Can Democrats Landslide the Republicans?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Ralph Nader wants to know.
He frequently asks this question of Congressional Democrats:

"If you agree that your Republicans counterparts in Congress are the most craven, corporatist, fact-denying, falsifying, anti-99 percent, militaristic Republicans in the party's history, then why are you not landsliding them?"

Ralph provides a list of eight initiatives he believes could result in a Democrat landslide next November. Numbers 2,3, and 4 are my favorites:

"Second, announce the filing of legislation that declares immediate drafting of all able-bodied and age-qualified children and grandchildren of all members of Congress any time that branch or the president plunge us into another war..."

"Third, cut the huge, bloated, wasteful military budget, really end the wars, and switch the expected savings into repairing and renovating America through a public works program all over the country with good-paying, non-exportable jobs.

"Fourth, shift much of the tax burdens to activities we do not like, such as pollution, huge Wall Street speculation, corporate crime waves and profits from systemic product waste. Even Exxon/Mobil supports the idea of a carbon tax, which would help the environment. The motto: tax what you burn before you tax what you earn."

Can Democrats Landslide Republicans? | Common Dreams
He may not win as big as he did in 2008 but he will win again. Nothing I see suggests its going to be close. The only time I even consider it is when rigthies insist they are going to win.

I have 2 x $100 bets with people who think Mitt or Santorum or Newt are/is going to beat Obama. LOL.
They would if Americans were capable of taking the long view of government policy. Sadly most of us are incapable of thinking past the next election or business quarter.
They would if Americans were capable of taking the long view of government policy. Sadly most of us are incapable of thinking past the next election or business quarter.


Right, we just cant wait for democrats to require that all 401k money be invested in Government as a democrat had already suggested.
He may not win as big as he did in 2008 but he will win again. Nothing I see suggests its going to be close. The only time I even consider it is when rigthies insist they are going to win.

I have 2 x $100 bets with people who think Mitt or Santorum or Newt are/is going to beat Obama. LOL.
Even if gas spikes to $6-$7 a gallon because of war with Iran or if UE levels in this country remain above 8%? If Obama gets another term, do you see him "reforming" Social Security for Wall Street's benefit?
They would if Americans were capable of taking the long view of government policy. Sadly most of us are incapable of thinking past the next election or business quarter.
Or if Democrats and Republicans offered any real choice when it comes to issues affecting Wall Street or the Pentagon:

"Chief among them is that the two parties are vigorously dialing for the same commercial dollars to finance their campaigns. The resultant inhibitions and self-censorships bring the parties' real agendas closer together, erasing the bright lines that make elections clearer choices for voters..."

"With the two parties often seen as Republicrats or DemReps, due to the lack of credible, distinct differences on military, foreign policy, trade, agribusiness, energy and corporate crime/welfare subjects, among others..."

Can Democrats Landslide Republicans? | Common Dreams
They would if Americans were capable of taking the long view of government policy. Sadly most of us are incapable of thinking past the next election or business quarter.
Or if Democrats and Republicans offered any real choice when it comes to issues affecting Wall Street or the Pentagon:

"Chief among them is that the two parties are vigorously dialing for the same commercial dollars to finance their campaigns. The resultant inhibitions and self-censorships bring the parties' real agendas closer together, erasing the bright lines that make elections clearer choices for voters..."

"With the two parties often seen as Republicrats or DemReps, due to the lack of credible, distinct differences on military, foreign policy, trade, agribusiness, energy and corporate crime/welfare subjects, among others..."

Can Democrats Landslide Republicans? | Common Dreams
No, I'm thinking it will be close, but it depends on the nominee and the economy come November.
They would if Americans were capable of taking the long view of government policy. Sadly most of us are incapable of thinking past the next election or business quarter.
Or if Democrats and Republicans offered any real choice when it comes to issues affecting Wall Street or the Pentagon:

"Chief among them is that the two parties are vigorously dialing for the same commercial dollars to finance their campaigns. The resultant inhibitions and self-censorships bring the parties' real agendas closer together, erasing the bright lines that make elections clearer choices for voters..."

