Can Anyone On This Board Name the Rightwing Terrorist Group

What's the name of his group? That's the question from the op.

And considering I know this inside and out, prove anti taxes survivalism and all the other bs you just posted.

Go slow, take deep breaths here and prove to me your story you just told.

Because knowing what I know, and I'm big into murder. Murder is actually my first love you see not politics, I really studied this murderer called Tim.

From a killing point of view.

So you prove to me all the shit you just spewed.

What - were they starting a rock band? :lol:

Why do they need a name?

Timmy McVeigh and the Waco Whackos.
Tim & The Daycare Bombers
who bombed the Oklahoma City building! I just want the name of the group!

No group involved.

But, the left will try hard to put McVeigh in a group and paint all others the same. These are the same people who refuse to acknowledge the radical Muslim terrorists who have carried out countless terrorist attacks over the years and are likely still plotting to kill more infidels.

The difference is that no one on the right steps up to defend Timothy McVeigh or any other violent group. The left goes out of their way to protect groups who harbor violent people. They attempt to separate members from the group so that the others won't be associated with the violence. The Ft. Hood shooter was a Muslim, but that wasn't mentioned. Even with 9-11, they worried more about the sensibilities of the Muslims than the victims families. All they are concerned with is not offending Muslims, despite the fact that Muslims knowingly harbor radical members and refuse to openly condemn them.

Yet, one whacko who happens to clash with the liberal beliefs on government control, gun control and mind control commits an unspeakable act and they are happy to paint all people on the right as murderous radicals. Never do they concern themselves with unfairly judging or offending millions and it's all because of the political differences.

Perhaps the left identifies more with radical Muslim laws than they do conservative views.
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National Alliance, Aryran Brotherhood, Klu Klux Klan, Operation Rescue...

Need more?

Bullshit. Tim was not a member of any of those groups.

Look Sallow, I did murder way before I did politics. You can try to spin your shit on this but Tim was not a member of any of those groups.

Now you can whack off thinking he was. But McVeigh was not a member of any of them.

You did murder?


White Supremacist Group Tied to McVeigh Stirring Tensions in Canada |

I actually knew a guy in the National Alliance who talked about McVeigh, alot.

New York Daily News/October 25, 2000
By Warren Woodberry Jr. and Alice McQuillan
White supremacist who collects hate literature and guns was charged yesterday with amassing an arsenal of weapons inside his Flushing apartment. Steven McFadden admitted to detectives that he is a member of the National Alliance, one of the largest and most active neo-Nazi organizations in the country.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, dozens of violent crimes - including murders and bombings - have been traced to National Alliance members or appear to have been inspired by the group's literature.

Yet authorities believe McFadden, 39, had no dangerous schemes in mind. "We think his intention was just to collect guns," said a law enforcement source. "It does not appear that he was planning any violence."

Nab White Supremacist

We worked at the same company. He killed himself last year.

:lol: I was thinking the same thing, is this her venue for confession?
Which hardly fits the definition of "terrorist"


What I find appalling is that no left winger will engage over WACO or RUBY RIDGE. None. None will discuss these really appalling situations and now emblazoned parts of American History, they fucking (pardon my french but they really piss me off on this)refuse to engage situations that killed dozens of American citizens on American soil by American law officers.

That's a lie. I'll refute all your bullshit. Randy Weaver got his family killed. No one else.

A jury disagreed and awarded him millions of dollars that the federal government had to pay for killing his wife and children.

However, a servile toady like you will defend the government no matter what it does, even if that includes cold blooded murder.

Liberal vermin are perfectly OK with the government murdering people who don't hold the correct political opinions.
who bombed the Oklahoma City building! I just want the name of the group!

No group involved.

But, the left will try hard to put McVeigh in a group and paint all others the same. These are the same people who refuse to acknowledge the radical Muslim terrorists who have carried out countless terrorist attacks over the years and are likely still plotting to kill more infidels.

The difference is that no one on the right steps up to defend Timothy McVeigh or any other violent group. The left goes out of their way to protect groups who harbor violent people. They attempt to separate members from the group so that the others won't be associated with the violence. The Ft. Hood shooter was a Muslim, but that wasn't mentioned. Even with 9-11, they worried more about the sensibilities of the Muslims than the victims families. All they are concerned with is not offending Muslims, despite the fact that Muslims knowingly harbor radical members and refuse to openly condemn them.

Yet, one whacko who happens to clash with the liberal beliefs on government control, gun control and mind control commits an unspeakable act and they are happy to paint all people on the right as murderous radicals. Never do they concern themselves with unfairly judging or offending millions and it's all because of the political differences.

Perhaps the left identifies more with radical Muslim laws than they do conservative views.

Hitler was a teetotaler, non-smoker, animal rights advocate and vegetarian. He was the stereotypical liberal, in other words.
Which was true....

