Can this possibly be true....if so, forget about a Senate impeachment trial!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Read in an email this week that the Senate has rules involving impeachment that could have a major impact on the 2020 race and supports the theory that impeachment will never reach the House floor for a vote and never reach the Senate.

Email said if the House votes to impeach and the motion then goes to the Senate, that the Senate must then drop all other business and spend six days a week trying the case before the Senate.

In addition, Senators of both parties are prohibited from campaigning while the impeachment trial is underway. This impacts many of the Democrat front-runners: Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Amy Klobochar...

The closer this gets to the holidays, the closer this also gets to the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primary.

The longer a trial goes on, the more it takes those senators out of action in Iowa, New Hampshire and elsewhere providing a huge boost to Joe Biden's chances (and a push from behind for Mare Pete).

If anyone can direct me to a link verifying these Senate rules or where these rules are discussed, it would be greatly appreciated.
They also love this shit show being on people's mind rather than who was fuckin' little kids at Epstein's Island.

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