Cameras that plug in?


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
I know nothing about photography. Nothing, I tell you. I'm a sound guy. But I do have occasion to need a quick, easy and simple basic device for things like eBay items. I have two already, the problem is they suck batteries like candy. Even though I'm already using lithium cells.

Does anyone make a decent basic camera like this with the option that you can plug into a power source instead of depending on batteries? Seems it should be easy to do. I've had it with spending more on batteries than on cameras.

Any point and shoot pocket digital with a zoom should work if you don't have a good phone cam.
Yeah thanks but I don't do the smartphone thing (tablet iPad etc). My little basic cellphone has a camera built in of course, but then you can't get the pic out of there without paying the phone company a quarter a pop, plus I'd have to drive a couple of miles to get to a cell signal every time I wanted to do that so... that's not happening.

I was just hoping somebody at some point had thought to put in a plug-in option. I keep hearing some say use rechargeable AAs. Might try that if what I'm looking for doesn't exist...

Or maybe I should just put up a floodlight so I don't need the flash to flash. That's what's taking all the juice.
Why would you have to pay someone to get pictures off a tablet? Just put the SD card in another device. In any case just use a point and shoot digital. I have a coolpix camera I rarely used.
Or plug the phone directly into your computer via the charging cable. You can pull the pictures off directly without paying for data usage or text messaging.
Alternatively (if you have spare data and no spare text capabilities) you can use a free program like dropbox to send your pictures wirelessly to any device on the internet. That is another easy solution if you have wifi at home as you will not have to worry about data usage.
Why would you have to pay someone to get pictures off a tablet? Just put the SD card in another device. In any case just use a point and shoot digital. I have a coolpix camera I rarely used.

I don't have a tablet.
Or plug the phone directly into your computer via the charging cable. You can pull the pictures off directly without paying for data usage or text messaging.
Alternatively (if you have spare data and no spare text capabilities) you can use a free program like dropbox to send your pictures wirelessly to any device on the internet. That is another easy solution if you have wifi at home as you will not have to worry about data usage.

Far as I know there is no way to move photos off the phone without a data charge, which last I heard was 25c a pic, and even then I'd have to get in the car and drive up the road to a signal area every time I wanted to do it. If the phone had an SDHC card port then maybe but it doesn't. Actually the only reason I have a cellphone at all is for rare emergencies. It's as basi as you can get; I spend maybe a hundred bucks a year on it.

Think I'm gonna just go ahead and try getting these "Eneloop" rechargeable batteries that are supposed to be all that and see what develops, pun intended. Was just hoping there was a more practical way.

I went outside to shoot a couple of items so I could have more light, but they look like crap.

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