And it was true. We don't imagine this. I watched this day after day after day live on CNN. It was unreal.

It was like a bizarre moment out of Road Warrior except the people on the outside were government agents.

And horrid evil government agents and I mean this with all my heart. I still can't beleive I'm typing this but that's what they were.

They wanted everyone in that compound dead.

And how many more days past the 58 that it lasted would you want to continue seeing children abused and the law of the United States flouted?

What a hypocrite! You have no problems when police attack peaceful demonstrators near Wall Street.

Yeah, we can't have children being abused, so lets kill them by burning them alive!

Liberals sure come up with great solutions to problems, don't they?

Furthermore, the only people flouting the laws of the United States were the FBI and the BATF.
It's because it was 2 of the Dem's favorite men

Clinton & Reno


I think they feel that GASSING CHILDREN hiding in a bunker was justified because these were Christian Zealots. Or shooting a mom in the head while she's holding a baby at Ruby Ridge is "measured force" for a stand-off that started as an BATF entrapment scheme.

I'll never forget Diane Feinstein at the R.R. hearings ADJUSTING THE DRAPES in the window of the door she was shot thru and ARGUING that if they were her drapes, SHE would have had them arranged this way..

It's laughable you folks seem to excuse this behavior when it's things you truly couldn't care about.

Like Elenanor Bumpers or Amadou Diallo or Larry Davis or the Greensboro Massacre..but focus like crazy on Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Waco? The ATF waited way to long to storm the compound. Each and every death that happened was the result of Christian Terrorist David Koresh. And it wasn't the first time he had engaged in terrorism. Previously he had shot a rival in the chest..and got away with it. That's in addition to making all sorts of threats against rivals. He was a pedophile and a disgusting criminal that deserved what he got. It's unfortunate he included kids in that outcome.

Ruby Ridge? They violated the law..but the law enforcement should have been more measured.


Koresh simply "got away with it"? Or are you just using that mangled factoid to your convienience to show how Driving military vehicles into a house and PIPING gas into a room where you KNOW the children are hiding is justified?

Ruby Ridge? Weaver WON in court. You paid the settlement.

Of course I'm upset about Diallo and the others you mentioned.. But that's largely THOUSANDS of LOCAL police Depts with a small NON-POLITICAL jerk problem.

I'm focused on the one that's used to validate political biases on a NATIONAL scale. The one with Nuclear weapons and spy satellites..
What I find appalling is that no left winger will engage over WACO or RUBY RIDGE. None. None will discuss these really appalling situations and now emblazoned parts of American History, they fucking (pardon my french but they really piss me off on this)refuse to engage situations that killed dozens of American citizens on American soil by American law officers.

It's because it was 2 of the Dem's favorite men

Clinton & Reno


I think they feel that GASSING CHILDREN hiding in a bunker was justified because these were Christian Zealots. Or shooting a mom in the head while she's holding a baby at Ruby Ridge is "measured force" for a stand-off that started as an BATF entrapment scheme.

I'll never forget Diane Feinstein at the R.R. hearings ADJUSTING THE DRAPES in the window of the door she was shot thru and ARGUING that if they were her drapes, SHE would have had them arranged this way..

Look how the left swing lock step behind Reno on this. Burn children alive is Option A?
Hmmmmmm, let us see.... The Terrorist was anti-taxes, was into survivalism, opposed gun control, and supported the militia movement, hated the big bad government and especially the Clintons?

yeah, you're correct. He couldn't be right wing. Nah, naw, no way. :eusa_clap:

What's the name of his group? That's the question from the op.

And considering I know this inside and out, prove anti taxes survivalism and all the other bs you just posted.

Go slow, take deep breaths here and prove to me your story you just told.

Because knowing what I know, and I'm big into murder. Murder is actually my first love you see not politics, I really studied this murderer called Tim.

From a killing point of view.

So you prove to me all the shit you just spewed.

What - were they starting a rock band? :lol:

Why do they need a name?

That's the question in the OP. That's the point of the thread. Name a right wing terrorist group.
It's because it was 2 of the Dem's favorite men

Clinton & Reno


I think they feel that GASSING CHILDREN hiding in a bunker was justified because these were Christian Zealots. Or shooting a mom in the head while she's holding a baby at Ruby Ridge is "measured force" for a stand-off that started as an BATF entrapment scheme.

I'll never forget Diane Feinstein at the R.R. hearings ADJUSTING THE DRAPES in the window of the door she was shot thru and ARGUING that if they were her drapes, SHE would have had them arranged this way..

Look how the left swing lock step behind Reno on this. Burn children alive is Option A?

First no one wants to "defend" it..then you say the person is "lockstep" with Janet Reno? many times you gonna move the goal posts.

