b-qued by the left. Why? I don't get it. When you want the solution to an issue, you ask the EXPERTS. You don't ask a tree-hugger what he would like. Now that Iran is simply threatening to shut down the strait, oil jumps to over $100 a barrel. Not to mention the cost of insuring those tankers that have to run that straight.

Gas is at it's record prices simply because this administration wants us to use renewable energy. Gas is so high because Barry and his buddies in the Senate REFUSE to do anything about it. Really great. But those renewable sources are NOT at a level that can drive this country at the moment. Hopefully, they will be soon. But until they are you need to use oil, gas and coal.

If Iran shuts down the strait, we're going to be in a shooting war with them and gas will hit $5.00 a gallon overnight. Good job Barry... you couldn't have done any worse.
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Obama's primary message for the election: "Do you really want to go back to the ideas that got us in this mess in the first place?"

Dance around that all you want, it's a fair question.


No, we don't........and we don't want to stick with the guy who doubled and tripled down on their mistakes and made it even worse. Wait, on second thought, maybe we do want the old guys back. They did far less damage.

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