"With the two parties often seen as Republicrats or DemReps, due to the lack of credible, distinct differences on military, foreign policy, trade, agribusiness, energy and corporate crime/welfare subjects, among others..."

Can Democrats Landslide Republicans? | Common Dreams
No, I'm thinking it will be close, but it depends on the nominee and the economy come November.
If Romney hasn't locked up the nomination before Tampa, we could see a brokered convention that results in a Republican candidate for president who didn't participate in any of the primaries.

Christie/Rubio in 2012?

If the economy is swirling the same drain in 2012 that it was in 2008, I'm guessing Obama is one and done.
Can Democrats Landslide the Republicans?

After the last three years, winning by one vote would be a landslide - holding the Senate and regaining the House would not be a landslide but a reach for sanity ... there remains a great deal of uncertainty but surly Nov. and an inevitable outcome will be upon us.

unemployment may need to be below 8% for the Democrats to pull it off.
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He may not win as big as he did in 2008 but he will win again. Nothing I see suggests its going to be close. The only time I even consider it is when rigthies insist they are going to win.

I have 2 x $100 bets with people who think Mitt or Santorum or Newt are/is going to beat Obama. LOL.
Even if gas spikes to $6-$7 a gallon because of war with Iran or if UE levels in this country remain above 8%? If Obama gets another term, do you see him "reforming" Social Security for Wall Street's benefit?

Yes. It seems like all the things the top 1% want, they eventually get regardless of which party is in office. The Dems will say they had to "compromise" with the GOP.

Clinton went along with WAY TOO MUCH with the GOP when he was Prez.

And Obama seems to be practicing triangulation too. Didn't he just sign a free trade deal with Columbia? Big mistake. That isn't going to create jobs. But like Clinton, he said it will. So far NAFTA hasn't added jobs.

But like my grandma said, "at least the Democrats give a dog a bone".

The Dems answer to labor/unions/middle class so they definately won't do what Paul Ryan wanted to do to SS and Medicare. In fact, if WE THE VOTERS vote in enough Democrats and we pressure them, they could actually fix/strengthen social security and medicare.

I would love single payer. But even with 60 seats the Dems couldn't give us the best solution. But at least they got some reform through. What did the GOP do? They allowed 10 million people to become uninsured on their watch because the healthcare giants had a monopoly and gouged us for as much as they could. Now today even people with healthcare think it sucks. Now they can blame Obamacare but it sucked before that.
Why not go the whole route and ask if the OWS rabble can overthrow capitalism?
Capitalism is hardwired for self-destruction.
OWS is simply pointing out the obvious to those who are still sleeping.

Capitalism as we know it is doomed and it did it's own self in.
Too much money in too few hands.

"he Great Financial Crisis and the Great Recession that followed close upon it have uncovered the depth of the contradictions facing capitalism in this phase, which I have labeled monopoly-finance capital.'

"Specifically, the overall crisis has revealed that capitalism, at its vital core, is caught in a stagnation-financialization trap with no visible way out. The geopolitical implications of course are vast. Not only is capitalism weakening in many ways at the center but U.S. hegemony is also compromised.

"The dollar at first strengthened in this crisis, but the long-term implications for the dollar are negative.

"On top of the worst world economic downturn since the Great Depression, we are also facing, as you indicate, the worst environmental threat in history (indeed what might be viewed as the ultimate environmental threat, with the destabilizing of the climate), the rapid growth of world hunger, and the prospect of peak oil.

"Inequality in the world (both between rich and poor countries and within states) is increasing."

"The Financial Crisis and Imperialism: Interview of John Bellamy Foster by Farooque Chowdhury for Bangla Monthly Review"
Can Democrats Landslide the Republicans?

Are you referring to this Nov. ???

After the last three years, winning by one vote would be a landslide - holding the Senate and regaining the House would not be a landslide but a reach for sanity ... there remains a great deal of uncertainty but surly Nov. and an inevitable outcome will be upon us.