And cheerleading a Terrorist/Pedophile? Good on you.
Remember the Gabrielle Giffords shooting the left could not claim fast enough that the shooter Jared Loughner was a radical right wing Tea Party member of course when the facts proved otherwise you could practically hear the far left crying from coast to coast those dam facts can really mess up people's talking points.
Who has proved he's not a radical rightwinger?

Life doesn't work the Dan Rather way. If you make the accusation prove it.
I think they feel that GASSING CHILDREN hiding in a bunker was justified because these were Christian Zealots. Or shooting a mom in the head while she's holding a baby at Ruby Ridge is "measured force" for a stand-off that started as an BATF entrapment scheme.

I'll never forget Diane Feinstein at the R.R. hearings ADJUSTING THE DRAPES in the window of the door she was shot thru and ARGUING that if they were her drapes, SHE would have had them arranged this way..

Look how the left swing lock step behind Reno on this. Burn children alive is Option A?

First no one wants to "defend" it..then you say the person is "lockstep" with Janet Reno? many times you gonna move the goal posts.

And cheerleading a Terrorist/Pedophile? Good on you.

Prove he was either.

There is no proof. None whatsoever. The pedophile garbage is what Reno's crew was feeding to the press to justify her murder of American men, women and children.

Let's talk about what Janet did here? Take a minute out and remind yourself what her DOJ did.

Murdered. No slaughtered 70 plus men women and children. Slaughtered before our eyes.

And I guess if you're attempting to justify this, I guess you loved the screams as they died.

Did you?
I think they feel that GASSING CHILDREN hiding in a bunker was justified because these were Christian Zealots. Or shooting a mom in the head while she's holding a baby at Ruby Ridge is "measured force" for a stand-off that started as an BATF entrapment scheme.

I'll never forget Diane Feinstein at the R.R. hearings ADJUSTING THE DRAPES in the window of the door she was shot thru and ARGUING that if they were her drapes, SHE would have had them arranged this way..

It's laughable you folks seem to excuse this behavior when it's things you truly couldn't care about.

Like Elenanor Bumpers or Amadou Diallo or Larry Davis or the Greensboro Massacre..but focus like crazy on Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Waco? The ATF waited way to long to storm the compound. Each and every death that happened was the result of Christian Terrorist David Koresh. And it wasn't the first time he had engaged in terrorism. Previously he had shot a rival in the chest..and got away with it. That's in addition to making all sorts of threats against rivals. He was a pedophile and a disgusting criminal that deserved what he got. It's unfortunate he included kids in that outcome.

Ruby Ridge? They violated the law..but the law enforcement should have been more measured.


Koresh simply "got away with it"? Or are you just using that mangled factoid to your convienience to show how Driving military vehicles into a house and PIPING gas into a room where you KNOW the children are hiding is justified?

Ruby Ridge? Weaver WON in court. You paid the settlement.

Of course I'm upset about Diallo and the others you mentioned.. But that's largely THOUSANDS of LOCAL police Depts with a small NON-POLITICAL jerk problem.

I'm focused on the one that's used to validate political biases on a NATIONAL scale. The one with Nuclear weapons and spy satellites.. away with it.

Koresh had an affair with Lois, the geriatric prophetess and the couple travelled to Israel. She died in 1986, leaving Koresh and her son George to fight for control of the sect. Koresh stormed the compound, shot George in the chest and won. The new prophet was acquitted of attempted murder on a technicality.
David Koresh - Biography on Bio.
Look how the left swing lock step behind Reno on this. Burn children alive is Option A?

First no one wants to "defend" it..then you say the person is "lockstep" with Janet Reno? many times you gonna move the goal posts.

And cheerleading a Terrorist/Pedophile? Good on you.

Prove he was either.

There is no proof. None whatsoever. The pedophile garbage is what Reno's crew was feeding to the press to justify her murder of American men, women and children.

Let's talk about what Janet did here? Take a minute out and remind yourself what her DOJ did.

Murdered. No slaughtered 70 plus men women and children. Slaughtered before our eyes.

And I guess if you're attempting to justify this, I guess you loved the screams as they died.

Did you?

Oh spare the "emotional" crap about "slaughtering" innocent people. You folks lost that moral high ground after the invasion of Iraq..if you ever had it in the first place.

Koresh was a violent, delusional, child predator and terrorist. He set up a compound and broke laws. And it seems that most of these types of situations end up the exact same way. From Jones Town to Heaven's Gate..I don't have any idea why anyone would defend these religious fanatics.
Remember the Gabrielle Giffords shooting the left could not claim fast enough that the shooter Jared Loughner was a radical right wing Tea Party member of course when the facts proved otherwise you could practically hear the far left crying from coast to coast those dam facts can really mess up people's talking points.
Who has proved he's not a radical rightwinger?

Life doesn't work the Dan Rather way. If you make the accusation prove it.
Already proven countless times, and many times in this very thread.

Funny how you ignore those posts while continuing to spew your false information.

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