Campaign Ad 2016 for Hillary Clinton: The Phone is Ringing from Benghazi-video

If Republicans are planning on running on Benghazi in 2016, they will be sadly disappointed

Their planned outrage had no legs in Nov 2012 ( two months after the attack)
What makes Republicans think there will be outrage four years later?

Most of the country was still in thrall with Obama and Hillary and still didn't have a TRUTHFUL grasp of what really happened and didn't happen that day and night.

Hell, even now there are some of you who don't yet understand this vitally important fact which absolutely strips naked any administration defense for the disgusting and shameful performance by Hillary and Obama and their 'command':

Republicans still don't realize when they have overplayed a weak hand

Americans have put up with terrorism for over 30 years. Not only did we live through 9-11 but dozens of other terrorist attacks that created more outrage

What do Republicans lose by overplaying Benghazi? They lose credibility when Americans recall that Republicans were given a free pass after the horrors of 9-11. Republicans come off as petty and vindictive as they exploit the dead from the attack.

By all means....make Benghazi the centerpoint of your anti-Hillary campaign
Hillary will be our next president.
There are simply more people now in the country that expect more government programs.
On a national level, from this point forward anyone with a "D" next to their name on the ballot have a large advantage.

Only because they are opposed by pessimists like yourself who think you lost because the D's promise gifts. That's total bullshit. The D's are up against weak opponents who don't have enough wattage to come up with solutions, or enough testicular fortitude to put their ideas out there and defend them.

You actually have a lot of people who think someone like Sarah Palin is best the GOP can do! Someone who actually QUIT her job as Governor!
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I really don't think the Right wants to get into a negative campaign pissing contest right now.

I really don't. That would be a colossal blunder.
Candidate A: I am going to give everyone a free puppy!

Candidate B: She is going to give everyone a free puppy! Can you fookin bleev dat? What a horror!

Candidate A: I am going to take the excess profits of oil companies and improve our roads and schools.

Candidate B: She's a goddam marxist, I tell ya!

Candidate A: I'm going to make sure Iran gives up its nuclear weapons program.

Candidate B: She's full of shit! And I heard she's a lesbian!

Now you know exactly three things Candidate A is going do, and you have no clue what Candidate B would do.

Get it?

Candidate A: I am running on the platform of hope and change.

Candidate B: I have a proven track record in creating jobs and helping a state economy.

Candidate A (OR HIS GOONS): Candidate A left a dog on his car roof.

Candidate B: In my state I help create universal health care which is working well.

Candidate A: His wife has MS and rides horses.

Candidate B: Four years ago Candidate A said that if the economy doesn't improve then he would be a one termer. The economy is still weak.

Candidate A: Candidate B wears magic underwear.

Get it?
Hillary will be our next president.
There are simply more people now in the country that expect more government programs.
On a national level, from this point forward anyone with a "D" next to their name on the ballot have a large advantage.

Only because they are opposed by pessimists like yourself who think you lost because the D's promise gifts. That's total bullshit. The D's are up against weak opponents who don't have enough wattage to come up with solutions, or enough testicular fortitude to put their ideas out there and defend them.

You actually have a lot of people who think someone like Sarah Palin is best the GOP can do! Someone who actually QUIT her job as Governor!

Why do you folks keep bring up her stepping down? She was being relentlessly harassed by the liberal left media. She left the state in good shape. But it is refreshing to know that you think she was doing such a great job she should not have left.

Now counter that to the promises made by a junior Senator who only got the office by destroying his opponent over a personal issue. YOU were promised by that Senator that he was NOT going to run for President he didn't have the experience. So he did exactly the opposite of what was promised and ended up quitting the job he promised he would not. Of course the come back is he only quit because he won an election, and election he had to campaign for for a year.
So tell us, what difference does it make if in the initial hours someone in the Obama Administration said there was a protest which led to an attack on the embassy?

The FBI was on the case, investigating the incident. No hard facts were known, but the Administration was expected to remark on the incident in the immediate hours following the attack. Obama clearly called it an attack and an act of terror. There had indeed been protests all over the Middle East over the video in the days immediately preceding the attack, and so a guess that the attack on the Benghazi consulate was related is not an unreasonable leap to make.

