Campaign Ad 2016 for Hillary Clinton: The Phone is Ringing from Benghazi-video

Guess we'll see.

I never thought of Palin as a candidate for POTUS but you know what??

She was one hell of a good Gov in Alaska and she knows how to get things done unlike the current jackass in chief.

I also have no doubt Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA and Fast an Furious will be items brought up by those running against Hilbat, if she runs that is. No bet on that one.

Kinda sorta funny that I heard on the news to day that plenty of Dems running for office don't want an endorsement from Barry Boy. Shades of Bush. LOL
the Main ads will be


remember when OBama and Democrats said, if you like your plan you CAN KEEP a good one
As for running on negativity, Republicans better wake to the dirty politics of Democrats, like ads pushing a grandma off a cliff...they better fight dirt against the dirty political party, Progressive/Democrats
Clinton Blows Up at GOP Senator During Benghazi Hearing - C-SPAN Video Library

Johnson: Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Madam Secretary. I'd like to join my colleagues in thanking you for your service sincerely, and also appreciate the fact that you’re here testifying and glad that you’re looking in good health.

Clinton: Thank you.

Johnson: Were you fully aware in real time -- and again, I realize how big your job is and everything is erupting in the Middle East at this time -- were you fully aware of these 20 incidents that were reported in the ARB in real time?

Clinton: I was aware of the ones that were brought to my attention. They were part of our ongoing discussion about the deteriorating threat environment in eastern Libya. We certainly were very conscious of them. I was assured by our security professionals that repairs were under way, additional security upgrades had taken place.

Johnson: Thank you. Did you see personally the cable on -- I believe it was August 12th -- specifically asking for, basically, reinforcements for the security detail that was going to be evacuating or leaving in August? Did you see that personally?

Clinton: No, sir.

Johnson: OK. When you read the ARB, it strikes me as how certain the people were that the attacks started at 9:40 Benghazi time. When was the first time you spoke to -- or have you ever spoken to -- the returnees, the evacuees? Did you personally speak to those folks?

Clinton: I‘ve spoken to one of them, but I waited until after the ARB had done its investigation because I did not want there to be anybody raising any issue that I had spoken to anyone before the ARB conducted its investigation.

Johnson: How many people were evacuated from Libya?

Clinton: Well, the numbers are a little bit hard to pin down because of our other friends --

Johnson: Approximately?

Clinton: Approximately, 25 to 30.

Johnson: Did anybody in the State Department talk to those folks very shortly afterwards?

Clinton: There was discussion going on afterwards, but once the investigation started, the FBI spoke to them before we spoke to them, and so other than our people in Tripoli -- which, I think you’re talking about Washington, right?

Johnson: The point I’m making is, a very simple phone call to these individuals, I think, would’ve ascertained immediately that there was no protest prior to this. This attack started at 9:40 p.m. Benghazi time and it was an assault. I appreciate the fact that you called it an assault. But I’m going back to then-Ambassador [Susan] Rice five days later going on the Sunday shows and, what I would say, is purposefully misleading the American public. Why wasn’t that known? And again, I appreciate the fact that the transparency of this hearing, but why weren’t we transparent to that point in time?

Clinton: Well, first of all, Senator, I would say that once the assault happened, and once we got our people rescued and out, our most immediate concern was, number one, taking care of their injuries. As I said, I still have a DS [Diplomatic Security] agent at Walter Reed seriously injured -- getting them into Frankfurt, Ramstein to get taken care of, the FBI going over immediately to start talking to them. We did not think it was appropriate for us to talk to them before the FBI conducted their interviews. And we did not -- I think this is accurate, sir -- I certainly did not know of any reports that contradicted the IC [Intelligence Community] talking points at the time that Ambassador Rice went on the TV shows. And you know I just want to say that people have accused Ambassador Rice and the administration of misleading Americans. I can say trying to be in the middle of this and understanding what was going on, nothing could be further from the truth. Was information developing? Was the situation fluid? Would we reach conclusions later that weren’t reached initially? And I appreciate the --

Johnson: But, Madame Secretary, do you disagree with me that a simple phone call to those evacuees to determine what happened wouldn’t have ascertained immediately that there was no protest? That was a piece of information that could have been easily, easily obtained?

Clinton: But, Senator, again—

Johnson: Within hours, if not days?

Clinton: Senator, you know, when you’re in these positions, the last thing you want to do is interfere with any other process going on, number one—

Johnson: I realize that’s a good excuse.

