Can you Name Three Actual Facts about Darwinism

Oops, you dodged the question.

You came to the science section. Man up.

Answer the question.


Why should I? But since you insist...

Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the universe even existed more than a nanosecond ago?

The answer to that question is that you must have faith that it did.

Sounds like some sort of cultish religion to me if you have that sort of faith.

Therefore you must believe in God.


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I'm not the one creating dragons and other monsters out of what might be nothing more than fanciful formations in the rock that may have been caused by nothing more than winds, gas, and water seepage.

Have you ever actually seen a real live breathing dinosaur? I think not.

How about that eohippus unicorn that doesn't have a horn? I think not.



Most people understand that real live dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago. Have you ever actually read a book on earth history? Did you get your fossil conspiracy at the Benny Hinn Sunday school?

That's quite a conspiracy. It's just coincidence that hundreds of thousands of fossils have formed to be consistent in minute ways?
Most people understand that real live dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago. Have you ever actually read a book on earth history? Did you get your fossil conspiracy at the Benny Hinn Sunday school?

That's quite a conspiracy. It's just coincidence that hundreds of thousands of fossils have formed to be consistent in minute ways?


So I'll ask you the same question I asked your bud Fort Fun... You can prove definitively that the universe existed more than a nanosecond ago?

If you do then you must have faith in your belief that the world existed millions of years ago, which sounds sort of like a religious belief to me.

So you must have religious faith that things came into being which suggests you believe in God.

If you believe in God, then God must have created all things great and small.


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So I'll ask you the same question I asked your bud Fort Fun... You can prove definitively that the universe existed more than a nanosecond ago?

If you do then you must have faith in your beliefs which sounds sort of like a religious belief to me.

So you must have religious faith that things came into being.



So I’m fascinated by your fossil conspiracy theory. Is it possible that the gods performed a magic trick and magically formed hundreds of thousands of fossils just to play a cruel joke on you?

So I’m fascinated by your fossil conspiracy theory. Is it possible that the gods performed a magic trick and magically formed hundreds of thousands of fossils just to play a cruel joke on you?



What makes you think I'm not just fucking the heads of a bunch of abusive atheists because of what they think of religion and rednecks?

However I've noted that neither you nor Fort Fun have answered my question about that nanosecond.

In answer to your question though... Perhaps the jokes on you.


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What makes you think I'm not just fucking the heads of a bunch of abusive atheists because of what they think of religion and rednecks?

However I've noted that neither you nor Fort Fun have answered my question about that nanosecond.



To follow up on your Fossil Conspiracy Theory™, why did the gods magically make hundreds of thousands of fossils and make them hundreds of millions of years old except to play a cruel joke on you?

I noticed you haven’t provided any support for your Fossil Conspiracy Theory™. The gods are very disappointed with you.

To follow up on your Fossil Conspiracy Theory™, why did the gods magically make hundreds of thousands of fossils and make them hundreds of millions of years old except to play a cruel joke on you?



At no time did I say the gods magically made such things.

I said it was just wind, gas, and water seepage, making fanciful creations.

But if you want to believe that the gods created them who am I to dissuade you in your religious beliefs.

I have my own beliefs about God and they don't follow yours.


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Why should I? But since you insist...

Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the universe even existed more than a nanosecond ago?

The answer to that question is that you must have faith that it did.

Sounds like some sort of cultish religion to me if you have that sort of faith.

Therefore you must believe in God.



Oops, you dodged the question again.

What would be evidence? Describe some.

Surely your ungod is capable of such a thing as evolution. So don't hide behind that.
Name three specific things about Darwinism that are true?

Not "it's all real!" or "only stupid people ask that question!" or some other nonsense.

Can you give me some true facts that we know about Darwinian evolution and how we know them?

It begins with a "D", second letter is an "a" and the third letter is an "r", boooshakalaka
Obviously you lack a clear understanding of categorization Here ya go. You're welcome.

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Base on this, "Man" is the same
Seems pretty clear you're in denial. I gave you multiple references of instances of speciation and you failed to counter with anything but specious opinion.

The most glaring bit of ineptitude about your understanding of science matters was the stereotypical religious extremist example of "one creature became a new more advanced species like an ape to human.'' As is so typical for fundamentalist Christians, your revulsion for science is typically connected with a complete lack of schooling on the matters of science.

Evolution is not directional. It does not advance linearly or directionally from dumb to smart or from simple to complex. The impression you have that it does so literally reeks of something you were taught at your fundamentalist madrassah. If that is the case, you are promoting falsehoods on their behalf. Lay off the fundie creation ministries.

Since, as you believe, ''evilution'' is false, then give us some factual data about the diversity of life on the planet being the result of all biological life as we know it walking off the mythical Ark just a few thousand years ago.

How do you account for fossil remains that show clear transitions from one species to another over millions of years? How do the religious extremists account for geologic time frames of millions of years vs. Just a few thousand?