So, seriously, what difference does it make?

It makes no difference. It changes nothing.

It's not like other people did not make untrue statements. Fox News propagated the "stand down order" for not just days, but for months. More than a year later, some people are STILL propagating that untruth.

Others propagated the "Obama watched as they died" lie for weeks after the incident.

None of this is even remotely related to the attack on Benghazi. It is just a bunch of completely irrelevant rhetoric.

So when the dickhead was trying to nail Clinton down and whether or not someone else had said something about a protest, it was perfectly natural to say, "What difference does it make?" Because it makes no difference. At all. The jackass was more concerned about scoring one of the most petty political points of all time than discerning the truth.

You miss the vital importance of what, "what does it matter" means.

She was attempting to gloss over her own culpability in the matter instead of being accountable.

Some people who SHOULD have been protected, if not BEFOREHAND (question of poor planning, poor assessment of the situation on the ground, or guilt in doing nefarious deeds they wanted to keep secret from even the government bureaucracy) should have been protected AT THE FIRST SIGN OF AN ATTACK!

Of course none of it matters after they are all dead.

But what DOES matter is what Hillary et al did and did not do that they don't want to talk about...


I.E. to save their own asses.

Hell no, Hillary!

Hell NO!
Hillary will be our next president.
There are simply more people now in the country that expect more government programs.
On a national level, from this point forward anyone with a "D" next to their name on the ballot have a large advantage.

Only because they are opposed by pessimists like yourself who think you lost because the D's promise gifts. That's total bullshit. The D's are up against weak opponents who don't have enough wattage to come up with solutions, or enough testicular fortitude to put their ideas out there and defend them.

You actually have a lot of people who think someone like Sarah Palin is best the GOP can do! Someone who actually QUIT her job as Governor!

Why do you folks keep bring up her stepping down? She was being relentlessly harassed by the liberal left media.

BWA-HA-HA-HA! Holy fuck! I'm glad I was not eating something when I read that, I would have choked to death.

She left because she was under investigation for ethics violations.

And, gee, you mean to tell me you can't think of any other politician who is under relentless partisan attacks? Say...that guy Obama?

You have GOT to be joking.
Like I said, I think it would be a colossal blunder to go with the same old bullshit failed strategies.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
Only because they are opposed by pessimists like yourself who think you lost because the D's promise gifts. That's total bullshit. The D's are up against weak opponents who don't have enough wattage to come up with solutions, or enough testicular fortitude to put their ideas out there and defend them.

You actually have a lot of people who think someone like Sarah Palin is best the GOP can do! Someone who actually QUIT her job as Governor!

Why do you folks keep bring up her stepping down? She was being relentlessly harassed by the liberal left media.

BWA-HA-HA-HA! Holy fuck! I'm glad I was not eating something when I read that, I would have choked to death.

She left because she was under investigation for ethics violations.

And, gee, you mean to tell me you can't think of any other politician who is under relentless partisan attacks? Say...that guy Obama?

You have GOT to be joking.

So what her reason? The liberal left proved to be nothing but misogynists. I didn't hear where Obama had a reporter move in next to him just so he could dig up dirt.

BTW, no comment on the person who actually broke his promise? Your sights is just set on women?
Why do you folks keep bring up her stepping down? She was being relentlessly harassed by the liberal left media.

Do you realize you have just admitted Sarah Palin can not handle the pressures of the job of President?

Yeah. You just cut her throat yourself.
I really don't think the Right wants to get into a negative campaign pissing contest right now.

I really don't. That would be a colossal blunder.

Well, that's what makes for the BEST pissing matches.

When both sides believe they can piss higher than the other and are full of piss and are rearin to go at it.

Hillary and most everyone hoping to ride Obama's coattails is going down.

Deservedly so.


They all should be brought up on charges of malfeasance.
Like I said, I think it would be a colossal blunder to go with the same old bullshit failed strategies.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

I will agree with you on one thing, there are no viable candidates on the RNC side. I disagree over Benghazi. Some one should pay for putting those men in the position they were in. Whether it be the CIA for blotched intelligence or the Obama administration for putting them in a position without protection apparently doing something shadowy.
Why do you folks keep bring up her stepping down? She was being relentlessly harassed by the liberal left media.

