Can Anyone Tell Me What Tomorrow Is???

how is obama going to delcare marshall law when the military is gone?

will the 20 new black panthers suffice to keep you asstards cowering?

hey, i am just making "a point".

Boy.....what an imagination.

But no.....we just won't have half the military we have today.

I wouldn't worry about it Mud. The world is full of jackwagons with an ax to grind and opinions about our country that don't have a clue how our government actually works.

Marshall law is enforced by the National Guard...NOT the Army. It is actually unconstitutional for our military to deploy on US soil.

Hell...MOST of them are conservatives anyway. Which is the REAL reason liberals hate our military!

OSB and pack of insane Arabs did one thing that NO ONE in politics had been able to do in the last 40 years. 9/11 is the day conservative America, which has traditionally been middle America's silent majority, began to wake up to the STUPIDITY that has been inflicted on this country by wandering so far away from our Constitution and founding principles.

You and I know that, but I'm sure Obama would find a way around that.

It's strange that the left has found a way to not only separate church from state but separate State from State. This morning they reported that Bloomberg says no politicians will be allowed at the ceremonies at the WTC memorial this morning. No mention of God ether. Obama doesn't want to mention God this morning ether, just conduct a moment of silence.

Excellent. Guess that removal of God at the DNC wasn't a fluke after all. :eusa_whistle:
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i watched several documentaries on nat geo...i think it was nat geo....the falling man....the woman who wasnt there....i dont see the media ignoring the anniversary at all
Because nearly 3000 innocent people that day were simply going about their normal routines, and their friends and loved ones never saw them alive again because they were murdered by spineless cowards or died trying to help other victims.

That's way more than enough for me to formally remember them all each anniversary.
You and I know that, but I'm sure Obama would find a way around that.

It's strange that the left has found a way to not only separate church from state but separate State from State. This morning they reported that Bloomberg says no politicians will be allowed at the ceremonies at the WTC memorial this morning. No mention of God ether. Obama doesn't want to mention God this morning ether, just conduct a moment of silence.

Excellent. Guess that removal of God at the DNC wasn't a fluke after all. :eusa_whistle:
LOL...nope, no fluke. And more than that Mud. Last ceremony, Bloomberg even managed to keep firefighters and cops out of it!

I tell ya what, 11 years on and the families of 9/11 are praying for their lost loved ones at a freakin' HOLE IN THE GROUND!?!?!?

New York should be ASHAMED of what they've allowed to happen at that site. It didn't take this long to build the original Trade Towers...and it DAMN sure shouldn't have taken this long to do what LITTLE has been done.

It took Bloomberg and his NY mafia longer to settle on a damn design then it did to build the original buildings. Hell, it didn't take Bloomberg but 20 minutes to decide to let Muslims hike their legs on the site and raise a mosque at ground zero. PITIFUL!

do you remember ok city too?

There are ceremonies EVERY YEAR bones.

Here are a couple platitudes for ya. VERY true platitudes that I've dumbed down to my level since I can't remember the sources to cite anyway. ;~)

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over and expecting a different result.

If this country had NOT changed...I'd be a HELL of a lot more worried about our collective consciousnesses. Did we go too far in a place or two? HELL YES!

Adopting a piece of legislation drawn up by Joe Biden in 1996, the Patriot Act, as something that would protect this country was INSANE. As Ben Franklin said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." And make no mistake, Biden's intent WAS to usurp essential liberties of Americans.

But had we not done something, had we not been changed in some way, had we NOT learned and applied the lessons of 9/11 to our daily lives in some way...I would have worried FAR more for the future of our place in the world. We CAN fix the stupidity that is the Patriot Act. We could NOT have fixed apathy to the events of 9/11!

9/11 made WHOLE this country in a way that nothing before or after the attack of Perl Harbor did. In it's aftermath, 89% of Americans favored going into Afghanistan and taking out those who would attack us, 82% of all Americans favored taking out Saddam Hussein, 76% favored invading Iraq and every congressmen in BOTH Houses, but 3 voted FOR the the resolution that authorized the use of force that authorized both of those actions. a country with a common will!

So when you read or hear some jackwagon talking smack about what a failure or mistake or how the "Bush wars" were mistakes, keep in mind that at LEAST 8 in 10 of those very same hypocrites SUPPORTED IT and are now simply using false sentiment, ginned up by a liberal media as a vehicle for personal gain of some sort!
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What happened 11 years ago tomorrow?

The media is totally ignoring it.

According to the LUNATIC FRINGE leftists, 11 years ago tomorrow:

1. President George W. Bush carried out the 9/11 attacks by orchestrating the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center towers and WTC-7.

2. No planes actually crashed into the WTC towers or the Pentagon or in the field in Pennsylvania.

3. President George W. Bush orchestrated the phoney 9/11 "attacks" so he could have a valid reason to begin the "war on terrorism", which was just an excuse to get Saddam Hussein, who tried to kill his daddy, George H.W. Bush.

4. George W. Bush is a "war criminal".

Mudwhistle didn't believe Osama was killed at one point either. He's one of the lunatic fringe.
I don't care how they remember it, as long as obama's asinine national day of service is ignored.
Valentines day?


  • $wtc-falling-for-you.jpg
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Here's my video message from last year.

[ame=]9/11 anniversary: Peter Dow's message from Scotland. - YouTube[/ame]
Here's my video message from last year.

Uh, while we appreciate unanimity from people around the world and I DO applaud the good common sense you show by wanting to throw the British monarchy out of Scotland...after all, we had the same idea a couple hundred years ago...I DO have a bit of advice for ya Peter.

I know your other videos were for domestic consumption in Scotland and not for over here, but I'll just say it anyway. Calling yourself a republican socialist in America will NOT earn you any friends.

As a matter of fact, if you call any republican in this country a socialist, your gonna get popped in the mouth. If you call any socialist in this country a'll end up in a slap fight.

Just a little FYI.

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