Clinton: Well, no, it’s the fact. Number two, I would recommend highly you read both what the ARB said about it and the classified ARB because, even today, there are questions being raised. Now, we have no doubt they were terrorists, they were militants, they attacked us, they killed our people. But what was going on and why they were doing what they were doing is still unknown --

Johnson: No, again, we were misled that there were supposedly protests and that something sprang out of that -- an assault sprang out of that -- and that was easily ascertained that that was not the fact, and the American people could have known that within days and they didn’t know that.

Clinton: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process, I understand, going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear, it is, from my perspective, less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on in the meantime.

Johnson: OK. Thank you, Madame Secretary.

Yeah, this crap will just give the Clintons ammo (-: to move the open minded into their camp. She may not run, and if she does she may not win, but if she doesn't it'll be because of something that isn't yet known. .... and Benghazi won't be part of it. The gop tried, and she knocked it out of the park. If they keep throwing that pitch to her, she'll beat Bonds' record.
If Republicans are planning on running on Benghazi in 2016, they will be sadly disappointed

Their planned outrage had no legs in Nov 2012 ( two months after the attack)
What makes Republicans think there will be outrage four years later?

There will be plenty to campaign about that the repubs can use, Benghazi just being one issue. Hillary does have baggage coming into the next presidential cycle.
She did deny Stevens Military support months before the 9-11 event and he was denied.
Her personality will not be an asset that she can fall back on to help support her. She is no "Slick Willy".
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Candidate B: I have a proven track record in creating jobs and helping a state economy.

I bet even now you couldn't tell us how Romney planned on creating jobs. You'll have to Google it. :lol:

Not sure, but obummercare being repealed or stripped, and no attack on the energy industry via the EPA. Just for starters
Candidate B: I have a proven track record in creating jobs and helping a state economy.

I bet even now you couldn't tell us how Romney planned on creating jobs. You'll have to Google it. :lol:

Not sure, but obummercare being repealed or stripped, and no attack on the energy industry via the EPA. Just for starters

Repeal ObamaCare? That was his plan for job creation? :lol:

We were creating jobs hand over fist before ObamaCare, eh?

This is what I mean. Stock phrases is all you have. You have absolutely no clue what he would have done as President. And that is the case for most of the people who voted for him, I bet.

"Oh, that Romney. He's a job creator!"

When you hear the parrots echoing Limbaugh's "low information voter" catchphrase, just know you are hearing classic psychological projection at work.

That's why these campaigns go negative. They are intellectually, spiritually, and philosophically bankrupt. Both sides.

But at least the Democrats put an actual plan on the table and got it passed. Good or bad, they had the balls to actually do something about a very real problem. The GOP doesn't even have that going for it any more. It's all flag pins, smears, and piss drinking now.

So enjoy your attack ad. It's the full monte exposing a nakedly ugly right wing showing all of us the very best it can do.
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I bet even now you couldn't tell us how Romney planned on creating jobs. You'll have to Google it. :lol:

Not sure, but obummercare being repealed or stripped, and no attack on the energy industry via the EPA. Just for starters

Repeal ObamaCare? That was his plan for job creation? :lol:

We were creating jobs hand over fist before ObamaCare, eh?

This is what I mean. Stock phrases is all you have. You have absolutely no clue what he would have done as President. And that is the case for most of the people who voted for him, I bet.

"Oh, that Romney. He's a job creator!"

When you hear the parrots echoing Limbaugh's "low information voter" catchphrase, just know you are hearing classic psychological projection at work.

Stock phrases? Before the 2007 meltdown were were nearly fully employed as a nation. There wasn't a big push for job creation.
Obamacare has put a pinch on hiring and hiring full timers. Several have cut back or cutback the hours to avoid obamacare. You were just pulling my chain weren't you.
I bet even now you couldn't tell us how Romney planned on creating jobs. You'll have to Google it. :lol:

Not sure, but obummercare being repealed or stripped, and no attack on the energy industry via the EPA. Just for starters

Repeal ObamaCare? That was his plan for job creation? :lol:

We were creating jobs hand over fist before ObamaCare, eh?

This is what I mean. Stock phrases is all you have. You have absolutely no clue what he would have done as President. And that is the case for most of the people who voted for him, I bet.

"Oh, that Romney. He's a job creator!"

When you hear the parrots echoing Limbaugh's "low information voter" catchphrase, just know you are hearing classic psychological projection at work.

