Can anyone demonstrate one lie Trump told?

We're talking 2015 here.

From your link...

View attachment 938822

He wasn't in office in 2015. He promised to release his 2015 taxes. He didn't. That means he lied...yes or no.
No, try again. His taxes were stolen by the Democrats. Why are you such a stooge for the Democrats, you don't even worry about how Biden is allowing millions of illegal aliens into our country and he lies every time he opens his mouth. Trump is pretty mild compared to this buffoon Biden
No, try again. His taxes were stolen by the Democrats.

Clearly that never happened.

Again...answer the question. Your blob said he would release is 2015 taxes. You cannot cite a source that shows he did it. The reason is that he never did. This was confirmed by the Whitehouse spokesperson in 2020.

Which of course is quite laughable--that it would take 5 years to do an audit. So the taxes were not released. He said he would release them.

This means he lied, right?
Clearly that never happened.

Again...answer the question. Your blob said he would release is 2015 taxes. You cannot cite a source that shows he did it. The reason is that he never did. This was confirmed by the Whitehouse spokesperson in 2020. Which of course is quite laughable--that it would take 5 years to do an audit. So the taxes were not released. He said he would release them.

This means he lied, right?
No, I'm sure if the Democrats were anything but dishonest he would have released them. You just can't trust a Democrat with sensitive information about yourself. Is there a law that says he had to? Did they get him for anything that they found in those taxes? Aren't you just barking up the wrong tree? Seems like you're just a stooge of the Democrats and don't care about anything but your agenda, you'll do any traitorous Act to keep power. A useful idiot
No, I'm sure if the Democrats were anything but dishonest he would have released them.
So you're confirming yet another lie. Great. You're becoming quite a witness for the prosecution.

Great... that is 2.
Moving on to the size of the inauguration.

The blob said the following:

Trump spoke at CIA headquarters and said that “one of the networks” had shown “an empty field,” while he saw a crowd that “looked like a million-and-a-half people” and “went all the way back to the Washington Monument.” said this:

Photos of the crowd, including one taken at 12:01 p.m. from the top of the Washington Monument, clearly show that the crowd witnessing Trump’s inauguration didn’t extend all the way to the monument.

Photographic evidence confirms is correct and the blob is lying:

Yes, looks like you have a problem with defecation. It's probably smeared all over you
No this whole thread of yours is asking if anyone can show Shitpants lied, that's right isn't it. Well shitpants says he doesn't shit in his pants and now I've proved beyond a doubt that Trump lied with 206 videos proving that shitpants does shit in his pants all the time even though he says he doesn't so I have proved you wrong , Here a couple more proving that you are wrong.

So you're confirming yet another lie. Great. You're becoming quite a witness for the prosecution.

Great... that is 2.

Moving on to the size of the inauguration.

The blob said the following:

Trump spoke at CIA headquarters and said that “one of the networks” had shown “an empty field,” while he saw a crowd that “looked like a million-and-a-half people” and “went all the way back to the Washington Monument.” said this:

Photos of the crowd, including one taken at 12:01 p.m. from the top of the Washington Monument, clearly show that the crowd witnessing Trump’s inauguration didn’t extend all the way to the monument.

Photographic evidence confirms is correct and the blob is lying:

View attachment 938831
No, what you're doing now is called flailing. LOLOLOL you have no proof that he was lying. You are just second-guessing what Trump might have been thinking with your own inferior brain. Don't you wish you were smarter? You wouldn't have to use misleading photos that show the time before the venue started to fill up. Useful idiot
Biden is the pedophile

He was acquitted in that trial. Keep trying. Are you going to vote for pedo Joe again?
Trump raped a 13 year old girl and told her he would kill her if she talked. The 13 year old was a present of the only friend he has had in his life. Jeffrey Epstein .

So now we have proven that shitpants lied twice , The 13 year old that he raped and said he didn't and that he said he didn't shit in his pants. Sorry micro dick we are burying your ass is facts proving shitpants is a liar. and that you are also a liar.
So now we have proven that shitpants lied twice , The 13 year old that he raped and said he didn't and that he said he didn't shit in his pants. Sorry micro dick we are burying your ass is facts proving shitpants is a liar. and that you are also a liar.
I really thought it would take longer but Blisterfinger is easily outsmarted. To be fair, he was dealt a losing hand--having to defend your cult leader is never easy.

What really amazes me is that nobody forces these guys into these positions where they can't defend the blob, derreck chauvain (sp), the white supremacists who killed Ahmed Aubery, James Fields, etc... they go there willingly and when they are exposed...of course the ranting and raving and name calling starts. Again...they are not ever forced to defend these lowlifes...they make that decision on their own then get upset when you point out the lunacy of their self-inflicted injury.
I really thought it would take longer but Blisterfinger is easily outsmarted. To be fair, he was dealt a losing hand--having to defend your cult leader is never easy.

What really amazes me is that nobody forces these guys into these positions where they can't defend the blob, derreck chauvain (sp), the white supremacists who killed Ahmed Aubery, James Fields, etc... they go there willingly and when they are exposed...of course the ranting and raving and name calling starts. Again...they are not ever forced to defend these lowlifes...they make that decision on their own then get upset when you point out the lunacy of their self-inflicted injury.
You are quite the activist aren't you? A real useful idiot, a stooge. Where do you get your marching orders from? BLM?
You are quite the activist aren't you?
I try.
A real useful idiot,'re the one trying to defend the nation's most prolific liar and failing miserably---you've now confirmed two lies your lord and master has told.
Moving on to his lie about the crowd size at his inaugural... Your thoughts on post 1126.

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