Ark'ists insist that the planet is a mere few thousand years old so explain the fossil evidence dating back hundreds of millions of years ago.
You are right that things don't progress from simple to complex. It goes against physicals and thermal dynamics. Things go from complex to less complex, not the other way around. Or, from less intelligence to more intelligence. Just look at mankind right now. We've gone from clearly defining what a woman is to not knowing what a woman is.
Let's go to the real topic, evolution. You try to dance around the real use of the word evolution. You know that when atheists and secularists speak of evolution of the species, they are talking specifically about mankind. There is no evidence that mankind has evolved from apes. No missing link. The statements that chimps are 98% that of human chromosomes is also found now to be a complete lie. Yet, it's still used as fact.
Here's a shocker. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe we have evolved and will continue to evolve. Here is the evolution: We were once pure intelligence (energy). Our Father and Mother in Heaven are able to procreate forever. Their children come out with bodies of much finer material than earthly bodies. They are spirit children. Billions, maybe trillion of us. Placed into those spirit bodies are the pure intelligences. So, now there are more complexed life forms. But, we could not progress to be like our Heavenly parents without being resurrect glorified beings like they are. So, this universe with this earth, and other worlds, were created to give our spirit bodies a physical body to learn to control the body, parts and passions of earthly physical bodies. We went from pre-earth life to earth life. For those that come to an age of accountability, they will be tested on development of "faith" in our God. Through Jesus Christ's atonement, as we make mistakes called sin, if we repent, we can be forgiven and receive our reward of glorified Celestial bodies, Terrestrial Bodies or Telestial bodies (Sun, Moon, Stars 1Corinthians chapter 15). There, we will progress in those glories. But, only in the Celestial Kingdom will we progress or evolve into glorified beings like our Heavenly Parents. We will be given our own universes to continue to evolution of intelligences. You won't find another religion that teaches these truths.
Now, what about the animals? Well, they too have spirit bodies with intelligences in them as well. However, those intelligences are more limited and thus have been placed in animals here on earth and other worlds. Thus, secular Darwinism type of evolution is not possible with animals. No matter how many hundreds of thousands or millions of year of life, they will never become humans. As we saw with the story of Jesus and the swine. The animals could not handle the greater intelligences of the devil spirit children that were cast out of heaven (one-third).

Isn't it amazing how all your scientific beliefs rely on faith that the universe existed for more than a nanosecond.

Evolution, and even life itself, happened all because it was in God's plan and we all have faith that it happened because we believe in the existence of such a simple thing as time.




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Base on this, "Man" is the same

You are right that things don't progress from simple to complex. It goes against physicals and thermal dynamics. Things go from complex to less complex, not the other way around. Or, from less intelligence to more intelligence. Just look at mankind right now. We've gone from clearly defining what a woman is to not knowing what a woman is.
Let's go to the real topic, evolution. You try to dance around the real use of the word evolution. You know that when atheists and secularists speak of evolution of the species, they are talking specifically about mankind. There is no evidence that mankind has evolved from apes. No missing link. The statements that chimps are 98% that of human chromosomes is also found now to be a complete lie. Yet, it's still used as fact.
Here's a shocker. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe we have evolved and will continue to evolve. Here is the evolution: We were once pure intelligence (energy). Our Father and Mother in Heaven are able to procreate forever. Their children come out with bodies of much finer material than earthly bodies. They are spirit children. Billions, maybe trillion of us. Placed into those spirit bodies are the pure intelligences. So, now there are more complexed life forms. But, we could not progress to be like our Heavenly parents without being resurrect glorified beings like they are. So, this universe with this earth, and other worlds, were created to give our spirit bodies a physical body to learn to control the body, parts and passions of earthly physical bodies. We went from pre-earth life to earth life. For those that come to an age of accountability, they will be tested on development of "faith" in our God. Through Jesus Christ's atonement, as we make mistakes called sin, if we repent, we can be forgiven and receive our reward of glorified Celestial bodies, Terrestrial Bodies or Telestial bodies (Sun, Moon, Stars 1Corinthians chapter 15). There, we will progress in those glories. But, only in the Celestial Kingdom will we progress or evolve into glorified beings like our Heavenly Parents. We will be given our own universes to continue to evolution of intelligences. You won't find another religion that teaches these truths.
Now, what about the animals? Well, they too have spirit bodies with intelligences in them as well. However, those intelligences are more limited and thus have been placed in animals here on earth and other worlds. Thus, secular Darwinism type of evolution is not possible with animals. No matter how many hundreds of thousands or millions of year of life, they will never become humans. As we saw with the story of Jesus and the swine. The animals could not handle the greater intelligences of the devil spirit children that were cast out of heaven (one-third).

Such street corner proselytizing doesn't address the fact of an ancient planet, biological evolution or speciation. Such things as ''spirit bodies'', ''spirit realms'' and various gods are claims typical of most religions and like other religions, your claims remain completely unsupported.
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At no time did I say the gods magically made such things.

I said it was just wind, gas, and water seepage, making fanciful creations.

But if you want to believe that the gods created them who am I to dissuade you in your religious beliefs.

I have my own beliefs about God and they don't follow yours.



Ah. Your conspiracy theory is that wind, gas, and water seepage made fanciful creations that just by coincidence resulted in hundreds of thousands of fossil remains that in many cases include resemblance to modern day articulated skeletal remains.

Fascinating conspiracy theory.

Ah. Your conspiracy theory is that wind, gas, and water seepage made fanciful creations that just by coincidence resulted in hundreds of thousands of fossil remains that in many cases include resemblance to modern day articulated skeletal remains.

Fascinating conspiracy theory.



Do you read palms and see portents in the heavens too?




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Do you find conspiracies in all science related matters?



I can if that's what it takes to make some screws come loose in progressive atheist heads.

Have you figured out that nanosecond thingee yet?

After all it would take faith to allow for the time you desire for those there fossils to happen.


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