That's why these campaigns go negative. They are intellectually, spiritually, and philosophically bankrupt. Both sides.

But at least the Democrats put an actual plan on the table and got it passed. Good or bad, they had the balls to actually do something about a very real problem
. The GOP doesn't even have that going for it any more. It's all flag pins, smears, and piss drinking now.

So enjoy your attack ad. It's the full monte exposing a nakedly ugly right wing.

Yeah, they did put together a plan that was based on deceit. Some get insurance, some lose insurance, but, most are getting their deductibles increased considerably. Even the CBO says in 20 years there will be 30 million without healthcare. You call that success?
Doing nothing sometimes is better than doing something wrong.
Hillary hasn't even declared yet and she's got the far-right scared shitless.

The most popular woman in the world and our country vs. the guy who stranded children on their busses.

Yeah… 2016 is all over.
I'm still laughing my ass off at the "Repeal ObamaCare Program of Job Creation".

I guess that was the GOP plan all these years! "Let's not enact health care reform and that will create jobs! WOO HOO! We're done!"
If Republicans are planning on running on Benghazi in 2016, they will be sadly disappointed

Their planned outrage had no legs in Nov 2012 ( two months after the attack)
What makes Republicans think there will be outrage four years later?

There will be plenty to campaign about that the repubs can use, Benghazi just being one issue. Hillary does have baggage coming into the next presidential cycle.
She did deny Stevens Military support months before the 9-11 event and he was denied.
Her personality will not be an asset that she can fall back on to help support her. She is no "Slick Willy".

Republicans had better have more than Benghazi and a blowjob

Maybe they can start by getting some accomplishments over the next two years

Shutting down government doesn't count
"We're going to be not-Hillary. That will create jobs! We're going to benghazi our way to new jobs. We're going to wear flag pins. That will create jobs."
If Republicans are planning on running on Benghazi in 2016, they will be sadly disappointed

Their planned outrage had no legs in Nov 2012 ( two months after the attack)
What makes Republicans think there will be outrage four years later?

There will be plenty to campaign about that the repubs can use, Benghazi just being one issue. Hillary does have baggage coming into the next presidential cycle.
She did deny Stevens Military support months before the 9-11 event and he was denied.
Her personality will not be an asset that she can fall back on to help support her. She is no "Slick Willy".

Republicans had better have more than Benghazi and a blowjob

Maybe they can start by getting some accomplishments over the next two years

Shutting down government doesn't count

Unless there is a huge turnaround with obummercare, that will be the cannon they need, especially when more cancellation notices start coming out right before the election along with the 2015 premium increases, or the government has to subsidize the insurance companies.
If Republicans are planning on running on Benghazi in 2016, they will be sadly disappointed

Their planned outrage had no legs in Nov 2012 ( two months after the attack)
What makes Republicans think there will be outrage four years later?

Because some liberals, including Dianne Feinstein, concluded that the Benghazi attack was preventable. It's also been made public that Obama and Hillary were told it was terrorism 15 minutes after the attack began.

Still love the excuses.

Blame it on a filmmaker, rather than the murderers.

Claim there wasn't time to respond with help, even though they had no idea how long it would last (or did they?) and people were at the ready to go.

Stand down, everyone, for about 7 or 8 hours. We'll get back to you once the terrorists have completed their mission. Then we'll do nothing, blame it on a video and remain eerily silent for a year or so.

Blame Repubs for proposed spending cuts. The final report showed that was not a factor.

And no one has even attempted to explain why they removed security just days before the attack. Or why they didn't evacuate the people, like other countries did, because of the attacks and ongoing threats in the area. There is no good reason for any of that. The media made a bigger deal out of welfare checks being mailed late than they did about the administration looking the other way while people were killed.
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I'm still laughing my ass off at the "Repeal ObamaCare Program of Job Creation".

I guess that was the GOP plan all these years! "Let's not enact health care reform and that will create jobs! WOO HOO! We're done!"

With as many jobs lost from the recession? You don't see how there could be job creation? Where have you been, or are you just saying that you intentionally discard that obummercare has been a job killer?
A good healthcare law, one that wasn't so overreaching by our government would have and could have worked without the hesitation of hiring from the private sector. But, the administration wanted and still does, the take over of the industry.
Obummercare and other policies has slowed the recovery especially with job creation.

Your a smart guy, g5000, and I say that with respect.

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