Do you realize you have just admitted Sarah Palin can not handle the pressures of the job of President?

Yeah. You just cut her throat yourself.

I never said she should run for president but I will say she is more of a man when it comes to criticism then the one we have in the oval office today.

I can't imagine the wailing from the OO if Letterman made "jokes" about one of Obama's daughters.

BTW, let's face it, both left office because they found more opportunity. Only real difference is that Obama promised not to leave and did. And I would vote for her for President.
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Why do you folks keep bring up her stepping down? She was being relentlessly harassed by the liberal left media.

Do you realize you have just admitted Sarah Palin can not handle the pressures of the job of President?

Yeah. You just cut her throat yourself.

I applaud her decision to step down.

The people of Alaska deserve a Governor who can spend all or most of his or her time GOVERNING. Not playing politics.

Apparently you liberals believe politics is why a public servant serves.

You all who believe that are loons.

Perversity is on display with every utterance you make.
Like I said, I think it would be a colossal blunder to go with the same old bullshit failed strategies.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

I will agree with you on one thing, there are no viable candidates on the RNC side. I disagree over Benghazi. Some one should pay for putting those men in the position they were in. Whether it be the CIA for blotched intelligence or the Obama administration for putting them in a position without protection apparently doing something shadowy.

Ted Cruz is da man.

If Republicans are planning on running on Benghazi in 2016, they will be sadly disappointed

Their planned outrage had no legs in Nov 2012 ( two months after the attack)
What makes Republicans think there will be outrage four years later?

Most of the country was still in thrall with Obama and Hillary and still didn't have a TRUTHFUL grasp of what really happened and didn't happen that day and night.

Hell, even now there are some of you who don't yet understand this vitally important fact which absolutely strips naked any administration defense for the disgusting and shameful performance by Hillary and Obama and their 'command':

Republicans still don't realize when they have overplayed a weak hand

Americans have put up with terrorism for over 30 years. Not only did we live through 9-11 but dozens of other terrorist attacks that created more outrage

What do Republicans lose by overplaying Benghazi? They lose credibility when Americans recall that Republicans were given a free pass after the horrors of 9-11. Republicans come off as petty and vindictive as they exploit the dead from the attack.

By all means....make Benghazi the centerpoint of your anti-Hillary campaign

Your concerns are all on paper.

You read all of this stuff and calculated this is the way you should attack the GOP.

Well, you can perform your "Jihad" all you want and from wherever you happen to be. But, good Americans know you aren't one of U.S.

If you were you wouldn't post the way you do.

And no matter how much you work at it, you can't fake an American's love of America.

You have been discredited.

Besides, why would you try to help the GOP?

Yeah, let's hear this one.

Can't wait.

Most of the country was still in thrall with Obama and Hillary and still didn't have a TRUTHFUL grasp of what really happened and didn't happen that day and night.

Hell, even now there are some of you who don't yet understand this vitally important fact which absolutely strips naked any administration defense for the disgusting and shameful performance by Hillary and Obama and their 'command':

Republicans still don't realize when they have overplayed a weak hand

Americans have put up with terrorism for over 30 years. Not only did we live through 9-11 but dozens of other terrorist attacks that created more outrage

What do Republicans lose by overplaying Benghazi? They lose credibility when Americans recall that Republicans were given a free pass after the horrors of 9-11. Republicans come off as petty and vindictive as they exploit the dead from the attack.

By all means....make Benghazi the centerpoint of your anti-Hillary campaign

Your concerns are all on paper.

You read all of this stuff and calculated this is the way you should attack the GOP.

Well, you can perform your "Jihad" all you want and from wherever you happen to be. But, good Americans know you aren't one of U.S.

If you were you wouldn't post the way you do.

And no matter how much you work at it, you can't fake an American's love of America.

You have been discredited.

Besides, why would you try to help the GOP?

Yeah, let's hear this one.

Can't wait.


In the last two Democratic presidencies, Republicans have destroyed themselves by beating a dead horse. They think that a crisis that lasted a few weeks can be maintained for years
With Clinton it was Whitewater and a blowjob
With Obama it was Fast and Furious, IRS and Benghazi

You guys still think you can win by overplaying a weak hand

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