Check the polls. The GOP's approval ratings are at all time lows. Obama's approval ratings are going up each day.

We expect to take back the House too.

There are 10 Dems and only 2 GOP up in for re election in the Senate. This is your best chance. But even here, doesn't look like people want to put more tea baggers into office.

And how come the liberal media isn't telling America about Mitch McConnell's record number of filubusters in the Senate?

This is 1948 all over again. You guys tried all this with Truman and it backfired, just like it will in November.

Maybe if you had a candidate, but you don't.
Or if Democrats and Republicans offered any real choice when it comes to issues affecting Wall Street or the Pentagon:

"Chief among them is that the two parties are vigorously dialing for the same commercial dollars to finance their campaigns. The resultant inhibitions and self-censorships bring the parties' real agendas closer together, erasing the bright lines that make elections clearer choices for voters..."

"With the two parties often seen as Republicrats or DemReps, due to the lack of credible, distinct differences on military, foreign policy, trade, agribusiness, energy and corporate crime/welfare subjects, among others..."

Can Democrats Landslide Republicans? | Common Dreams
No, I'm thinking it will be close, but it depends on the nominee and the economy come November.
If Romney hasn't locked up the nomination before Tampa, we could see a brokered convention that results in a Republican candidate for president who didn't participate in any of the primaries.

Christie/Rubio in 2012?

If the economy is swirling the same drain in 2012 that it was in 2008, I'm guessing Obama is one and done.
A brokered convention will leave Newt, Mitt, and Ron to demolish any chance Republicans have; I don't think Santorum would join in, but he might. The Mitt/Newt hate fest here in Florida was remarkable.
Capitalism is hardwired for self-destruction.
OWS is simply pointing out the obvious to those who are still sleeping.

Capitalism as we know it is doomed and it did it's own self in.
Too much money in too few hands.

"he Great Financial Crisis and the Great Recession that followed close upon it have uncovered the depth of the contradictions facing capitalism in this phase, which I have labeled monopoly-finance capital.'

"Specifically, the overall crisis has revealed that capitalism, at its vital core, is caught in a stagnation-financialization trap with no visible way out. The geopolitical implications of course are vast. Not only is capitalism weakening in many ways at the center but U.S. hegemony is also compromised.

"The dollar at first strengthened in this crisis, but the long-term implications for the dollar are negative.

"On top of the worst world economic downturn since the Great Depression, we are also facing, as you indicate, the worst environmental threat in history (indeed what might be viewed as the ultimate environmental threat, with the destabilizing of the climate), the rapid growth of world hunger, and the prospect of peak oil.

"Inequality in the world (both between rich and poor countries and within states) is increasing."

"The Financial Crisis and Imperialism: Interview of John Bellamy Foster by Farooque Chowdhury for Bangla Monthly Review"
Capitalism is hardwired for self-destruction.
NO! With proper controls it remains the finest economic system ever known. We could use another Teddy TRUSTBUSTER Roosevelt, sure. But today's Republicans are not interested in busting up monopolies, just making money off 'em.
Can Democrats Landslide the Republicans?

After the last three years, winning by one vote would be a landslide - holding the Senate and regaining the House would not be a landslide but a reach for sanity ... there remains a great deal of uncertainty but surly Nov. and an inevitable outcome will be upon us.

unemployment may need to be below 8% for the Democrats to pull it off.
If Nader's correct when he says "... the two parties (are) often seen as Republicrats or DemReps, due to the lack of credible, distinct differences on military, foreign policy, trade, agribusiness, energy and corporate crime/welfare subjects..." what level of misery next November would compel you to vote AGAINST both corporate parties?

The same technology that's filling Tahrir Square and fueling the OWS movements could be used to convince millions of US voters to FLUSH hundreds of incumbents, Republicans AND Democrats, from DC in a single news cycle next November.

Can Democrats Landslide Republicans? | Common Dreams
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